Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jamie G

Meet Jamie! She started out as a regular customer and is now a Beachbody Coach and this is her story!

 Drinking often
 Eating way too much
 Just living

 Taking on challenges
 So much energy
 Setting goals
 Loving life
 Dreaming big
 Achieving things
Her Transformation isn't about being skinny and fit its more about her mental health and how she felt before her journey and then after / during her journey!
Working out and eating clean isn't just about physical health its about mental health too!! And Jamie's transformation tells that!!
When you want something you have to work for it. No one can give it to you. No one will just hand it over. YOU are the only one that can achieve your goals!
‪#‎transformationtuesday ‪#‎itsyourlife ‪#‎youreworthit ‪After:
Taking on challenges
So much energy
Setting goals
Loving life
Dreaming big
Achieving things

My transformation isn't necessarily just "skinny" but I'm now mentally well!

When you want something you have to work for it. No one can give it to you. No one will just hand it over. YOU are the only one that can achieve your goals!


Monday, June 29, 2015

Recap on Week 9/10 of Body Beast

I can't believe that I only have 2 weeks left of Body Beast!!! Crazy! Time has seriously flown by!

I just finished week 9 and am in the middle of week 10. Normally I would just be starting week 10 but due to vacation and Summit, I will not be taking a rest day with Body Beast, unless I need to.

Why? Because my last week of the Beast is during Summit and I won't be able to complete it. I worked too hard not to finish this program so if I skip the rest days I will be able to finish the Beast the day we leave for summit. Yay!!

So Saturday stated the week 10 of Body Beast. And it is HARD!!! Not hard as in I am struggling with weights and am weak. But it is a total SHOCK to your system. Last weeks leg day KILLED me and it was the same workout I had done the past 5 weeks. My whole body was sore by the end of the week, which is a good thing. I honestly went into this phase thinking, nothing will change on my body because I have done all these workouts. WRONG!!! My body is sore and I am actually feeling lighter and leaner. CRAZY!!!

So what have I noticed these past 10 weeks?!?

Well first off I noticed that when you lift you burn ALOT more calories through out the day. I am eating anywhere from 1500-1800 calories a day and I have only gained 1 pound back from where I started. I started at 118 lost 2 pounds and went back to my starting weight and gained .8 pounds from building up my muscles. With the Bulk phase I gained 2 more pounds of muscle so I am up to 120.

When it comes to the food its a ALOT and I literally feel like I am eating every 2 hours but I am eating it because I want the results and I am seeing that I am not gaining weight like I would normally with eating all that food!! Also, I am not eating junk and I am not just eating whatever I want, I am sticking to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and making sure I eat a well balanced nutrition.

Second I have noticed my posture. I walk taller and I no longer slouch when I am sitting or even standing, which I do a lot. Lifting has helped me in that area.

Third, my confidence! I have gained a ton of confidence with lifting. Not only has it helped me with my posture to stand tall but I feel great about myself and don't want to hunch over and hide!! That is a super plus in my book.

Fourth, I have seen changes in my body! I have noticed my arms are toning up and my legs are looking leaner. These are all things I wanted to happen, so I am happy with them. Also I have noticed that I am STRONGER. When it comes to doing pushups I no longer have to stop and take a break. I can rack out 15 pushups no problem.

Like I said above when it comes to eating,  I am following the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. There is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.

Things, have been crazy this past week traveling on the weekend and trying to pack for a month, I have just stuck to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. Last week I tried out the countdown to competition plan, however, eating 5 days straight of nothing but meats and greens, I gave up on Saturday because by Friday night the look and smell of meat made me want to puke. I wasn't in it either, I have been really stressed with packing, traveling, and some personally things going on, so I just couldn't get excited about it. So I am back to eating the normal 21 Day fix meal plan.

I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.

However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.
Body Beast is a 90 Day program, there are 3 phases to it. This program requires equipment, but I think this program should be done by EVERYONE!!! Why? Because it makes you feel amazing and lifting weights will get you the lean and toned body you want for summer.

