Monday, May 11, 2015

Body Beast Recap of Week 2

Two weeks ago I started a new program. I wasn't sure what one to start and I wasn't really quite sure what I wanted to do going into the summer months. I love T25 and wanted to go back to it, BUT, part of my bucket list is to do all the programs and have a transformation for everyone! SO...last minute I went with Body Beast. Not really quite sure, I knew I wanted something with lifting and I wanted something completely different from the past couple months. So Body Beast it was!
When I finally decided on Body Beast, my main goal with the program was to get it out there to women and show them that even though its name sounds scary, it isn't! And that any body can do this. Plus I wanted to prove to all the women out there that you WON'T get big by doing this program. Actually the opposite will happen, you will get small, lean, and toned.
So Monday April 27th, I started Body Beast. And let me tell you, I am in LOVE!! I have been doing this program now for 2 weeks and it is absolutely AMAZING!! The feeling I get from doing this program is great! I am sore, I am tired, I am sweaty, and I just overall feel more CONFIDENT!! Each day I do a workout, I see that I am getting stronger than last week, and I continue to feel sore but in different parts of my body, which is a good thing, because it tells me I ma continuing to make improvements and hit muscles I didn't last week and some I didn't even know I had!!

I am on week 3, which is the last week of the first phase on the Lean Calendar. This phase was the Build phase where I know I was building up my muscles and getting ready for the next phase. This phase didn't know have any special days that were designated for a workout, it just want around in a circle and you just kept repeating I over and over again.  Next week I will start the Bulk phase which does sound scary and makes you think you are going to bulk up, but I know I wont because I am not a guy and I don't have the testosterone to Bulk up like they do. In this next phase, every workout has a designated day, for example, Mondays will always be chest, Tuesdays Legs, etc. I am looking forward to this phase and seeing what it does to my body.  

When it comes to eating, there is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.
I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.
However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.
And just to reassure you that you won't get big.....I started out weighing 118 and after 7 days of lifting and eating ALOT of food, I have lost 2 pounds and was down to 116. After 2 weeks, I am at 117.0. I gained a pound this week, and I am honestly not sure if it is due to muscle or the fact that we went out of town this weekend and I didn't eat enough yesterday.

However, with this program, I don't expect to lose a lot and I know that number will go up before I am done, but its because I am building muscle and leaning out. And Muscle weighs more than fat AND is a whole lot sexier looking.

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