Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Transformation Tuesday - Sam L.

22 Minute Hard Corps Transformation

Meet Sam, she is a Coach and she just finished 22 Minute Hard Corps, in my Beta Test Group. 

Posting these pictures always makes people nervous and Sam was nervous to send these to me. But she KNOWS its it's necessary, so that others can see that this program DOES work!

The picture on the left was from mid March. She was in a workout funk and not seeing any results.

Fast forward to the end of May. The picture on the right was taken three days ago. It was after one full round of the program 22 Minute Hard Corps.

22 Minute Hard Corps is seriously amazing. It is effective, fun, and fits into any busy schedule! 

Not only did she lose weight and inches, BUT she is now feeling more confident in herself and she is loving how she feels both physically and mentally.

And because she loved this program so much and it FIT into her busy schedule, working full time and coaching basketball at night, that she is going to do a SECOND round!!

I just finished my first round of 22 minute hard corps and started round 2 yesterday! I will be posting my before and after pictures this week too. 

This program is amazing! AND all you need is 22 MINUTES to do it! Can YOU find 22 minutes a day to sweat, feel great, and lose weight?I am looking for 3-5 people to join me in another round of this amazing program! 

And my Memorial Day Special is still going on! Anyone who purchases a challenge pack today (program + shakeology) and joins my next challenge group will receive a free gift from me to help get started on your fitness goals.

If you're interested in hearing more information about 22 minute hard corp or are ready to start your fitness journey email me at jgerity83@gmail.com OR fill out this application.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Special!!

It's Memorial Day so why not make it a Special one!!

I am running a Memorial Day Special for the next 2 DAYS ONLY!!!

I mean Who doesn't love specials!!!

If you order a Fitness Package (Shakeology + a program) from me, you will receive an additional program or GIFT CARD from me, your choice.

AND if you order a Fitness Package and sign up as a discount member OR Coach you will receive an ADDITIONAL $25 gift Card!

Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com or fill out this application before 11:59 PM on Tuesday Night (5/31/16) to take advantage of this special! (First 4 people will get to pick the program they want that I have).

Friday, May 27, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #79 - Benefits of an Avocado Seed

5 Benefits You Get From an Avocado Seed

There aren’t many people out there who don’t like avocadoes. They’re creamy, delicious, brilliantly versatile and undeniably one of the greatest superfoods available on supermarket shelves. Most people are aware of the wide-ranging health benefits that avocado flesh provides, but few know that the seed they throw away each time they eat an avocado can provide an impressive array of health-promoting properties.

While the flesh of an avocado is packed with nutrients and healthy fats, you may be surprised to learn that over 70 percent of the total antioxidant concentration in avocados is contained in the seed.

5 Benefits you get from an avocado seed away.

1.       Reduce inflammation

That same heady concoction of antioxidants in avocado seeds is responsible for their potent inflammation-fighting properties. Avocado seeds contain high concentrations of catechins and procyanidins, antioxidants that reduce inflammation associated with pain, swelling, stiffness and impaired joint function. This heroic pair of antioxidants also promotes heart health and proper blood circulation.

2, Fight cancer

A 2013 study from the University of Antioquia demonstrated that extracts from avocado seeds had a pro-apoptotic influence on leukemia cells, meaning that the extract caused leukemia cells to die and left the normal cells healthy and stable. For this reason, avocado seeds could be an important way to fight or reduce your risk of cancer.

3. Improve digestion

Avocado seeds have long been used in their native homeland of Mexico and Central America to treat a range of digestive issues, including dysentery and gastric ulcers. Today, avocado seeds can be used to promote healthy digestive function, with their potent concentrations of antioxidants and fiber helping to support your gastrointestinal tract by promoting the growth and maintenance of healthy gut bacteria.

4. Encourage weight loss

The same fiber found in avocado seeds that helps support healthy digestion can also help you maintain a healthy weight. Their high fiber content provides feelings of fullness and satiation, meaning you don’t get the same urge to eat as often. They can also help control your blood sugar levels, with stable blood sugar meaning you’re less likely to give in to food cravings throughout the day.

