Thursday, July 21, 2016

NEW RecipeS - 3 Different Salads to Make During the Work Week

 3 Different Salads to Make During the Work Week! 

I don't know about you, but when I was working full time as a Teacher, my go to lunch was a Salad, BUT I normally made the SAME one over and over again and by the middle of the year I was BORED with my salad and sick of the same thing! 

So here are 3 different amazing salads that you can make on Sunday and have to take with you through out the week! 

What I do now is I make 2-3 Different salads or lunches on Sunday, my meal prep day, and then alternate them through out the week so I don't get tired of having a salad! 

Each one of these salads has a different taste to it, so even if you are eating a salad daily your pallet will love each one for its uniqueness, aka fruity or Mexican.  

What is your go to salad that you make?

Pineapple, Blueberry, Salad with Lemon Chia Seed Dressing

 Apple and Cabbage Salad

Vegetarian Taco Salad

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