Thursday, July 14, 2016

NEW RECIPE - Frozen Treats for Everyone!!

Frozen Treats for Everyone!!

Its Summer time and I don't know where you live, but here in PA is HOT and HUMID. I don't complain in the summer because I rather it be Sunny and Warm all year round so when its hot and sunny I will take it. 

BUT....I also like cold things to eat when its summer time and since Dairy now makes me sick and sets off my ANXIETY like no other, I need to find an alternative. 

These 2 recipes are AMAZING. The Popsicle is delicious and refreshing on day that you are sitting by the pool or just sitting in the sun. All you need is Popsicle holders and you can get them any where, Walmart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. 

The ice cream is only 2 ingredients is tastes amazing!! Its a true wonder all the things you can do with bananas! I love it!! 

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