5. Support your skin

The powerful cocktail of antioxidants contained in avocado seeds can be just what your skin needs to become supple and clear. These antioxidants can help to rebuild collagen, promote the repair of cells damaged by free radical activity and generally just make your skin look and feel healthy.

How to eat avocado seeds

Now that you’ve learned about the many benefits that avocado seeds can provide for your health, you’re probably wondering how the heck to eat them. They’re hard, heavy and seemingly close to indestructible.

The first step is to remove the seed from the surrounding flesh by cutting the avocado in half with a large sharp knife then whacking the knife down hard on the seed to stick it onto the blade. Use the edge of a cutting board to dislodge the seed from the knife blade, then cut it into quarters with a sharp knife, being careful of your fingers. The seed is actually surprisingly easy to cut with a suitably sharp knife.

Now throw the quarters into a powerful blender and process until you make a fine powder. Divide the resulting powder into two piles— one pile is enough for a single serving, so put the other pile in a storage container in the fridge. Now you can throw the powder into a smoothie mix, but be sure the other ingredients are relatively strong, as the seed powder can be quite bitter due to its tannins.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

New Recipe Alert!!! Raspberry Cheesecake Bars

Raspberry Cheesecake Bars

Looking for a recipe for this memorial Day weekend? Want something delicious, yet healthy, yet kid and hubby approved?

Look NO FURTHER!!! This recipe is amazing, even though its dairy free, it is still something that EVERYONE will love! Even your pickiest of eaters!! 

Its a MUST try in my book and its a great dessert to have this weekend at all the cookouts and parties that you will be attending or throwing! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Transformation WHAT?!?!


The picture on the left was taken in June 2014 and the picture on the right was taken April 2016.

Who is this lady?

This lady is my amazing coach Paula!

She lost 30 pounds on her own then GAINED 15 of those pounds back before she became a coach and started her journey with the 21 Day Fix.

Now, since becoming a coach and staring her fitness journey she has LOST 20 pounds!!!

All since January 2016!!

So how did she do it?

By working out every day, drinking Shakeology and eating clean.

She started with the 21 Day Fix and did 2 rounds of it. Then she moved on the 21 Day Fix extreme and did 2 rounds of it. And NOW she is doing Hammer & Chisel.

She is now turning her loose flab into muscle!

And just look at her picture, not only has she lost weight but she has lost years!! She looks younger NOW then she did 2 years ago! And has more energy now, then she did 2 years ago.

Plus on top of that she had to go buy new, smaller clothes. Whoop whoop! That's always a plus in my book!

Paula has stepped out of my comfort zone and is doing things she never would have dreamt of doing, all because of coaching and helping others reach their goals!

And if you ask her, she will tell you that it's all been worth while journey!

She is in her 50's, SO if she can do it, SO CAN YOU!!! Don't let age be an excuse! 
Attachments area

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tasty Tuesday - NEW RECIPE - Grilled Zucchini and Corn Tostadas

Tasty Tuesday!!

Not only is it Tasty Tuesday but its also TACO Tuesday and this recipe is a must make on Taco Night!! 

It't meatless for my Vegetarian and Vegan lovers, however, if you like meat you can add any kind of ground meat to this recipe. 

Its also GLUTEN Free and Dairy Free. Honestly you don't need cheese for this recipe because the humus does it all for you when it comes to flavor. 

Below you will find the recipe for the tostadas and the recipe for the delicious Spicy Hummus.

The left over hummus if you have any can be used with veggies as a snack later on in the week. 

Also I have replaced the corn with black beans and add red peppers to this recipe. 

Honestly you can do anything or add anything to that you would like.

BUT definitely try it like this and make sure you try the HUMMUS!!! I love hummus and this one is out of this world amazing!! 