I am so excited to post my transformation pics in 2 weeks!!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #32 - Excuse 3 - I don't get a break from my kids

Exercise Excuse No. 3: 'I Don't Get a Break From the Kids.'

Have your kids workout with you. Take them with you if you are going to the gym or to a park! Be a role model to your kids. When they see you working out they want to workout too!  If you go to the park, have them playing and as you watch them you can walk around the playground, or jump rope nearby. During their games or sports practices, walk briskly around the field. If you are working out at home, set up a play area for them or give them something fun to do.

Some other great ideas are to go biking riding, put up a badminton net in your yard, sign up as a family for "fun runs," or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. When the weather's bad, try active video games like "Dance Dance Revolution," "Wii Sport," and "Wii Fit." Or through in your video and have your kids join you! They will thank you!
Remember when you are fit, you have more energy, you are healthier, happier, and your WHOLE family benefits from it!!! Do not feel selfish that you are taking "ME" time. Me time benefits you all and your me time is showing your kids that its okay to take it too when they grow up and have kids!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

New RECIPE!!!! Spinach Cilantro Meatballs

I do not care for meat or meatballs, so that being said, I LOVE this recipe!!! Have celiacs I have never been able to eat meatballs because so many people add crackers or bread crumbs to them. But not these!! These are amazing and they are definitely something that you want to make and eat!!! You can make these for sandwiches, with spaghetti squash, or by themselves.

Spinach Cilantro Meatballs (grain free)


2 pounds ground meat ( I use chicken, or turkey, 98% fat free, but you can use whatever)

1 tsp pink hymilayn salt

1/2 tsp seasoning of choice (herb and garlic)

1 tsp cumin powder

2 cups baby spinach, chopped

1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped fine

2 eggs, whipped


Preheat oven to 400’F and line with unbleached parchment paper.
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well until fully combine.  I use my hands here.

Roll into small balls and place onto prepared baking sheet.

Bake for 25 minutes, until meatballs are beginning to brown and cooked all the way through.


To freeze: freeze meatballs in a single layer then place frozen meatballs in a airtight container.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I am not fit. I am not at my ideal body. I don't know anything about fitness. Who would want to follow me? I am fat. I don't know how to run my own business. I hear these all the time from people when asked about coaching. And guess what?!?

 You don't have to be fit, you don't have to be at your ideal body, you don't have to know much about fitness, you don't have to be skinny, and you don't even have to know how to run your own business!
When I started I wasn't at my ideal body, I didn't know much about Beachbody and their programs, I wasn't "fit", and I had no clue what Beachbody was and how to run my own business!!

 But now I am a 3 star Diamond Beachbody coach that has quit her full time teaching job of 8 years. I have been doing this business for less then 2 years and have been very successful at it. Not only have I been successful, I have been truly happy helping others. I no longer cringe when my alarm goes off!
And now I am looking for 5 people that want to quit their full time job, are new moms that don't want to go back to work, or are just looking for extra income to spend on yourself or your family.
I will teach you how to turn your $40 investment into a highly successful business, all while getting healthy and fit and helping others do the same!

 I am only taking 5 people for the month of July to mentor 1 on 1, teach them the ins and out of coaching, and help them reach their goals. If you think this opportunity is for you

 Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->https://jgerity83.wufoo.com/forms/team-fearless-dreamers-coach-application/

I would love to help you reach your goals and start making a substantial amount of money within your first year!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - My Parents - 21 Day Fix

Its Transformation Tuesday and Today I am super excited to share this transformation with you! These are my parents!! And it has taken them almost 2 years of watching me with my business, to ask for help. My mom has been him hahing around with the 21 Day Fix and wanting to do it since Christmas but she never took the plunge. So on Mothers Day my Dad told my Mom that he would do it with her before they went to the beach. I had them start on a Tuesday (after Memorial Day) and they did it! They went 21 Days straight!!! Actually they went longer than that, they did about 25 days, right up until they left for the beach!! I am so proud of my parents. So let me tell you a little about them......
My parents are 62 and 65 years old so getting out of their comfort zone is something they don't normally do any more, and especially with food! But they did!!! They go out of their comfort zone and revamp their lifestyle! And they did all by following the 21 Day Fix for 21 straight days and actually following it to a T, which to me, knowing my parents and their eating habits is just awesome!! 

