Friday, May 29, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #28 - Fuel For Fitness

Fuel for fitness
This tips is great for all my runners out there. Whether you are running a 5k or a Marathon make sure you check this tip out.

Are you planning on picking up the pace tomorrow?
If so then you need to make sure that you eat food that will help keep you going strong. For breakfast, opt for a high-carbohydrate meal—one similar to what you'll be eating on race day, so you can find out what foods digest best (for you!). Try a Gluten Free English muffin or a gluten free bagel with peanut butter. Then, have a well-rounded meal post-workout to help with recovery.  A great after workout meal is One slice of Gluten Free French toast with a side of fruit. The protein-to-carbohydrate ratio is perfect for enhancing recovery. However, remember your body is going to digest different foods than others. Find what works best for you!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

NEW RECIPE - Chicken and Asparagus Stir-Fry


Here is a quick and easy recipe that is AMAZING!!! It is delicious and contains one of my favorite veggies - Asparagus!!

If you are a fixer this recipe is 21 Day Fix Approved!! It is  1 Red, 1 -2 Green (depending on if you do 10 or 20 sticks) 2 Teaspoons, and 1 yellow.

The Recipe is for 2 people


A quick and easy chicken and asparagus stir-fry.

1 Tbsp. honey
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces (about 1-inch)
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 bunch asparagus, cut into bite-sized pieces
4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
2 scallions, chopped
2 tsp. toasted coconut oil

In a small bowl or in a ziplock bag, combine honey and chicken, and stir to coat. Set in the refrigerator until ready.

Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add asparagus, and saute until cooked, about 5 minutes. Remove the asparagus with a slotted spoon, and set aside.

Remove chicken from marinade, and add to skillet. Saute until nearly cooked through (with the insides still slightly pink), about 5 minutes. Then add garlic, scallions, and the reserved marinade to the pan. Saute for an additional 2 minutes until the chicken is cooked and the garlic is fragrant.

Remove from heat and stir in coconut oil. Serve immediately with quinoa, garnished with toasted sesame seeds if desired.

You can use rice. However, I am prefer quinoa over rice. Plus quinoa is better for you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fear has 2 meanings

FEAR has 2 meanings:

 1. Forget everything and run
2. Face everything and rise

 The choice is yours!

 Do you let fear guide your life? Do you make all your decisions based off fear? STOP!!
Stop letting fear run your life! Get out of your comfort zone and live! Take risks. Fail. Get back up and try again.

 Don't allow yourself to fall to the live in fear lifestyle. You can do anything you set your heart to! Yes change is scary. Risk is scary. But if you don't step out of your comfort zone then you will never know what it's like to live or to have what you want.

 I took a HUGE risk quitting my teaching job and following my dreams. But I did it! And I am flying! Yes, I was scared and still am some times today. BUT, I didn't let my fears hold me back. I stepped way out of my comfort zone and am growing as a person and am happy!!

Today, stop living in fear! Take that risk and follow your dreams!! Go after what you want! You won't regret it!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Courtney L.

Meet Courtney: The picture on the left was the picture that finally hit home and made her realize that she had to do something about her weight. She ate out for everyday, recently had 2 babies, never exercised, was uncomfortable in her own skin, and did not know how to "Diet".
Beachbody programs, especially the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, have given her the knowledge, support, and encouragement, that no other company or fitness system has ever given her.
Once she made the commitment to improve her health and fitness the rest came into place. She couldn't have done it without the support of her coach, her husband, family, and the online fitness groups she was placed in, and her 21 Day Fix Partner.
Today Courtney is happier, healthier, more confident, feels great in a her own skin, and is now a Coach helping others on their health and fitness journey.
Courtney has done 3 rounds of the fix, PiYo, Chalene Extreme and the 3 Day Refresh. And now she is thinking about doing the Ultimate Rest!!!
Here is Courtney's after pictures from the 3 Day Refresh. She lost 7.4 pounds and 4.5 inches in just 3 Days!! 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day!! I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating with family and friends. Please make sure to take the time today to thank those that serve and allow us to continue to be free and safe in the United States and remember those that served and lost their lives to protect us.

