Friday, July 29, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #88 - 3 Ways Stress Can Make You Fat

3 Ways Stress Can Make You Fat 

Stress: it’s something we all have to deal with. Stress is a natural part of life, and in the short term, it is a healthy reaction that helps us deal accordingly with conflict. However, when stress continues over a long period of time, our health can go awry.

One of the negative side effects of chronic stress is, unfortunately, weight gain. The two may seem unrelated at first; however, a body of research suggests that stress can indeed contribute to piling on the pounds.

Here’s how:
1. Stress encourages the body to accumulate fat

When we are stressed out, our bodies respond to food differently than when we are relaxed. Specifically, under stress, our nerve cells release neuropeptide Y, a molecule that encourages the body to store fat.

So, the more stressed we are, and the longer we are stressed, the more weight we can potentially gain. If you are suffering from chronic stress, you may be eating the same type and the same amount of food as always, but notice yourself gaining more weight.

2. Stress may lead to dangerous belly fat

Living in a state of stress can lead not only to general weight gain, but also to weight accumulation around your middle. This is because elevated stress leads to an overproduction of cortisol in the body. Cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” encourages the body to store weight around the abdomen.

This type of fat, called “belly fat” or visceral fat, is an extremely dangerous type of fat to carry. This is because it coats the organs and encourages system-wide inflammation. Inflammation can then lead to a host of health problems, such as heart disease, autoimmune disease, and insulin resistance.

Stress and the accumulation of belly fat can also become a dangerous cycle: belly fat itself triggers more cortisol to be produced in the body.

3. Stress may trigger unhealthy food cravings

Many people get serious food cravings when they are stressed out, usually for less-than-healthy foods. Baked, carbohydrate-rich snacks such as cookies are especially popular “comfort foods.” We likely crave these foods because carbs temporarily raise serotonin levels, which mitigates the stress for a short time.

If this becomes habit, we start eating these carb-filled foods as a form of self-medication. This does nothing to address stress long term, and it can obviously lead to quite a bit of weight gain.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

New RecipeS - 3 Delicious Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas!

3 Make Ahead Breakfast Ideas!

I don't know about you, but when I hate coming up with ideas for breakfast and I honestly do NOT care to stand around making anything either!

I LOVE my overnight oatmeal bowls, but they get old eventually, and old I mean having it daily gets boring after a while. 

So here are 3 different amazing make ahead breakfast recipes that you and your WHOLE family will love and that you can make on Sunday and have through out the week! 

What I do now is I make 2-3 Different breakfast bowls on Sunday, my meal prep day, and then alternate them through out the week so I don't get tired of having the same thing every day! 

Each one of these bowls has a different taste to it, so even if you are eating a breakfast bowl daily your pallet will not get bored and will actully love each one for its uniqueness!

What is your go to breakfast that you make?

Breakfast Power Bowl

Make-Ahead Breakfast Bowl

Chewy Cinnamon Cranberry No Bake Breakfast Bars

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Country Heat RELEASES TODAY!!!

What Is Country Heat By Autumn Calabrese

Do you like Country Music?
Do you like dance cardio?
Do you want to spice up your cardio?
Do you DISLIKE working out?
Do you need your workouts to be fun in order to do them?

No matter what your reason, if you are looking for something to spice up your fitness regime or you want to get started this could be the program for you!

Beachbody is releasing a BRAND NEW fitness program on July 28th 2016 to the network!  COUNTRY HEAT is going to knock your socks off!  At first I was a little skeptical of a country music workout because I have two left feet, I'm not very coordinated and I like to sweat and get a hard workout in.  I really wasn't excited about this new program!  BUT..... that all changed when I got the chance to do the workout through a sneak peek on Beachbody On Demand. This program had me literally DRIPPING sweat and I didn't feel lost or confused by the moves.  Anyone can do it!  It is not hard at all.  Plus my legs were on fire, my core was burning and I could tell it is way more than cardio.  It's great for your entire body!