Monday, May 23, 2016



It's a real thing! It's not just a word. It's not just someone spazzing out for no reason! It's REAL!

Heart racing, palms sweating, nail picking, stomach in knots, and no that's not my after workout look.

That's what happens to me when my anxiety wins.

I am not perfect. I suffer from anxiety. But I do it quietly. It's not something I am proud of like to talk about.

For the past 2 1/2 years I have been able to tame it by working out, sweating, eating clean, drinking Shakeology which helps me balance my vitamins and minerals.


There are days, like last night that my anxiety wins. With moving and with the unknown a head of us, I have been working really hard to focus on the positive but last night it all hit me hard and my anxiety won! I cried myself to sleep, I struggled breathing, I crawled into my shell and I just wanted to be left alone.

So why I am telling you this, because none of us are perfect. We all suffer at times. But it's what you do next, it's how you handle it going forward.

And today, I woke up and worked out HARD. I got a sweaty workout in, did some slow breathing exercises, did my daily devotionals, and handed my anxiety over to God.

If you struggle with anxiety, know you aren't alone, know that there are others out there going through the same thing, working hard to fight it and conquer it each day.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #78 - Organic vs. Regular Foods

I were to give my overall recommendations to save yourself from the inherent health dangers of pesticides and herbicides, while also eating food that contains the highest levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it is this:
1. choose organic over conventional most of the time, when it's available
2. choose local foods over organic if the organic food came from very long distances away (although frozen organic fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as local) 

3. Don't forget that choosing organic also helps to protect the environment from chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution that can harm ecosystems, disrupt soil microbiology, and potentially even contaminate your own drinking water supply.

4. Don't fall for "organic junk foods" -- I've been seeing this trend lately -- Just becausecrackers, cookies, cakes, cereal, and corn chips may be labeled "organic", doesn't mean they are healthy... junk food is still junk food!  And these are still overly processed foods that can make you fat!

5. If you're not going to choose organic for all of your produce and other foods, at least make sure to choose organic when it comes to the top 6 worst offenders for pesticide residue in conventional produce:
  • celery
  • onions
  • peaches
  • strawberries
  • apples
  • blueberries
These are 6 of the most important foods to choose organic.
Remember that forcing change for responsible agriculture starts with your choices as a consumer.  The more we demand responsibly grown and raised foods by choosing those foods in our shopping carts, the more that producers and suppliers will respond to that demand and prices will go down for these higher quality foods.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

RECIPE ALERT!!! Peanut Butter and Jelly Chia Pudding?!?!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Chia Pudding?!?!

So I absolutely LOVE overnight oatmeal. BUT Sometimes it gets boring / old after a while. 

NOT any more. Now for breakfast I throw this GEM into the mix. 

This pudding makes a great dessert, BUT I love having it for breakfast!! Its just like overnight oatmeal but with chia seeds! 

This is a MUST try! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016



If you would have told me 2 1/2 years ago that I would be an entrepreneur and running my OWN online health and fitness business I would have laughed in your face!
1. I would have told you I had NO time time to add a business on to my full time teaching job.
2. I don't / didn't know the first thing about running a business or growing a team.
3. I would have told you I am NOT a salesperson and I think selling is icky and not for me.
BUT, I needed change! I lost my passion with my profession and I wanted / NEEDED that spark in my life again with my job.
That's when T25 and coaching came into my life. Don't get me wrong, it's not like it all fell into my lap and that I was successful from day 1.
It was work, like a part time job. I had to learn about coaching, about building a team, the different programs, running a business. BUT the best part about it was this was only a part time job, and I only needed to designate ONE HOUR a day, consistently, to the business to be successful!
And that's exactly what I did! I dedicated an hour a day on MY OWN TIME! Not anyone else's, mine!
And I did it while working as a full time teacher AND planning a wedding!
And now as a "Premiere Coach" in the organization, I want to PAY IT FORWARD!
I am looking for 10 women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable.
I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business only dedicating an HOUR of your time.
All the things I did and MORE that made me successful!
I will give you every secret, tip, and trick, that I LEARNED to run a business all while at home, on the go, planning a wedding, and teaching full time!
And the best part is that you don't have to be an expert OR have the perfect body OR be a car salesman!!
You just have to like helping others reach their health and fitness goals AND learn how to be confident in their own bodies!
No perfection here! Hot messes are welcomed. Because let's be real, I am NOT perfect and I AM one hot mess!
I have an all EXCLUSIVE, one on one Coach Basics Training opening up May 22. And I only have 6 posts left.
If you are interested and serious about building a business, part time or full time, then email me at jgerity83@gmail.com.
Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016



