Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Train like a Beast, Look Like a Beaut Fitness Group NOW OPEN

So here I stand in a bikini!! Why? Well did you know that summer is less than 5 weeks away and your vacation might even be less than that.

Yes I workout everyday.
Yes I eat 90 - 95% clean everyday.
But guess what I didn't always feel comfortable in a bikini. I never did when I was younger and I never did till a year and half ago, when I started working out and drinking Shakeology. That is when I saw what home workout programs, clean eating and shakeology can do to not just to my
Body but to my confidence.

 And.....this year my goal isn't to get fit for a bikini, it's not even to look sexy in a bikini. This year my goal is to help YOU feel CONFIDENT in your bikini, or even just your summer clothes. I want you, no matter what the scale says or what your eyes see, to FEEL confident this Summer when you are out and about at the pool or on vacation!!!

I am looking for 6 people to join me in my 30 day STRONG and CONFIDENT Fitness group Starting June 1! I will be working one on one with you and helping you stick to your goals!
To join this group you will need to invest in yourself. Yes, health and fitness is an investment and it's the best one you will make. YOU ARE WORTH IT!! This is about the way you feel, your life, your health, your kids, being the role model to your family. And to do all this is less than a meal you would get at Chick Fil A or your local Grocery Store Café.

 Do this for you!! Do this to feel STRONG and CONFIDENT not just in your bikini but every day for the rest of your life!!

I only have 6 spots available so email me for more information. Also if you sign up with me TODAY you will receive a $25 gift card from me for taking the first step in becoming a stronger more confident you!

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