I am really excited for the launch of this program and I'm going to be walking a select group of people from beginning to end through the program!  I'm going to be making sample meal plans, giving you recipes, tips and guidance on how to rock this program!  The people in the test group are getting incredible results and one even lost over 60 pounds in 90 days!!! That is so cool.

So lets talk about WHAT this program actually is?

First of all it features all of the hottest country music!  There is NO CHOREOGRAPHY to remember, just follow along for the 27-30 minute workout!  This workout program is high energy, low impact dance workout that is super fun and easy to follow.  Autumn Calabrese created this program and has also created the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Co Creator of Hammer and Chisel, author of the Fixate cookbook, mom and bikini competitor.  She has her certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the American Fitness Professionals and Associates. She is extremely talented and gifted at getting you results.

There are 5 high energy, cardio based dance workouts, 1 dance conditioning workout, and the portion controlled eating plan! 


First of all it is a workout you will actually stick to!  Autumn makes it fun and easy.
You get 5 high energy dance workouts and 1 dance conditioning workout to give you all the calorie burning benefits of a great cardio workout while using every muscle in your body to fire up your metabolism.

There are no complicated moves, NO WEIGHTS OR EQUIPMENT required.

Autumn uses her portion control container system and meal plan to help you lose weight by eating what you want in the right amounts each day.  


ANYONE from beginners to 21 Day Fix Graduates to those advanced in their fitness that want something different and fun!  It is great for all ages and sizes!  People who like Zumba, people who want to lose weight and are looking for results in 30 days!  People who generally don't like to exercise or who want a lifestyle change, but aren't sure where to begin!  {DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU??}  

This workout is great for people who have tried and failed at complicated diets and exercise programs.  The reason is that its easy to follow the portion controlled container system and you have ME as your coach to guide you every single step of the way!  I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and stick with the workouts from beginning to end.  Plus the workouts are fun and you don't even know you are working out!!!  

If you want to lose weight then yes that is accomplished in the program!  I encourage everyone to do at least 2-3 rounds of the program. The reason is that in the first 30 days you are just learning the ropes.  You are getting a good handle on your nutrition and understanding the portion controlled containers.  As you dial in your nutrition you can increase your results!!

This program is great for those that like to dance but are intimidated by choreography.  THAT IS ME!!!  I have two left feed and I want to get in, sweat and get out!  So I'm pumped for this!


When you purchase your Country Heat you will get:

- 6 workouts on 3 DVDs in 30 minutes or less.

-7 Color coded portion controlled containers to efficiently help you portion out your food

-Country Heat Nutrition Plan which is an easy to follow guide that has recipes, tips, and more to help you get results.

-30 Days of Shakeology in any flavor 

-Quickstart Guide- This is a simple 3 step guide that preps you for your fitness journey by giving you the low down on the nutrition plan and workouts.

-30 Day Calendar so that you know exactly what workouts to do in what order to maximize your results.

-Plus when you get the challenge pack you get access to Country Heat On Demand which means unlimited access to stream Country Heat and all the other workouts to any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device.  So you can start your workouts the minute you make your purchase.


Did you know you can get it right here from me?  

Plus I am going to be launching my first official COUNTRY HEAT TEST GROUP on Monday August 1st and workouts start on the 8th of August!  You can get personal, 24/7 mentoring, guidance and support from me in a closed online accountability and support group!  I am going to basically walk you through the entire program from beginning to end.  I will teach you how to navigate the nutrition plan, how to choose healthier snacks, swap out your bad habits for better choices and how to truly make a lifestyle change vs. a crash diet.  

I will be there to help you stay accountable, to track your food, to keep you motivated when you are not feeling it!  My job is to be your support system and sounding board!  I don't want this to be another program you invest in and don't complete!  This time it will be different!! TRUST ME!!

All you need to do is get your name on the list to be the FIRST to know about the program launch!

If you DO NOT HAVE A COACH the first step is to make me your FREE COACH.  Click here to sign up for free.  If you already have a coach that you work with please reach out to your coach for details on their launch groups!

