Saturday, July 12, 2014

Honeymoon.....Did you go on one?

Good Morning! It has been 5 days since we were married and my husband, Rich and I laugh because we don't feel that anything has changed. We have been together for almost 4 years and we have lived together now for almost a year and half. The only thing I said that has changed is the second ring on my finger and the ring on his. Which is a good thing!! I am glad things haven't changed!

As for Honeymoon, we decided to wait on one for many reasons.

1. We want to save up money and go some where really special and somewhere where we have never been. We are thinking maybe to another country.

2. Rich is a football coach and has to be back in the office by the end of July and if we went on a Honeymoon we would just feel too rushed when getting back.

3. We wanted to relax and enjoy the new married life at home before football season starts up and the craziness begins.

4. We did our wedding / reception in 2 parts. We have part 2 coming up in a week. Next Saturday July 19, to be exact. Our wedding was for just our parents and siblings. The Reception that we are calling a party, is for our family and close friends that we didn't want to have pay for plane tickets to come to California for the wedding. So much easier this way!!

So did you go on a Honeymoon? Would you go right away or would you wait and save up so you can go somewhere special?

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