Thursday, April 27, 2017



Do you ever feel like you have to be PERFECT at everything or you just aren't ENOUGH?
If you are a woman, I know your shaking your head yes.
We all, including myself think we have to be the perfect wife, mother, worker, friend, family member, cook, maid, etc! 
We go so far to degrade ourselves when we aren't perfect at those things, we talk down, and say we aren't enough, that we need to do better, try harder.
Well ladies, I am here to tell you, you ARE ENOUGH!!
Your house doesn't have to be spotless. 
Your work doesn't have to be flawless. 
You don't have to please that finicky member of your family. 
You don't have to look like a page out of the magazine. 
We weren't put on this earth to be perfect. We weren't put on this earth to be flawless.
You were made to be your! You were made the way GOD wanted you to be made.
You're already enough because Jesus is enough in you. You're loved, accepted, set free to live your LIFE to the fullest.
So the next time you start to belittle yourself because you made a mistake or that you didn't live up to what your expectations of perfect are. 
You are ENOUGH!! You are LOVED!!

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