Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fear has 2 meanings

FEAR has 2 meanings:

 1. Forget everything and run
2. Face everything and rise

 The choice is yours!

 Do you let fear guide your life? Do you make all your decisions based off fear? STOP!!
Stop letting fear run your life! Get out of your comfort zone and live! Take risks. Fail. Get back up and try again.

 Don't allow yourself to fall to the live in fear lifestyle. You can do anything you set your heart to! Yes change is scary. Risk is scary. But if you don't step out of your comfort zone then you will never know what it's like to live or to have what you want.

 I took a HUGE risk quitting my teaching job and following my dreams. But I did it! And I am flying! Yes, I was scared and still am some times today. BUT, I didn't let my fears hold me back. I stepped way out of my comfort zone and am growing as a person and am happy!!

Today, stop living in fear! Take that risk and follow your dreams!! Go after what you want! You won't regret it!!

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