Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Courtney L.

Meet Courtney: The picture on the left was the picture that finally hit home and made her realize that she had to do something about her weight. She ate out for everyday, recently had 2 babies, never exercised, was uncomfortable in her own skin, and did not know how to "Diet".
Beachbody programs, especially the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, have given her the knowledge, support, and encouragement, that no other company or fitness system has ever given her.
Once she made the commitment to improve her health and fitness the rest came into place. She couldn't have done it without the support of her coach, her husband, family, and the online fitness groups she was placed in, and her 21 Day Fix Partner.
Today Courtney is happier, healthier, more confident, feels great in a her own skin, and is now a Coach helping others on their health and fitness journey.
Courtney has done 3 rounds of the fix, PiYo, Chalene Extreme and the 3 Day Refresh. And now she is thinking about doing the Ultimate Rest!!!
Here is Courtney's after pictures from the 3 Day Refresh. She lost 7.4 pounds and 4.5 inches in just 3 Days!! 

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