My mom lost 7 pounds and 8.25 inches total. My dad looks slevt and spry. He, of course, didn't listen to me when I told him to weight and measure himself, but the physiological changes are SOOO evident.
And the best part of all this, is that they are really enjoying implementing this lifestyle change into their daily lives!! They feel increased energy, increased mental clarity, and are much more satiated by the end of the day. 
Most importantly they want to continue the maintenance phase of the 21 day fix, this week while they are at the beach and they even took their containers to measure out their food!!
Seeing my parents do this, truly follow it and not give up, means the world to me. I have been wanting to help them for so long, but I didn't force, instead I continued to lead by example and show them how Rich and I do it daily and how we communicate. And though it took them 2 years to decide to do it, they did it, and that is all that matters.
To me its not about being skinny or having a six pack. Those are nice BUT  to me its about being healthy, about living longer, about staying active so you can enjoy life with friends, family, spouse, kids, etc. And seeing my parents look younger, be more active, and just FEEL better makes all the difference in the world!!
I get the most satisfaction from seeing the people I help, experience these changes, is not ultimately the quantitative results, but the fact that they feel so good about themselves and intrinsically want to continue this in lifestyle! 
21 Day Fix, in my opinion, is the best meal plan / program out there. And it consistently shows me that people of all ages, sizes, and health goals can benefit from this program. And it's never too late!! If my parents who are in their 60's can do it. So you can you!!!
If you are ready to get your Fix on, email me at jgerity83@gmail.com, I would love to help you get healthy and start living life!!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Recap of Body Beast Phase 2

WOW! I can't believe that I finished week 7 of Body Beast and have started Week 8! I am officially on the down slide and am in the final Phase!!! Crazy! Time has flown by!

I just finished Phase 2, which was the second phase on the Lean Calendar, called Bulk Phase. This phase is where I will be Bulking up my muscles and getting ready for the final phase. The Bulk phase had special days that were designated for each workout, Monday was always Chest, Tuesday was always legs, etc. The Bulk Phase was 5 weeks long. I am loved this Phase and never worried about the BULK word because I know I won't BULK up like men do.  I know this PHASE does sound scary and makes you think you are going to bulk up, but Don't worry you and I won't because we are not guys and we don't have the testosterone to Bulk up like they do.

Normally I would have taken a rest day yesterday and started Phase 3 today however, for the next 4 weeks I will not be taking a rest day with Body Beast, unless I need to.

Why? Because my last week of the Beast is during summit and I won't be able to complete it. I worked to hard not to finish this program so if I skip the rest days I will be able to finish the Beast the day we leave for summit. Yay!!

So Yesterday stated the final phase of Body Beast. The phase is called Beast Phase and it combines the last 2 phases workouts. So I am excited to see what happens these next 4 weeks.

Yesterday was Build Chest and Tris. I haven't done this workout for 5 weeks so it felt amazing! My chest and tris are definitely sore because he does different moves with this program and he does more push ups.

So what have I noticed these past 7 weeks?!?

Well first off I noticed that when you lift you burn ALOT more calories through out the day. I am eating anywhere from 1500-1800 calories a day and I have only gained 1 pound back from where I started. I started at 118 lost 2 pounds and went back to my starting weight and gained .8 pounds from building up my muscles. With the Bulk phase I gained 2 more pounds of muscle so I am up to 120.

When it comes to the food its a ALOT and I literally feel like I am eating every 2 hours but I am eating it because I want the results and I am seeing that I am not gaining weight like I would normally with eating all that food!! Also, I am not eating junk and I am not just eating whatever I want, I am sticking to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and making sure I eat a well balanced nutrition.

Second I have noticed my posture. I walk taller and I no longer slouch when I am sitting or even standing, which I do a lot. Lifting has helped me in that area.