If you do not have a coach and would like to be in the official test group then complete this application to be considered for a spot in the group.  I will be hand selecting a group of people who are committed, dedicated and ready to make some changes in their health and fitness!  So don't delay, spots will absolutely fill up fast.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Transformation Tuesday - Jess S. Hammer and Chisel

Transformation Tuesday: Hammer & Chisel

This took a lot of courage for Jess to post and talk about because she really doesn't want people to see her like this. But we both think it's important for her to share because she wants to inspire at least one person to make a change and live a healthy lifestyle.

So here's her transformation so far. She's a work in progress. On April 7th, she gave birth to her fourth child. During that pregnancy, she gained over 50 lbs. It was the most she every gained during one of her pregnancies. After giving birth, she lost 30 lbs, BUT she is still stuck with this extra 20+lbs to get rid of. So once she was cleared by the doctor, she started another beachbody program called hammer and chisel. This was an 8 week program in which she worked out with Autumn and Sagi. The workouts ranged from 24 minutes to 45 minutes. The workouts were challenging and she could feel myself getting stronger.

At the conclusion of this program, she lost a total of 5 lbs and 5 inches! Was she hoping to lose more? Honestly, yes! But she is proud of what she accomplished so far. She got up every day and worked out and drank her shakeology with four kids! Is she finished? No! She plans to continue with another beachbody program in order to reach her goals. So if a 30 something mom of four can do this, so can you! Just find what motivates you and push yourself to reach those goals!

Monday, July 25, 2016

3 years ago I went to my first Summit! Its crazy how much has changed!


What is it? 
If you asked me 2 years ago I would have said, "I don't know!" I would have also told "I didn't think it was for me!"
I would have told you it was WAY too many people for me. I didn't like traveling, let alone flying. And that I was an introvert. I was getting married. I didn't have the money.
But I did went anyway! I invested into you this thing called summit. 
And guess what! It changed my life! I met amazing ladies I had only known on Facebook. I met some of my best friends there. I got to workout with top celebrity trainers like Shaun T and Tony Horton. I got to learn from top coaches! 
And now almost 3 years later, I am going to my 3rd Summit! And this time I going with 6 of my coaches, being recognized for multiple accomplishments, going to parties for hitting personal goals with helping others each month, and working out again with the top Celebrity trainers! 
3 years ago, when I went to summit, I was teacher and not looking forward to another year. 
NOW I am NO longer teaching! I have been able to quit my full time teaching job and work as a FULL TIME coach! I get paid full time, but work part time / set my own schedule! 
I am leading a team of strong men and women that are building their teams. I am leading a 2015 PREMIERE team! And I am leading a team that is working towards ending the year as an Elite team! 
I am looking to mentor individuals that are passionate, goal driven, want freedom, are teachable, and dedicated! Individuals that want to join me next year at SUMMIT! And individuals who want to end 2016 off with a BANG!!!
I am looking for individuals that want a life of freedom. That want to travel, be rewarded just for getting healthy and fit. Individuals that want to stay home and raise their kids and want to get out of the rat race. 
Team Fearless Dreamers is on fire and we are getting ready to end this year on top and head into 2017 with an explosion! 
Will you be joining us? Will you be part of of this team that is on fire? 
This is your sign! Don't wait any longer!! If you want a life of freedom, be able to stay home and raise your kids, go on fun trips, and enjoy helping others. 
Then don't think twice! Just jump! And I will help you figure out the rest! 
Summit changed my life. Coaching changed my life. And I couldn't be happier with the choices I made blindly 3 years ago! 
If you are ready to take this journey, if you are ready to invest in your future, if you are ready to join me at summit next year, then message me, like this post, or email me @
Let's get you started on the life you've been dreaming of! 
Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings for the most recent information on the actual incomes of all our Coaches.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #87 - Why You Should Avoid Low-Fat Dairy Products

Why You Should Avoid Low-Fat Dairy Products

Surprisingly, the myth suggesting low-fat dairy is better for you than full fat still circulates. Yet, a growing body of scientific evidence challenges those long-held beliefs that low-fat milk and dairy products are better for your health. Recent studies suggest that high-fat dairy does not cause obesity or contribute to diabetes and cardiovascular disease; in fact, it may even help prevent it. Here’s why you should consider switching your low-fat yogurt for full fat.

