Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Three months ago, I was scared SHITLESS...

Three months ago, I was scared SHITLESS...

I had always told myself I wasn't going to be "THAT GIRL" with my business and that when times were tough, I would just work harder. 
So I did. 
I worked harder than I ever had in my life.
Some days were 4am until 11pm, non-stop.
If I wasn't seeing the fruits of my labor, then I wasn't working hard enough. #noexcuses
What I wasn't noticing was that...
It was affecting my attitude, my relationship with my husband, our finances, my health and whatever "balance" I thought I had. I was stressed OUT, working and working and working, pushing family out of my life to focus on more work, and at the end of each day...I felt that I had exhausted every single option I had and nothing was happening.
"What am I doing wrong?"
"What am I going to do?"
It felt like I was a hamster in a wheel, spinning and spinning and spinning. Getting no where. 
I was losing my balance and calm.
It went against my feelings of being "that person" and what I was always taught was the WRONG thing to do. I was afraid of what people might think of me. Will I lose all credibility? Will people talk shit? Will I lose friends? What if I lose everything I've worked for in the past 3 years?
And then...GOD said jump! Move on and don't worry.
Was I scared? Yes! 
Did I question him? Oh yes!
Was the timing perfect? Hell no! 
But, I was drained and burnt out, and had lost whatever was left of being an entrepreneur.
So I jumped! I trust in God and I took the risk.
The risk I took was 100% the hardest leap I've taken.
...but the ABSOLUTE best decision I've made in business, for my health, and especially with restoring happiness back into relationships with my close network of people and the love of my life, Rich.
I couldn't believe what was happening!
The entrepreneurial spirit is lit again.
There is balance in my life again.
I am meeting new friends I actually have a social life again.
My team can feel my energy and it rubs off on them to crush their day again.
And the GROWTH in more than I've EVER experienced.
And it was ALL BECAUSE of that moment when you stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited of what could go right. When you put your faith into God and say I trust you, show me the way!
Entrepreneurs, take risks that you're so scared to take. There isn't anything wrong with making adjustments or doing what's best for you and your family.
Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you are wrong or you should feel ashamed or that you're making a mistake.
Your choices aren't mistakes. 
They are lessons learned.
Pretty sure that's why we're called Entrepreneurs. ðŸ’‹ðŸ’„💋

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