Today is a great day! Its a day where family's gather near and far and have picnics and go swimming. Its truly the first start of summer. Here are some tips to help you stay on track and keep working towards your summer healthy and fit body!

Have  great day and enjoy!!!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #27 - Savor Your Carbs

Savor your carbs

When trying to slim and trim, you may be tempted to take drastic measures like cutting out your carbs. But before you go and add dinner rolls and chips to your "no" list, remember that yummy foods like sweet potatoes, yams, quinoa, and oatmeal, will help you and boost your metabolism. Plus these carbs will keep you full longer. And that's great for maintaining a fit you because you won't have to eat as much to feel satiated. So go on, enjoy that sweet potato!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!!! - Sweet Potato and Black Bean Lettuce Wraps.

We all know how much I LOVE my sweet potatoes. I seriously wish they were a green or purple on the fix! And if I could, I would eat them every day!! I just love them!! So I am always looking for new ways to make them. And when I found this, I just HAD to try it!! Why? Because it my 2 favorite things in one! Sweet Potato and Mexican!! How could it NOT be good?!?!?

This recipe is delicious! And it makes a great lunch!!


Sweet Potato & Black Bean Lettuce Wraps

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1/3 cup coconut cream
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon liquid coconut oil
  • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans
  • 1/4 cup purple onions, finely chopped
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1 tomato, diced
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro
  • 12 romaine lettuce leaves

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pierce the sweet potato and place it in the oven, baking for 25-30 minutes, or until crisp-tender. Remove, cool, peel, and dice.
Prepare the chili cream sauce by stirring together coconut cream, lime juice, chili powder, and a pinch of salt. Mix together. Set aside.
In a bowl, mix together diced sweet potatoes, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, black beans, onions, avocado, tomato, and cilantro. Salt and pepper lightly.
Spread coconut cream on romaine leaves. Top with sweet potato and black bean mixture.

Enjoy taco-style!

Seriously, you can't go wrong with this meal!! It is amazing!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Train like a Beast, Look Like a Beaut Fitness Group NOW OPEN

So here I stand in a bikini!! Why? Well did you know that summer is less than 5 weeks away and your vacation might even be less than that.

Yes I workout everyday.
Yes I eat 90 - 95% clean everyday.
But guess what I didn't always feel comfortable in a bikini. I never did when I was younger and I never did till a year and half ago, when I started working out and drinking Shakeology. That is when I saw what home workout programs, clean eating and shakeology can do to not just to my
Body but to my confidence.

 And.....this year my goal isn't to get fit for a bikini, it's not even to look sexy in a bikini. This year my goal is to help YOU feel CONFIDENT in your bikini, or even just your summer clothes. I want you, no matter what the scale says or what your eyes see, to FEEL confident this Summer when you are out and about at the pool or on vacation!!!

I am looking for 6 people to join me in my 30 day STRONG and CONFIDENT Fitness group Starting June 1! I will be working one on one with you and helping you stick to your goals!
To join this group you will need to invest in yourself. Yes, health and fitness is an investment and it's the best one you will make. YOU ARE WORTH IT!! This is about the way you feel, your life, your health, your kids, being the role model to your family. And to do all this is less than a meal you would get at Chick Fil A or your local Grocery Store Café.

 Do this for you!! Do this to feel STRONG and CONFIDENT not just in your bikini but every day for the rest of your life!!

I only have 6 spots available so email me for more information. Also if you sign up with me TODAY you will receive a $25 gift card from me for taking the first step in becoming a stronger more confident you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Angela F - Lifestyle Change

This is Angela and she started her journey 9 Months ago with Beachbody. She started out doing the 21 Day Fix. She was post baby #2 happy she had a baby girl, but unhappy with the weight she gained while pregnant. She was over 200 pounds and did not feel comfortable in her own skin.

