Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Way Back Wednesday - Mom and Dads Journey


Last year my parents did the 21 Day fix. For two 60 year old people to get out of their comfort zone and be willing to revamp their lifestyle by doing the 21 Day Fix for 21 straight days and actually following it to a T, was awesome!! 
But my parents are human, and fall came with football games and tailgating, then the holidays, and winter which brought on more excuses for my parents to not get back on track. 
I mean they are only human! And to break a bad habit takes time, and it even takes more time when you fall off track to get back on. 
But with time and me living at home with my parents, they decided to do the 21 day fix again and get back on track now that the summer is winding down.
This week they started and they already feel better and have more energy. 
And my mom even said, it's a lot easier the second time around! 
So why do I share this as my transformation?
Because WE are all HUMAN. We make mistakes, we slip up, we fall off track, we make excuses. 
It takes a lot to admit you have to lose weight or get healthy. It's hard! The excuses are easy to fall back on. 
But know this, if these two 60 year olds can do it, so can you! You can get back on track, you can work towards your health and fitness one day at a time. Because let's be honest, it's not a destination, it's a journey!
My parents have found that the 21 Day Fix, is the best meal plan / program out there. 
And I agree! Because it consistently shows me that people of all ages, sizes, and health goals can benefit from this amazing program. 
And it's never too late to start! 

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