Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Survival Tips

Happy 4th of July!!! I hope you all have an amazing day, fun times with family and friends, and enjoy the beautiful fire work display in your hometown.

Here are a few survival tips I came up with to help you stay on track but still enjoy the festivities!

1. Get your workout in. No ifs, ands, or buts. No excuses. Whatever you do fit it in because you will regret it later.

2. Drink your shake before you go! Mix up your shakeology and drink it before you head out to all the parties! Why? Drinking your shake before you go out will help you with your cravings, temptations, and let you stomach now it is full so you aren't tempted to pig out or over eat.

3. Position yourself away from all the temptations and food in general. At most parties there is always a huge table full of food and that is where everyone gathers. Stay away from the table and make your own gathering away from the food and adult beverages.

4. Position yourself by the fruits and veggies. If you have to stand around a table full of food, then position yourself around the fruits and veggies. If you are going to be tempted to grab a bite while socializing at least make sure your grabbing the healthy food. And be aware of what you are putting into your body and how much. You don't want to overeat on any food, even the healthy food.

5. Drink lots and lots of WATER. Make sure you have a glass or a bottle of water in your hands at all times! If you are going to fill up on anything, fill up on water. When you are tempted to add more food to your plate or take an extra serving or go after the tempting foods, take a sip of water, chug it if you must. Nourish your body with water and make sure you aren't eating when you are really just dehydrated and thirsty.

6. Allow yourself one small, rational, portion controlled treat. Having a small treat wont ruin your diet. Just don't make it a huge treat or a couple treats. If there is something there that you want to try, try it. Allow yourself to have a small piece. Don't deprive yourself of a small treat, because then you will e made and not stick to your plan, goals, and new lifestyle.

7. HAVE FUN!!! It's the 4th. Have fun with your family and friends today. Enjoy the day and don't over think things or over eat!

HAPPY 4th of JULY to all of you!!!

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