Third, my confidence! I have gained a ton of confidence with lifting. Not only has it helped me with my posture to stand tall but I feel great about myself and don't want to hunch over and hide!! That is a super plus in my book.

Fourth, I have seen changes in my body! I have noticed my arms are toning up and my legs are looking leaner. These are all things I wanted to happen, so I am happy with them. Also I have noticed that I am STRONGER. When it comes to doing pushups I no longer have to stop and take a break. I can rack out 15 pushups no problem.

Like I said above when it comes to eating,  I am following the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. There is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.

Last week I tried out the countdown to competition plan, however, eating 5 days straight of nothing but meats and greens, I gave up on Saturday because by Friday night the look and smell of meat made me want to puke. I wasn't in it either, I have been really stressed with packing, traveling, and some personally things going on, so I just couldn't get excited about it. So I am back to eating the normal 21 Day fix meal plan.

I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.

However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.
Body Beast is a 90 Day program, there are 3 phases to it. This program requires equipment, but I think this program should be done by EVERYONE!!! Why? Because it makes you feel amazing and lifting weights will get you the lean and toned body you want for summer.

Interested in Body Beast? Email me and lets talk! Lets find out if Body Beast is right for you and lets get you on the road to success!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #31 - How to rid the excuse - "I'm too Tired"

Exercise Excuse: 'I'm Too Tired.'

Working out actually gives you more energy. Your body makes feel-good hormones (endorphins), and you're getting the circulation going, through out your entire body.

Working out in the morning, tends to help those that work all day. Once you get that work out in, in the morning, I doesn't just give you energy, it makes your whole day better, and you don't have to waste energy or time thinking of an excuse to NOT workout. You are done for the day!

And if you aren't a morning person, that is okay!!! You need to work out when you FEEL the best. There is no perfect time to workout, only when you are ready and able to give your 100% time and dedication to that workout.
I am a morning workout person. I now work from home and can workout whenever I want, but I still choose to get up in the morning and get my workout in, because I will use the excuse, I'm too tired and did when I was working full time in the schools as a teacher.  Morning just suited me best and now it has become a part of my daily morning routine.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

New Recipe - Grilled Mediterranean Chicken Kebabs

I love the GRILL!! I love grilled chicken and I love grilled veggies. So this recipe is amazing and is perfect for summer, picnics, and fourth of July!!

Grilled Mediterranean Chicken Kebabs

 What you need:

 Chicken Kebabs
3 chicken filets, diced in 1-inch cubes
2 red bell peppers
2 green bell peppers
1 red onion - I replace this with carrots or zuchinni
Marinade (for chicken & veggies)
2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil, divided
juice of 1 lemon, divided
6 clove of garlic (minced), divided
2 tsp paprika, divided
2 tsp thyme, divided
4 tsp oregano, divided



Mix one HALF of all ingredients for the marinade in small bowl. Place chicken in a ziplock bag and pour marinade over it. Marinade in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Mix the other HALF of the ingredients in the same bowl pour in zip lock bag with the vegetables. Marinade for at least 30 minutes.

 If you are using wood skewers, while the chicken and veggies are marinating, soak the skewers in water for about 15 minutes. You need to soak wooden skewers in water for about 20- 30 minutes to keep them from igniting right there on the grill. I have also noticed that it’s much easier to slide out the meat and veggies on your plate if the skewers have been soaked before grilling.
Thread the chicken and veggies on the skewers. I usually place about 5-6 chicken pieces, and a combo of veggies in between.

 Heat an outdoor grill or indoor grill pan over medium-high heat. Spray the grates lightly with oil and grill for about 5 minutes on each side, or until the center is no longer pink.

Serve these grilled Mediterranean chicken kebabs with your favorite side. It goes wonderful with a big salad or baked sweet potato fries or slices. Hope you enjoy this easy and delicious summer meal!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday Motivation - Don't Run From Fear

Don't run from fear, embrace it!

What is Fear?  A word? A mindset? A belief? A feeling?

The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Do you feel this way about change? About big goals? About the life that you WANT to live?

