Monday, May 4, 2015


Last Monday I started a new program. I was in a great debate to which program I wanted to do. My goal / bucket list is to do every Program so that I have a transformation and so that I can talk to you and my clients about each program and how I felt, what I noticed, etc. So I was deciding between Chalene Extreme and Body Beast. I knew I wanted to do a lifting program and these 2 are lifting. So looking into them, all I heard were raves about Chalene Extreme from the women and raves about Body Beast from the men. When I asked women why they didn't choose Body Beast, they said they didn't want to get big.
SOOO.... that made my mind up and I chose Body Beast. Not because I want to get big, but because I want to show every one out, that with Body Beast you will not get big. With Body Beast you will build muscle but in a lean way!
So last Monday April 27th, I started Body Beast. And let me tell you, I am in LOVE!! I love this program. I feel amazing doing it. Last week by day 2 I couldn't walk up and down the stairs! That's a good thing though, it means it working. All week long I kept finding places that I had never been sore before in my life. I have muscles in areas that I never thought I had before.

This program is 90 days long, and the workouts range from 30-50 minutes. There are 2 calendars to the program a Lean Calendar and a Mass Calendar. I am doing the lean calendar because I don't want to bulk up but I want to lean and tone up. In the Lean Calendar there are 3 phases, Build, Bulk and Beast. Build is 3 weeks long, Bulk is 5 weeks long, and Beast is 4 weeks long. There are 4 workouts in the build phase - Chest / Tris, Legs, Back and Bis, and Shoulders. There is also a day where you do Cardio and Abs, which are his cardio and abs.
Equipment - when it comes to equipment you need a good range of dumbbells, a ball, and a resistance band. If you have a barbell, pull up bar, and bench that is awesome but you do not need them. The first week I did everything with limited equipment and this week I am using the barbell, pull up stand, and bench that we have. Dumbbells are expensive so I always tell my clients to look into block weights so that you get a range of dumbbells but all in one and you actually end up saving money.

When it comes to eating, there is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past 1 has been the 21 day fix. The fix comes easy to me and the research I have done, says that its about the calories consumed for this program and in a healthy way. So I am sticking to my trusty Fix Meal plan. HOWEVER, I have had to go up 2 brackets for my containers because Body Beast tells me I need to eat 1800 calories!!! Crazy right?!? I was used to eating may 1300 a day and now I have to up it 500 calories!! I am not going to lie, its hard. Especially with someone like me who doesn't care for food and struggles with having celiac's. However, each day I work hard to get it all in and if I am hungry I eat! That is one thing I wont do is starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT!
And just to reassure you that you won't get big.....I started out weighing 118 and after 7 days of lifting and eating ALOT of food, I have lost 2 pounds and am down to 116. I don't expect to lose a lot and I know that number will go up before I am done, but its because I am building muscle and leaning out. And Muscle weighs more than fat AND is a whole lot sexier looking.

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