Yep! That is what change does to me.

When It comes to change, the unknown, the adventure....I WANT and NEED to know what's going to happen.

I want to know the end before taking the journey.

I know that's not how it works. I know that God has a plan and we need to trust him and go blindly on the journey.

But it's HARD! It's SCARY!

And this move, this change, is scary at times. Packing and clearing out the office has me reflecting and wanting to be able to LOOK into that crystal ball and SEE that everything is going to turn out, that it's going to be easy, that it's going to be OKAY.

But there is no such thing as a crystal ball and what is the fun in knowing the end, right?!?

Life is an adventure and if you aren't on a journey, if you aren't taking risks then are you really living?

The next few months are going to be a CHALLENGE. There will be times I will be stressed, there will be times fear over takes me, BUT, I know deep down, that God will be with us every step of the way, I just HAVE to put my trust into his hands and allow him to lead our way.

Plus I am LUCKY to have a husband that I TRUST 100% and wouldn't want to take this journey with anyone else. Through the changes, the ups, the downs, the fears, the failures, he is the one that keeps me grounded, calms me, and continues to tell me it's all going to be worth it in the end.

And he's right, because in the end we only regret the chances we don't take.

So what chance have you been avoiding due to fear? Don't let fear stand in your way! Take a chance, you won't regret it.

Monday, May 16, 2016

FRIDAY THE 13th?!?!


AND Larry knows!!

Oh Larry, he thought he would be funny and scared the crap out of me on Friday! Not once but THREE times!

🔷 First when I tried to start Larry, he wouldn't start, BUT, the minute I would take the key out he would turn on the radio! 🤔 Not once but TWICE that happened.

🔷 Second, when I jumped Larry and removed the battery jump pack, not even 2 seconds after I remove the cables he BEEPS 😮 at me. Scaring the crap 💩 out of me!!


🔷 Third, when I had him running and was unloading my groceries in front of the house, he again starts BEEPING at me. I thought it was someone needing me to move my car. Nope just Larry playing tricks on me!

Anyone else have a car that seriously has a personality that finds it funny to play tricks on you? I mean Friday of all days,I mean it was Friday the 13th! 😂


I think not! 🙈🙊

Friday, May 13, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #77 - Cucumbers! Part 2: What about them is so great?!?!


Do you need a detox?

Cucumber not only contains a lot of water, which helps keep the body hydrated, but it also has detoxifying properties. A study from 2013 published in the journal Fitoterapia found that cucumber has “a cleansing action within the body by removing accumulated pockets of old waste materials and chemical toxins.” Want to detox? Eat a cucumber… or three! Better yet, eat cucumber daily to keep toxins from building up.

Do you need an immune boost?

The blend of nutrients in cucumber make it ideal for boosting the immune system and treating common ailments like the common cold and flu viruses. The anti-inflammatory properties of cucumber fight inflammation of the nose and throat when you are suffering from a cold.

Is your blood pressure high?

High levels of potassium in cucumber help regulate blood pressure by boosting electrolyte levels and mitigating the damaging effects of sodium overconsumption.

Do you want to fend off free radicals?

Cucumber, like melon, is high in antioxidants. This prevents the spread of free radical damage that can lead to premature aging and cancer.

