Monday, April 3, 2017

#ManCrush Monday


My man crush Monday goes out to this man right here! 
I don't give him enough credit most days.
He is my rock - yes, he drives me crazy, and there are days I think it would be easier not being married.
But then God brings me back to reality and make some realize that I would not be the same woman without this MAN in my life.
He challenges me, he pushes me outside my comfort zone, he supports my every decision even when I don't know if I do, and he believes in me 100%+.
We might be a country apart, but I know that distance makes the heart grow fonder and that God has big things coming our way! 
Thank you babe for all that you do! I LOVE you! ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜˜

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