Since she started the 21 Day fix (9 months ago) She has lost almost 50 pounds. She feels more confident and strong, she is back to working out, running, and feeling sexy in her own skin!

So how did she do it? She did it by changing her lifestyle. She started with the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. Yes she was breastfeeding and yes she had to go up a bracket but she still continued to lose weight, while still providing her body and her daughter with the nutrients they needed. She started to see the weight steadily decrease. After 3 rounds of the fix, she moved to PiYo, then the fix extreme and now she is doing Body Beast.

She not only fell in love with her new body and confidence, she fell in love with Beachbody, the programs and shakeology!! Why? Because they work! They aren't a quick fix, they teach you about lifestyle changes and nutrition. Since then she has become a coach and is now helping others get healthy and happy!!

You can be a busy, working, full-time mom. There are many programs that are 30 minutes or less. Eating Clean is fun! If you are ready to take the next step with your health or get back to prebaby weight I am here for you. Let me help you feel confident, strong, and sexy again!! When you are ready, I am here for you! We will do it together.

You Ready? Email me to get started today!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Body Beast Reacap of Week 3

EKK! I can't believe that I have just finished week 3 of Body Beast! This program is absolutely amazing!! This program has helped me with  so much.

I just finished week 3, which was the last week of the first phase on the Lean Calendar. This phase was the Build phase where I know I was building up my muscles and getting ready for the next phase. The Build phase didn't have any special days that were designated for a workout, it just want around in a circle and you just kept repeating over and over again. 

Today I started the Bulk Phase which does have designated days for each workout. For the next 5 weeks I will do Chest on Mondays, and legs on Tuesdays and every Sunday will be my off day from lifting and cardio. I am looking forward to this phase and seeing what it does to my body.  I know it might sound scary and make you think you are going to bulk up, but I know I wont because I am not a guy and I don't have the testosterone to Bulk up like they do.

So what have I noticed these past 3 weeks?!?

Well first off I noticed that when you lift you burn ALOT more calories through out the day. I am eating anywhere from 1500-1800 calories a day and I have only gained 1 pound back from where I started. I started at 118 lost 2 pounds and gained 1 pound back these past 3 weeks. I keep saying for me its a lot of food but I am eating it because I want the results and I am seeing that I am not gaining weight!! However, I am not eating junk and I am not just eating whatever I want, I am sticking to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and making sure I eat a well balanced nutrition.

Second I have noticed my posture. I walk taller and I no longer slouch when I am sitting or even standing, which I do a lot. Lifting has helped me in that area.

Third, my confidence! I have gained a ton of confidence with lifting. Not only has it helped me with my posture to stand tall but I feel great about myself and don't want to hunch over and hide!! That is a super plus in my book.

Fourth, I have seen changes in my body! I have noticed my arms are toning up and my legs are looking leaner. These are all things I wanted to happen, so I am happy with them.

Like I said above when it comes to eating,  I am following the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. There is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.

I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.

However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.

Body Beast is a 90 Day program, there are 3 phases to it. This program requires equipment, but I think this program should be done by EVERYONE!!! Why? Because it makes you feel amazing and lifting weights will get you the lean and toned body you want for summer.

And GUESS what?!?! Its on sale this month AND I am running a Body Beast Exclusive Group Starting June 2nd, called Train like a Beast, look like a Beauty!!!!

Interested in my Body Beast Challenge group? Email me at and lets talk! Lets find out if Body Beast is right for you and lets get you on the road to success!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #26 - Find Healthy Fast Food

Find healthy fast food

Have to work late tonight and need dinner—in a hurry? Not to worry. Shakeology is a great meal replacement Shake that is cheaper than fast food, gives you the energy you need to keep going, and curbs any and all cravings. Oh and it takes less than 5 minutes to make.

