Thursday, November 12, 2015

Maintain Don't Gain this Holiday Season

The holiday season is among us. Whether we want to admit it or not, it's here!! 

Do you want to wear your SKINNY Jeans this Holiday Season? Do you want to feel comfortable and confident in what you wear? Do you have a little black dress you plan on wearing this New Years?

Did you know that most people gain an average of 8-15 pounds over the holiday season. That means from October to January 1st people put on anywhere from 2-5 pounds a month.

And when you think about it, it makes sense. After all, it was candy season last month, this month is stuff yourself like a turkey month, and then Christmas is nothing but sweets and parties galore!!

Don't be the norm. Don't wait till you wake up New Year's Day and realize your clothes don't fit.

Be among the few and DON'T GAIN any weight this holiday season!

How? By letting me help you! With my Maintain Don't Gain Fitness group, you will be able to still enjoy all those treats, delicious thanksgiving meal, left over, and holiday parties with built in cheat days, portion control, and learning how to make choices over what you REALLY want and what you don't care for.

I promise I won't tell you no when it comes to enjoying the holidays, because I will be enjoying the treats and meals along with you.

BUT I will provide you the tools, support, and accountability to be among the few that don't gain weight during the holiday season and even help you lose weight this time of year!

Last year, my members where among the few and were able to keep the weight off, lose weight, and still enjoy try sweets and treats that the holiday season brings!

If you don't want to be among the many, then fill out this application. Let's get you enjoying the holiday season while not feeling bloated and guilty from treats and meals you will be enjoying!

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