Do you have puffy eyes?

Nutrients in cucumber make it effective at relieving inflammation both internally and externally. Place fresh cucumber directly onto swollen areas to reduce puffiness within just a few minutes.

Are you feeling bloated?

Every once in a while, I just feel bloated. The good news is, now I know that all I have to do for relief is eat a cucumber! The high water content and potassium in cucumber make it a mild diuretic that can fight bloating.

Do you want to build your bones?

Cucumber is high in magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K1 — all essential for bone health. Eat cucumber regularly if you are eating a low-meat or low-dairy diet.

Are you starting to forget things?

Cucumber is naturally high in copper, which is essential for brain function. A study from 2014 published in the journal Aging Cell found that the chemical known as festin, commonly found in cucumber, is effective at fighting the damage of Alzheimer’s disease.

Is your skin looking tired?

Perhaps you’ve seen cucumber used at the spa, and for good reason. Cucumber contains compounds that refresh and rejuvenate the skin from both the inside out and outside in. Create a pulpy mixture of cucumber and a few drops of lemon juice and apply directly to the face for a mask that is both healthy and refreshing.

Do you want strong, shiny hair?

Cucumber contains silicone, sulphur, phosphorous and calcium, all necessary for healthy hair growth. Eating cucumber regularly can reduce hair loss and strengthen hair shafts. The compounds in cucumber also help hair look shiny and healthy. Massage cucumber juice into your hair after bathing and allow it to sit for about five minutes before rinsing away with lukewarm water.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

AND.....We are on the MOVE again!


And that's what the YAHNER'S are doing. 😱
Well, that is what Rich is doing with football.
Which means...CHA- CHA- CHANGES are coming.
So why the change? 🤔
Don't get me wrong, we are a football 🏈family, and rich loves coaching, but he is taking a sabbatical with football for the next few months.
And that's OKAY!
It's okay to take a step back from life to reevaluate it, to rejuvenate, and to make changes if needed. 👣👣
We have MANY years ahead of us. Honestly, Rich is only half way, if that through life, and I want him to make sure he follows his dreams and passion like he is allowing me through coaching.
Changes, they are a part of life. Whether you like them or want them, they happen. And most of the time for the better, even if we don't see it that way.
So the first BIG change is that we are moving out of Greensburg. 🚚
Am I...
Scared? Yes. But I trust in God and now that he is with us on our journey and that no matter what we will be okay.
Will it be Exciting? Yes. I mean we are free to go any where. We don't have kids so now is the time.
Stressful? Yes. Money and finances always stress me out, but I am thankful that I have a GROWING, THRIVING business that is only going up!
Will it be hard? Yes!
Was it necessary? Yes, honestly this has already helped our marriage and health.
Life is unknown and it's scary at times. But if you don't try new things, if you don't step out of your comfort zone, then how will you ever know what is out there for you? How will you ever know the potential you have?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Shedding At its Finest?!?


The Yahners are on the MOVE!!! So that means I get to spend HOURS paper Shredding!

Do you own a paper shredder? 

We do! I think it's one of the greatest inventions!!! 😱 

We own a pretty big one. NOT one that is great in an office, but definitely one that can shred a few pieces of paper at a time. WHICH is great, considering the fact that we NEVER shred anything right away and it piles up to be a BIG garbage bag filled with papers 📄, bills 💳, and files 📂 that need to be shredded!

So can you GUESS what I have been doing ALL day?!? 

Yes that is right, this paper shredder and I have been best friends all day! Well actually it's been acting like Larry lately😡, and burning out on me! 🔥

Needless to say this process is taking A LOT longer than I anticipated! 😜

Do you have a paper shredder? Do you shred right away or are you like us and wait till it piles up or you are on the move that it needs to be done?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

NEW RECIPE!!! Black Bean Flautas! - Gluten Free and Meatless

Taco Tuesday!!

These technically are not tacos but they are Mexican and in the taco family!! 