However, if you have had your shake already for the day or you forgot it, and you find fast food is your only option, pull up the restaurant's nutrition facts online before you go; you can make an informed decision ahead of time about what to order. Nearly every quick-service restaurant has a relatively healthful option or two. I am talking  salads, chili, or grilled chicken. Some low-cal, healthy, on-the-run dishes: the vegetarian burrito bowl at Chipotle or the grilled chicken salad at Chick Fil A are my go toos if I don't' have my shakeology on me.


Thursday, May 14, 2015


I don't know about you but I love my muffins! I don't make them often or eat them much, hence why I am always making a blueberry muffin shake for breakfast. But on occasion I will make muffins. This is one of my favorite gluten free / grain free blueberry muffin recipes. They don't last long in my house, which is another reason I don't make them often. And yes they husband approved and non gluten free eaters approve too!

Gluten Free / Grain Free Blueberry Muffins

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Yield: 1 dozen


  • 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup hazelnut flour
  • 1 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
  • ¼ cup+2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ cup blueberries


  • Preheat oven to 350°
  • Combine dry ingredients (both flours, sugar, baking soda, and salt) into a bowl and mix.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk eggs together; add milk, honey and vanilla and stir.
  • Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients.
  • Stir in the blueberries by hand.
  • Line muffin tin with muffin liners and spray each one with a bit of nonstick spray (optional but recommended).
  • Pour batter evenly into muffin tins.
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes or until batter is no longer in liquid form. 
  • Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Your Attitude Determines Your Direction

When our attitudes outdistance our abilities, even the impossible becomes possible.

 Your attitude determines your direction. And whether you will succeed or you will fail! You attitude is what determines how far you can go on your journey to success!

 And whether you like it or not, the person you are and where you are today are the results of your attitude. Do you like it? Or do you wish it was different?

Well guess what?!? One of the greatest discoveries you can ever make is that you can change!!! You can change no matter where you are today, where you were yesterday, or how negative your attitude has been in the past. You can be more positive today. You can change your attitude and make the incredible difference in your life and in the potential you have!

 Don't let your attitude be the reason you fail or never venture out! Make the change today and not only start feeling good about yourself but start that journey to success!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jess S. - 3 Day Refresh

This is Jess. She started out as a customer doing the 21 day fix back in September. She fell in love with shakeology and knew that she couldn't live without it but it really didn't fit into her finances. Being off of it, for just a few days, made her realize that she didn't it and needed to figure out a way to afford it. So she become a working coach and she has been on fire ever since!!! She is crushing goals like no other, especially when it comes to help others each month.

These are Jess's Before and after photos from doing the 3 Day Refresh. She did the refresh at the end of April and in the middle of the week. She did it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. She decided to complete this program in order to get back on track with her eating and to see what it was like.
For 3 days, she endured fiber sweeps, vanilla fresh shakes, fruit, and veggies. She also drank a ton of water!

Something's that she learned doing the fresh are:
**chug the fiber sweep
**add less water, almond extract, and lots of ice to the vanilla fresh shakes
**drink plenty of water
**savor every bite of those veggies
** do low impact workouts
**hummus is actually really good!!

Recap on her experience:

The first 2 days weren't bad. She was surprised at how much energy she had and how she wasn't hungry. However, the 3rd day was a different story for her. She caved and ate a tsp. of peanut butter! However, overall, in 3 days she lost 4.2 POUNDS and 2 INCHES (1.5 from her hips and .5 from her waist)! She was really impressed with herself and her results. And she plans to this program in the future.

Everyone's experiences are different. On the first day its always harder for me than the 3rd day and usually on the 3rd day I am flying high and feel like I can take on the world. However, the one thing that is not different for everyone is the results. No matter who you are, as long as you follow the 3 days to a T you will lose weight and lose any where from 2-10 pounds.

Remember this 3 day refresh is safe, effective, and you EAT on it. No starving yourself, no juicing or fasting, you actually eat a lot of food on it. 

