Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Transformation Tuesday - Jess S. Hammer and Chisel

Transformation Tuesday: Hammer & Chisel

This took a lot of courage for Jess to post and talk about because she really doesn't want people to see her like this. But we both think it's important for her to share because she wants to inspire at least one person to make a change and live a healthy lifestyle.

So here's her transformation so far. She's a work in progress. On April 7th, she gave birth to her fourth child. During that pregnancy, she gained over 50 lbs. It was the most she every gained during one of her pregnancies. After giving birth, she lost 30 lbs, BUT she is still stuck with this extra 20+lbs to get rid of. So once she was cleared by the doctor, she started another beachbody program called hammer and chisel. This was an 8 week program in which she worked out with Autumn and Sagi. The workouts ranged from 24 minutes to 45 minutes. The workouts were challenging and she could feel myself getting stronger.

At the conclusion of this program, she lost a total of 5 lbs and 5 inches! Was she hoping to lose more? Honestly, yes! But she is proud of what she accomplished so far. She got up every day and worked out and drank her shakeology with four kids! Is she finished? No! She plans to continue with another beachbody program in order to reach her goals. So if a 30 something mom of four can do this, so can you! Just find what motivates you and push yourself to reach those goals!

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