Dairy fat won’t make you fat

When it comes to fat, dairy products in particular continue to be the focus of debate. It seems that controversy continues to brew regarding which type of fat is better for your health — low fat or full fat. Dietary guidelines have long recommended low-fat or nonfat dairy over full-fat or whole milk products, which are higher in saturated fats.    

However, new research now suggests that what we mistakenly thought was bad for our health could in fact be good for our health. A meta-analysis published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that people who drink whole milk are likely to weigh less and have lower rates of obesity than those who choose low-fat or skim milk products. The evidence concluded that dairy fat or high-fat dairy foods do not contribute to obesity or cardiometabolic risk.

Another study conducted over a 16-year period involved 1,529 adults aged 25 to 78 years, who habitually consumed high- or low-fat dairy milk, yogurt and full-fat cheese. The study concluded that high-fat dairy products were not linked to mortality. In fact, research suggested that eating full-fat dairy might actually be beneficial for cardiovascular health, although further research is needed.

Low-fat dairy and the link to infertility

If you’re trying to conceive, you may want to reconsider eating low-fat dairy, or at the very least consume less than one serving per week. A study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who ate two or more servings of low-fat dairy foods per day, mainly skim milk and yogurt, actually increased their risk of infertility by over 85 percent — compared to women who ate less than one serving of low-fat dairy food per week.

Researchers followed 18,555 married, premenopausal women without a history of infertility who attempted to get pregnant or became pregnant during an eight-year period. Their diet was assessed twice during the study period using food-frequency questionnaires. The study concluded that a high intake of low-fat dairy foods actually increased the risk of infertility. Conversely, the study suggested that high-fat dairy foods may actually decrease this risk.

High-fat dairy may reduce your risk of colorectal cancer

High-fat dairy foods contain several potentially anticarcinogenic factors, including conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), a group of compounds found in the fatty acid linoleic acid. “Conjugated linoleic acid is used for cancer, ‘hardening of the arteries,’ (atherosclerosis), obesity, weight loss caused by chronic disease, bodybuilding, and limiting food allergy reactions,” suggests WebMD.

It turns out that CLA may also have beneficial effects on colorectal cancer. A study conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, examined the link between long-term high-fat dairy food consumption, CLA intake and the incidence of colorectal cancer.

The study consisted of 708 women aged 40 to 76 years of age. The participants consumed high-fat dairy foods and were assessed from 1987 to 1990, and again in 1997. The study suggested that high intakes of high-fat dairy foods and CLA may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Fat is not the enemy

In light of all the recent research that contradicts previous notions on low-fat dairy, the healing properties of full-fat, raw milk was actually touted in the early 1900s as the “milk cure.” Back in the day, raw milk was used as medicine at the Mayo Clinic to successfully treat cancer, allergies, prostate issues, skin problems, kidney disease, urinary tract issues, chronic fatigue and more. Unlike today, the only milk available during that period in history was raw, organic, pesticide-free whole milk, rich in butterfat from pasture-fed cows.

Dr. Crewe, MD, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation, published an article in Certified Milk Magazine (January 1929) describing the milk treatment as a combination of “detoxifying fast and nutrient dense feeding,” and wrote how diseases, with no similarity, improved quickly on raw milk.

Unfortunately, his medical peers were not as keen. While many physicians agreed on the benefits of dairy products, no one was interested in using it as a treatment alone.

“The chief fault of the treatment is that it is too simple,” wrote Crewe, “and it does not appeal to the modern medical man.”