Interested in the 3 day refresh? Want to do it before you leave for vacation. Email me at and lets get you started!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Body Beast Recap of Week 2

Two weeks ago I started a new program. I wasn't sure what one to start and I wasn't really quite sure what I wanted to do going into the summer months. I love T25 and wanted to go back to it, BUT, part of my bucket list is to do all the programs and have a transformation for everyone! SO...last minute I went with Body Beast. Not really quite sure, I knew I wanted something with lifting and I wanted something completely different from the past couple months. So Body Beast it was!
When I finally decided on Body Beast, my main goal with the program was to get it out there to women and show them that even though its name sounds scary, it isn't! And that any body can do this. Plus I wanted to prove to all the women out there that you WON'T get big by doing this program. Actually the opposite will happen, you will get small, lean, and toned.
So Monday April 27th, I started Body Beast. And let me tell you, I am in LOVE!! I have been doing this program now for 2 weeks and it is absolutely AMAZING!! The feeling I get from doing this program is great! I am sore, I am tired, I am sweaty, and I just overall feel more CONFIDENT!! Each day I do a workout, I see that I am getting stronger than last week, and I continue to feel sore but in different parts of my body, which is a good thing, because it tells me I ma continuing to make improvements and hit muscles I didn't last week and some I didn't even know I had!!

I am on week 3, which is the last week of the first phase on the Lean Calendar. This phase was the Build phase where I know I was building up my muscles and getting ready for the next phase. This phase didn't know have any special days that were designated for a workout, it just want around in a circle and you just kept repeating I over and over again.  Next week I will start the Bulk phase which does sound scary and makes you think you are going to bulk up, but I know I wont because I am not a guy and I don't have the testosterone to Bulk up like they do. In this next phase, every workout has a designated day, for example, Mondays will always be chest, Tuesdays Legs, etc. I am looking forward to this phase and seeing what it does to my body.  

When it comes to eating, there is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.
I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.
However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.
And just to reassure you that you won't get big.....I started out weighing 118 and after 7 days of lifting and eating ALOT of food, I have lost 2 pounds and was down to 116. After 2 weeks, I am at 117.0. I gained a pound this week, and I am honestly not sure if it is due to muscle or the fact that we went out of town this weekend and I didn't eat enough yesterday.

However, with this program, I don't expect to lose a lot and I know that number will go up before I am done, but its because I am building muscle and leaning out. And Muscle weighs more than fat AND is a whole lot sexier looking.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #25 - Be a Mighty Maintainer

Be a mighty maintainer
So what do you do when the end is near? What do you do when you have FINALLY reached that number on the scale that you want to stick with FOREVER? How do you not continue to lose or GAIN that weight back?
First off pat yourself on the back for sticking with it and doing what needed to be done for you to reach your goals.
Second, go reward yourself! NO not with food but with a new outfit or something you have been wanting since you started.
Third, to maintain your weight, you still have to make those smart choices at restaurants, work, and home. Just because you hit your goal, doesn't mean that you can go back to your old ways and habits of eating and continue to keep your goal. 
Fourth, Look into getting a success partner or an accountability partner, someone who you can chat with once a week about your eating highs and oh-no's. Join an accountability Facebook group if you don't have anyone you want to talk eating and healthy lifestyle with.
Fifth, stick to using that scale, NOT daily or even weekly, but biweekly. Why? So you can be proactive if a few extra pounds creep back on, which they will from time to time, because life will get in the way.
And LAST, Don't let your exercise routine change, because even if you don't have any more pounds to lose, you'll still be working out your heart and everything else!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

NEW REIPE!!! Gluten Free Turkey Taco Casserole!!

This is a household favorite. I remember making it for the first time and thinking my husband is going to hate it. It looked good and smelled good but he isn't a HUGE Mexican fan like me and it was my first time making it and trying it so I didn't know what to expect. What I didn't expect was for him to fall in love with it. We ended up eating the whole pan (pre 21 day fix)!! It is CLEAN, Gluten free, and DELICIOUS!!! Also when it is hubby approved that is a major plus. This is something you must try and get ready because it will be something you want to make weekly but try and save it for a monthly treat! :)

1 lbs lean ground turkey, browned and drained.
2 avocados diced
Plain Greek Yogurt (I like the trader joes organic brand)
Low fat Cheddar Cheese (omit if you are stripping down your own meal plan)
Corn Tortilla Shells (Hard ones) or corn chips (no salt added)

 Homemade taco seasoning
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 lime
Blend together in mixer place in fridge till ready to use.

