Monday, May 23, 2016



It's a real thing! It's not just a word. It's not just someone spazzing out for no reason! It's REAL!

Heart racing, palms sweating, nail picking, stomach in knots, and no that's not my after workout look.

That's what happens to me when my anxiety wins.

I am not perfect. I suffer from anxiety. But I do it quietly. It's not something I am proud of like to talk about.

For the past 2 1/2 years I have been able to tame it by working out, sweating, eating clean, drinking Shakeology which helps me balance my vitamins and minerals.


There are days, like last night that my anxiety wins. With moving and with the unknown a head of us, I have been working really hard to focus on the positive but last night it all hit me hard and my anxiety won! I cried myself to sleep, I struggled breathing, I crawled into my shell and I just wanted to be left alone.

So why I am telling you this, because none of us are perfect. We all suffer at times. But it's what you do next, it's how you handle it going forward.

And today, I woke up and worked out HARD. I got a sweaty workout in, did some slow breathing exercises, did my daily devotionals, and handed my anxiety over to God.

If you struggle with anxiety, know you aren't alone, know that there are others out there going through the same thing, working hard to fight it and conquer it each day.

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