Dairy fat is not the enemy. It’s satisfying, provides a feeling of fullness and helps us to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. More and more science is proving that low-fat dairy should be avoided and full-fat dairy embraced.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

NEW RecipeS - 3 Different Salads to Make During the Work Week

 3 Different Salads to Make During the Work Week! 

I don't know about you, but when I was working full time as a Teacher, my go to lunch was a Salad, BUT I normally made the SAME one over and over again and by the middle of the year I was BORED with my salad and sick of the same thing! 

So here are 3 different amazing salads that you can make on Sunday and have to take with you through out the week! 

What I do now is I make 2-3 Different salads or lunches on Sunday, my meal prep day, and then alternate them through out the week so I don't get tired of having a salad! 

Each one of these salads has a different taste to it, so even if you are eating a salad daily your pallet will love each one for its uniqueness, aka fruity or Mexican.  

What is your go to salad that you make?

Pineapple, Blueberry, Salad with Lemon Chia Seed Dressing

 Apple and Cabbage Salad

Vegetarian Taco Salad

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Way Back Wednesday - Mom and Dads Journey


Last year my parents did the 21 Day fix. For two 60 year old people to get out of their comfort zone and be willing to revamp their lifestyle by doing the 21 Day Fix for 21 straight days and actually following it to a T, was awesome!! 
But my parents are human, and fall came with football games and tailgating, then the holidays, and winter which brought on more excuses for my parents to not get back on track. 
I mean they are only human! And to break a bad habit takes time, and it even takes more time when you fall off track to get back on. 
But with time and me living at home with my parents, they decided to do the 21 day fix again and get back on track now that the summer is winding down.
This week they started and they already feel better and have more energy. 
And my mom even said, it's a lot easier the second time around! 
So why do I share this as my transformation?
Because WE are all HUMAN. We make mistakes, we slip up, we fall off track, we make excuses. 
It takes a lot to admit you have to lose weight or get healthy. It's hard! The excuses are easy to fall back on. 
But know this, if these two 60 year olds can do it, so can you! You can get back on track, you can work towards your health and fitness one day at a time. Because let's be honest, it's not a destination, it's a journey!
My parents have found that the 21 Day Fix, is the best meal plan / program out there. 
And I agree! Because it consistently shows me that people of all ages, sizes, and health goals can benefit from this amazing program. 
And it's never too late to start! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

What is Country Heat?!?

What Is Country Heat By Autumn Calabrese

Do you like Country Music?
Do you like dance cardio?
Do you want to spice up your cardio?
Do you DISLIKE working out?
Do you need your workouts to be fun in order to do them?

No matter what your reason, if you are looking for something to spice up your fitness regime or you want to get started this could be the program for you!

Beachbody is releasing a BRAND NEW fitness program on July 28th 2016 to the network!  COUNTRY HEAT is going to knock your socks off!  At first I was a little skeptical of a country music workout because I have two left feet, I'm not very coordinated and I like to sweat and get a hard workout in.  I really wasn't excited about this new program!  BUT..... that all changed when I got the chance to do the workout through a sneak peek on Beachbody On Demand. This program had me literally DRIPPING sweat and I didn't feel lost or confused by the moves.  Anyone can do it!  It is not hard at all.  Plus my legs were on fire, my core was burning and I could tell it is way more than cardio.  It's great for your entire body!

I am really excited for the launch of this program and I'm going to be walking a select group of people from beginning to end through the program!  I'm going to be making sample meal plans, giving you recipes, tips and guidance on how to rock this program!  The people in the test group are getting incredible results and one even lost over 60 pounds in 90 days!!! That is so cool.

So lets talk about WHAT this program actually is?

First of all it features all of the hottest country music!  There is NO CHOREOGRAPHY to remember, just follow along for the 27-30 minute workout!  This workout program is high energy, low impact dance workout that is super fun and easy to follow.  Autumn Calabrese created this program and has also created the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Co Creator of Hammer and Chisel, author of the Fixate cookbook, mom and bikini competitor.  She has her certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the American Fitness Professionals and Associates. She is extremely talented and gifted at getting you results.