Brown turkey in a pan over medium high heat.
Drain off the liquid and add homemade taco seasoning with 1/4 c water.
Stir until combined.
Layer a baking dish with crunched up taco shells or chips.
Then put a layer of ground meat, layer of spinach, layer of avocados, thin layer of salsa, thin layer of greek yogurt, and a tiny bit of cheddar cheese (emphasize TINY), then layer with again with ground meat, spinach, avocados, salsa greek yogurt and cheddar cheese. The add a few more chips or shells on top.
 Heat in 450 Degree oven for 15 minutes.

 You can add other toppings if you would like once finished.

 You can also serve it with a side of green beans or asparagus.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

2 Week Coach Training Starts Thursday May 7, 2015

Its NOT to late to make this year, your year!!

Are you ready to do something for you? Are you looking to make a little extra for vacation this summer? Are you looking for a new job? Do you want to work from home? Do you want to be able to stay home with your babies?

 Guess what!?!?

 I can help! No matter what your goal is, I can help you reach it! I was unhappy for a long time teaching! And I never thought I would find something that would relight my passion. But I did! I found Beachbody and helping others! It's just like teaching but I am making an impact on so many peoples healthy, happiness, and future!

 Beachbody saved my life from being miserable! Beachbody has allowed me to take a risk, jump, and fly with my dreams. And if I would have allowed fear to get in my way, well I wouldn't be where I am today! The past 3 months I have gotten a $500 raise! Does your job give you a monthly raise?
What would you do with an extra $100-$500 a month? Don't let your fears hold you back from finding out!

 I am looking for 5 women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable.

 I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business from home, whether it be part time or full time. And all you are required to do is help people reach their health and fitness goals!

 Do you have to be a fitness expert? Do you have to be skinny? Do you have to be 100% perfect with your eating?

 HECK NO!!!! No one is perfect! I don't eat 100% perfect, I didn't start out with the body I wanted, and I sure don't consider myself a fitness expert. I was a teacher before I started this. I have an undergrad in Elementary Teaching and a Masters in Special Ed. I have no degree in physical education or fitness.

 It doesn't matter your background, your current job, if you were a collage drop out or have your PHD in physics. Beachbody loves everyone because we all are unique and we each bring something different to the table.

 I have an all EXCLUSIVE, one on one Coach Training Academy opening up on May 7th. And I only have 3 posts left. APPLY by May 6, 2015 to reserve your spot!
Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->

 You can also send me a personal message to if you want to know how to get started. Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Crysta S. 21 Day Fix results

This is Crysta S. She started out doing the 21 Day Fix, last May 2014. She had the last bit of weight from her pregnancy that she wanted to lose, that was just not coming off. She was approached by a coach, (me) a few times about the 21 Day Fix, and finally decided to try it. She figured its only 21 Days and she could handle that. Needless to say that she FELL in love with the Fix. She lost 8 pounds and 8 inches in 21 Days. She loved the Fix so much that she told everyone and anyone about it and had them sign up with her coach. She loved shakeology and the fix and after few months doing both, she was ready to sign up a preferred customer / discount coach so that she could get a discount on shakeology and other programs.

In October she switched to P90 to gain muscle and strength and then in January, Crysta was approached by a friend about 21 day fix and she realized that she could be helping others on their journey and make a few extra dollars while doing it. So she took a leap of faith and decided to work the business!!!

She hasn't looked back since she started improving her health and fitness journey and she continues to grow and change lives. She is currently doing the PiYo program and then moving onto Insanity Max 30. She also just ranked to Diamond this past week.