So for all my taco lovers, this is a MUST try! It is so good!! and the Avocado Dipping sauce is OUT of this world AMAZING!! Oh and so addicting so beware!! 

These two recipes are a MUST try. 

And trust me you won't be disappointed and the avocado dipping sauce can be used for any type of TACOS!! 

Black Bean Flautas Recipe 

Avocado Dipping Sauce

Monday, May 9, 2016

Conquering Celiacs

Conquering Celiacs

I hate the weekends! Its not because I get off track with my eating or my workouts. Its because I have celiacs! An having celiacs limits what you can do, eat, etc. And most people FEEL bad for me so they don't ask to hang out! 

So most Saturday nights I sit at home an let CELIACS run my life!


This weekend, I wanted to go out with Rich an Sam, and I refused for celiacs to ruin it for me! I am glad I didn't sit around and let celiacs dictate my life. I had a blast at the brewery with Sam and Rich.


Not because they had a gluten free menu because they didn't. And not because I could drink, because I don't. But because of the relationships I have built through coaching.

Spending the evening with Rich and Sam was a blessing. I didn't think I could like Sam any more than I already did. I mean I already thought she was amazing and I had a blast with her on the cruise.

But Saturday night I got to know Sam even more and man do I think the world of this girl. And if it weren't for coaching I would never have gotten to know her, have her in my life, and be able to tell her everything!

THIS WEEKEND, I won against my celiacs and I am glad I did! Because I had a FUN, chilling, and relaxing.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #75 - Cucumbers! What about them is so great?!?!

Cucumber is actually an amazing vegetable with an impressive nutritional profile. In fact, it can even be eaten in place of your daily multivitamin.
Cucumber, or Cucumis sativus, is in the same family as melon and squash. Commercially, cucumbers are divided into two groups, slicing and pickling. Slicing cucumbers generally have thick skin and are larger than the thin-skinned pickling cucumbers.
Cucumber has even escaped the eyes of researchers, being upstaged by the cruciferous crew (broccoli, cabbage, etc.) until it was found that it contains three beneficial lignans (lariciresinol, pinoresinol and secoisolariciresinol), which have been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well as several different types of cancer, including ovarian, prostate, breast and uterine.
Cucumber is a nutritional powerhouse
Cucumber is a superfood containing almost all the vitamins you need each day, including B vitamins, vitamin C, fiber, vitamin K1, copper, potassium and manganese. Eat just one cucumber daily in place of a multivitamin.
Need an energy boost?
Rather than reach for that third cup of coffee, chomp on a cucumber instead. The carbs and B vitamins in cucumber provide sustaining energy that can last for hours.
Drank a little too much?
To avoid having your night out turn into a morning nightmare, try eating some cucumber. Eat a cucumber right before bed and your hangover pains will be lessened. Cucumber contains a mix of B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes that keep you hydrated and feeling great after a night out on the town.
Eating too much sugar?
Reduce cravings by snacking on cucumber slices rather than reaching for sugary snacks. I have started keeping a little dish of sliced cucumber by my desk. With a sprinkle of sea salt and a little pepper, this snack keeps me full all day long!
Feeling stressed?
If you are having a crazy day, boil a few slices of cucumber on the stove and breathe in the steam. The aroma of cucumber can promote feelings of calm and relieve anxiety. Want an extra boost? Add a few drops of anxiety-busting lavender essential oil into the mixture.
Does your breath stink?
If you suffer from halitosis, aka bad breath, you may want to consider eating cucumber instead of reaching for sugary breath mints. Phytochemicals in cucumbers kill bacteria that cause bad breath and cavities. Eat a slice after each cup of coffee or meal for breath that stays fresh all day long.
Are you stopped up?
There are any number of reasons why you may experience constipation. Sometimes it is the result of stress, medication or eating a highly processed diet. Cucumbers are high in fiber, which can keep you regular and keep your digestive system working at full speed.