There are 5 high energy, cardio based dance workouts, 1 dance conditioning workout, and the portion controlled eating plan! 


First of all it is a workout you will actually stick to!  Autumn makes it fun and easy.
You get 5 high energy dance workouts and 1 dance conditioning workout to give you all the calorie burning benefits of a great cardio workout while using every muscle in your body to fire up your metabolism.

There are no complicated moves, NO WEIGHTS OR EQUIPMENT required.

Autumn uses her portion control container system and meal plan to help you lose weight by eating what you want in the right amounts each day.  


ANYONE from beginners to 21 Day Fix Graduates to those advanced in their fitness that want something different and fun!  It is great for all ages and sizes!  People who like Zumba, people who want to lose weight and are looking for results in 30 days!  People who generally don't like to exercise or who want a lifestyle change, but aren't sure where to begin!  {DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU??}  

This workout is great for people who have tried and failed at complicated diets and exercise programs.  The reason is that its easy to follow the portion controlled container system and you have ME as your coach to guide you every single step of the way!  I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and stick with the workouts from beginning to end.  Plus the workouts are fun and you don't even know you are working out!!!  

If you want to lose weight then yes that is accomplished in the program!  I encourage everyone to do at least 2-3 rounds of the program. The reason is that in the first 30 days you are just learning the ropes.  You are getting a good handle on your nutrition and understanding the portion controlled containers.  As you dial in your nutrition you can increase your results!!

This program is great for those that like to dance but are intimidated by choreography.  THAT IS ME!!!  I have two left feed and I want to get in, sweat and get out!  So I'm pumped for this!


When you purchase your Country Heat you will get:

- 6 workouts on 3 DVDs in 30 minutes or less.

-7 Color coded portion controlled containers to efficiently help you portion out your food

-Country Heat Nutrition Plan which is an easy to follow guide that has recipes, tips, and more to help you get results.

-30 Days of Shakeology in any flavor 

-Quickstart Guide- This is a simple 3 step guide that preps you for your fitness journey by giving you the low down on the nutrition plan and workouts.

-30 Day Calendar so that you know exactly what workouts to do in what order to maximize your results.

-Plus when you get the challenge pack you get access to Country Heat On Demand which means unlimited access to stream Country Heat and all the other workouts to any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device.  So you can start your workouts the minute you make your purchase.


Did you know you can get it right here from me?  

Plus I am going to be launching my first official COUNTRY HEAT TEST GROUP on Monday August 1st and workouts start on the 8th of August!  You can get personal, 24/7 mentoring, guidance and support from me in a closed online accountability and support group!  I am going to basically walk you through the entire program from beginning to end.  I will teach you how to navigate the nutrition plan, how to choose healthier snacks, swap out your bad habits for better choices and how to truly make a lifestyle change vs. a crash diet.  

I will be there to help you stay accountable, to track your food, to keep you motivated when you are not feeling it!  My job is to be your support system and sounding board!  I don't want this to be another program you invest in and don't complete!  This time it will be different!! TRUST ME!!

All you need to do is get your name on the list to be the FIRST to know about the program launch!

If you DO NOT HAVE A COACH the first step is to make me your FREE COACH.  Click here to sign up for free.  If you already have a coach that you work with please reach out to your coach for details on their launch groups!

If you do not have a coach and would like to be in the official test group then complete this application to be considered for a spot in the group.  I will be hand selecting a group of people who are committed, dedicated and ready to make some changes in their health and fitness!  So don't delay, spots will absolutely fill up fast.

