Monday, July 7, 2014

Wedding Day!!

Good Morning!!!

It's my wedding day!!! I am so excited to marry my best friend today! I am getting married on Coronado Beach in California at Sunset! I have been planning for this day for over a year now and can't believe it is here!!

This morning I woke up and did T25! A year ago I bought T25 to help me get in shape for my wedding and add cardio back into my routine without having to go to the gym and get on a machine. T25 changed my life and gave me the health and fitness, not to mention abs I have been looking for! I love T25 and look forward to doing it every day. Today I felt it was appropriate to start my wedding day off with the man that started my journey and got me to lose the extra weight I was carrying around.

For breakfast, I had my blueberry oatmeal, chocolate shakeology to give me the extra boost of energy I will need and to help me with the fun, crazy, busy day ahead!

As for my plans today, I am getting married at sunset so I  have the whole day to relax and get things done. My hair appointment is at 2 and the Limo is coming for me at 5:30. I plan on just taking in the day and enjoying every moment with my family and my in-laws. There will be no stress today!

What is one piece of advice you would give a bride on her special day? I would love to hear it for myself!

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