Friday, May 20, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #78 - Organic vs. Regular Foods

I were to give my overall recommendations to save yourself from the inherent health dangers of pesticides and herbicides, while also eating food that contains the highest levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it is this:
1. choose organic over conventional most of the time, when it's available
2. choose local foods over organic if the organic food came from very long distances away (although frozen organic fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as local) 

3. Don't forget that choosing organic also helps to protect the environment from chemical fertilizer and pesticide pollution that can harm ecosystems, disrupt soil microbiology, and potentially even contaminate your own drinking water supply.

4. Don't fall for "organic junk foods" -- I've been seeing this trend lately -- Just becausecrackers, cookies, cakes, cereal, and corn chips may be labeled "organic", doesn't mean they are healthy... junk food is still junk food!  And these are still overly processed foods that can make you fat!

5. If you're not going to choose organic for all of your produce and other foods, at least make sure to choose organic when it comes to the top 6 worst offenders for pesticide residue in conventional produce:
  • celery
  • onions
  • peaches
  • strawberries
  • apples
  • blueberries
These are 6 of the most important foods to choose organic.
Remember that forcing change for responsible agriculture starts with your choices as a consumer.  The more we demand responsibly grown and raised foods by choosing those foods in our shopping carts, the more that producers and suppliers will respond to that demand and prices will go down for these higher quality foods.

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