Monday, July 18, 2016



Every year I see the first Back to School Flyer I get a PIT in my stomach. 😳
Today I saw the target flyer and for a second the same pit came to my stomach! BUT then reality smacked me in the face!!
Yep, that's right! You may not know this about me, but I use to be a teacher! I taught for 8 years before I quit to follow my new found passion! Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the kids!! But the politics were getting too much for me and I wanted to be my OWN boss!! I wanted to set my own hours!
Crazy, right?
I mean I gave up my pension. I gave up my retirement. I gave up my security. I gave up my benefits. All for what? For a new passion?!? To become an online health and fitness coach?!?! To partner up with a company that I knew nothing about?!?
When I became a full time Beachbody coach, I wasn't making a teacher salary. In fact, I wasn't even close. My checks ranged from $200 - $700 a week and most of the time it was on the lower end and very unpredictable.
Not only did I take a HUGE pay cut but so did my husband!! And we couldn't afford to live on our own, so we moved in with my parents.
Most people would not have quit their job or moved in with their parents. Rather, they would have searched for a new full time job so that they were making money and had full benefits.
But we did the opposite!
We took a leap of faith! We jumped into an adventure, into building a business, into following our dreams!!
We couldn't be happier!!
Making this leap was the best decision I made and I would love for you to become part to my team working towards your goals whether they are making a supplemental income, replacing your salary, or just having the extra income to spend.
You don't have to be a fitness expert and you don't even have to be healthy and fit! You just have to want to help others and yourself!
I mean I have 2 degrees in education. And all I knew 3 years ago, was that I was not wanting to go back to my full time job of 8 years.
Don't ask why? Don't ask how? Ask yourself why not?!? Ask yourself why not me?!? And join #TeamFearlessDreamers for an amazing second half of the year!!
Are you ready? Want more information? Email me at to learn how you can start working towards what you want!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #86 - 6 Cheap Organic Foods You Can't afford NOT to Buy

Have you ever brought a hand basket half-full of organic food to the register at your local grocery store?  Did the register clerk then ask you for 1 MILLION DOLLARS?  You probably thought you were being robbed, but actually, that was the total for 3 organic peas and a banana.  The organic milk and eggs, on the other hand, they had to put on layaway.  Times are tough, when you're buying organic.

Okay, so maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but not really.  Organic food is 'spensive.  BUT, there are some foods that still proudly sport that well-earned organic seal while actually not being a bunch of pompous, self-righteous snobbleganglers to boot (go figure).  Here are 6 of them...and as you'll see, the "regular" alternatives to many of these organic foods just ain't worth pinching pennies over...

1. Chia seeds - These wonder seeds actually have more omega-3s than salmon while being a whopping...wait for it...13 cents per serving.  Try finding that at your local fish market!  Actually, don''d be a fruitless journey as 13-cent organic fish simply don't exist at any fish market, anywhere.  Fish markets also don't carry fruit -- double fruitless!!

2. Organic beans - 69 cents for 20g of protein and 14g of fiber, all while not having to worrying about the many contaminants often contained in canned goods.  Need I say more?  Methinks me needn't.

3. Corn tortillas - Corn tortillas only cost slightly more than their "regular" counterparts, with the exception that 100% of organic corn is non-GMO, while 90% of the "other" corn grown in America has more GMOs.

4. Frozen fruit - Want to get more organic fruit for less than the cost of a smaller amount of non-organic fruit?  Buy it the freezer section.  I love to blend frozen organic fruit into my Shakeology Shakes. I mean, they are really good.

If you do the math, which I haven't, organic olive oil is pretty much free on a per serving basis.  Ok, so maybe it's not free, but it's really inexpensive for a tablespoon of the stuff.  A quarter maybe, which to anyone other than a 3 year old is the same thing as free.  Besides, I'd rather spend a shiny George Washington on pure organic olive oil than whoever is on the dime for FAKE, rancid olive oil, which was found to be the case in a recent study for 70% of the non-organic olive oil that lines grocery store shelves today.  Yikes!

In potato news, you may be shocked to learn that the Environmental Work Group, in their now renowned study, discovered that potatoes contain more pesticides by weight than any other produce. That's not a good fact.  Want to know a good fact, though?  Organic potatoes, which contain no pesticides, don't cost much more than pesticidy potatoes. The choice is clear.