Don't let excuses hold you back any longer. Take a leap of faith like Crysta did and start getting rid of those last 5 - 10 pounds, or the baby weight you want to get rid of,  or start your health and fitness journey and loss the excess weight you have to lose. I can help you. What is 21 days right? Its not even a whole month.

If you are ready to commit and get healthy and happy this summer - email me at I would love to help you and who knows what will happen a year from now. Don't wait one more day. Lets get moving and grooving to a healthy happy summer!

Monday, May 4, 2015


Last Monday I started a new program. I was in a great debate to which program I wanted to do. My goal / bucket list is to do every Program so that I have a transformation and so that I can talk to you and my clients about each program and how I felt, what I noticed, etc. So I was deciding between Chalene Extreme and Body Beast. I knew I wanted to do a lifting program and these 2 are lifting. So looking into them, all I heard were raves about Chalene Extreme from the women and raves about Body Beast from the men. When I asked women why they didn't choose Body Beast, they said they didn't want to get big.
SOOO.... that made my mind up and I chose Body Beast. Not because I want to get big, but because I want to show every one out, that with Body Beast you will not get big. With Body Beast you will build muscle but in a lean way!
So last Monday April 27th, I started Body Beast. And let me tell you, I am in LOVE!! I love this program. I feel amazing doing it. Last week by day 2 I couldn't walk up and down the stairs! That's a good thing though, it means it working. All week long I kept finding places that I had never been sore before in my life. I have muscles in areas that I never thought I had before.

This program is 90 days long, and the workouts range from 30-50 minutes. There are 2 calendars to the program a Lean Calendar and a Mass Calendar. I am doing the lean calendar because I don't want to bulk up but I want to lean and tone up. In the Lean Calendar there are 3 phases, Build, Bulk and Beast. Build is 3 weeks long, Bulk is 5 weeks long, and Beast is 4 weeks long. There are 4 workouts in the build phase - Chest / Tris, Legs, Back and Bis, and Shoulders. There is also a day where you do Cardio and Abs, which are his cardio and abs.
Equipment - when it comes to equipment you need a good range of dumbbells, a ball, and a resistance band. If you have a barbell, pull up bar, and bench that is awesome but you do not need them. The first week I did everything with limited equipment and this week I am using the barbell, pull up stand, and bench that we have. Dumbbells are expensive so I always tell my clients to look into block weights so that you get a range of dumbbells but all in one and you actually end up saving money.

When it comes to eating, there is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past 1 has been the 21 day fix. The fix comes easy to me and the research I have done, says that its about the calories consumed for this program and in a healthy way. So I am sticking to my trusty Fix Meal plan. HOWEVER, I have had to go up 2 brackets for my containers because Body Beast tells me I need to eat 1800 calories!!! Crazy right?!? I was used to eating may 1300 a day and now I have to up it 500 calories!! I am not going to lie, its hard. Especially with someone like me who doesn't care for food and struggles with having celiac's. However, each day I work hard to get it all in and if I am hungry I eat! That is one thing I wont do is starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT!
And just to reassure you that you won't get big.....I started out weighing 118 and after 7 days of lifting and eating ALOT of food, I have lost 2 pounds and am down to 116. I don't expect to lose a lot and I know that number will go up before I am done, but its because I am building muscle and leaning out. And Muscle weighs more than fat AND is a whole lot sexier looking.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #24 - Workout Chafe Free

Workout chafe-free

There's nothing fun about chafing. You can get the rash (caused by moisture and constant friction) on your thighs, around your sports bra, and even under your arms, to name a few hot spots! To prevent the next occurrence, try rubbing on an anti-chafe stick like Bodyglide For Her Anti-Chafing Stick ($9; in any spots that have the potential to chafe. Moisture-wicking fabrics help, too, so if you have a few quick-dry shirts (Nike, Asics, and Under Armour all make 'em), save those for your more intense workouts or long runs, when chafing is most likely to occur.
Summer is coming which means warmer weather is coming. If you are someone that likes to workout outside or go for long runs then be aware of your skin and avoid this annoying and uncomfortable rash if you can.