Don't let fear hold you back! Don't run from fear. Don't turn away from what could be the best thing because you are afraid!

Instead embrace fear, look it square in the Eyes, welcome the fear, allow it to push you!

If you continue to allow fear to dictate your choices in life, then you will never be happy. Don't fear the unknown, embrace it!

Know that you can do anything you put your find too. Yes change is scary, but isn't it scarier living the same way and feeling the same way you do now for the rest of your life?

Today get out there and commit to you!! Commit to change and commit to doing the things fear most!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Laci S. 21 Day Fix

Meet Laci, she's pretty awesome! She started out like all of us, looking for a solution to feel better, have more energy with her kid, more energy work, and to be comfortable in her own skin. She needed something that was easy, simple, and the workouts weren't long, since she is a Full time working mom. Insert, 21 Day Fix. Laci was introduced to the 21 Day Fix by her coach. And she fell in love with the program. Not only was she seeing results, she was feeling the results. Thanks to the 21 Day Fix and shakeology, Laci had energy to work all day and still come home and play with her little guy and make dinner for her husband.

Laci has now completed two rounds of the 21 Day Fix, while drinking #shakeology, and lost 12 pounds and two pants sizes! Her energy is infectious, and she loves the plan so much that she's decided to become a Coach herself and help motivate others to live a happy, healthy lifestyle. This amazing working mom will have even more success in the future as she completes her first round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and sticks to her clean eating habits. Congrats, Laci!

Monday, June 15, 2015

We Are Family - Join our Family

Who can succeed as a coach?

Anyone that is motivated, driven, and loves helping others.

Do you have to be a fitness expert? Do you have to be skinny? Do you have to be 100% perfect with your eating? Do you have to LOVE working out?

 HECK NO!!!! No one is perfect! I don't eat 100% perfect, I didn't start out with the body I wanted, I didn't love working out like I do now, and I sure don't consider myself a fitness expert. I was a teacher before I started this. I have an undergrad in Elementary Teaching and a Masters in Special Ed. I have no degree in physical education or fitness.

 It doesn't matter your background, your current job, if you were a collage drop out or have your PHD in physics. Beachbody loves everyone because we all are unique and we each bring something different to the table.

My team / Fitness Family is made up of full time moms, teachers, behavior specialist, nurses, realtors, photographers, military wives, and many more. We are all on this journey together and we work together as a team to help each other reach those goals.

And now I am looking to expand my team / family by 5.I am looking for 5 men or women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable. 

I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business from home, whether it be part time or full time. And help you make $250+ your first month as long as do everything that is taught to you! And all you are required to do is help people reach their health and fitness goals!

I have an all EXCLUSIVE, one on one Coach Training Academy opening up on July 2nd. APPLY by June 30, 2015 to reserve your spot! 

 Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->

Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!! Join #TeamFearlessDreamers today!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #30 - How to beat the Excuse, "I don't have time"

Did you know the number one Exercise Excuse is 'I Don't Have Time.' But did you know that we all have the same time in a day and that we choose to spend it differently. Question for you...
"How much television do you watch?"  Think about how much time you watch TV. Within a half hour of one show you could get a good workout in and be done for the day! TV takes up  A LOT of time. More time than we would like to admit. So how do you fix that?
1. TURN THE TV OFF. If you have Netflix, Hulu, or DVR - then record it, catch up on it after you finish your workout. Remember the TV Isn't going to give you the goals you want. PLUS a lot of people mindlessly graze while watching TV. Making it harder to reach your goal and putting you further from it.
2. If you insist on watching TV, then during your shows, use a resistance band for strength training, or walk in place. There are many exercises that you can do - push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups, etc. all while watching your shows.
3. If you don't have a long stretch of time, you could break up your workout into shorter sessions. Some activity is better than none. We find time for things we value. Don't you value your health and longevity?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

NEW RECIPE - Zucchini Pizza Bites

Zucchini Pizza Bites

Yield: Makes 20-25 bites


2 large zucchini, cut into 1/4-inch thick rounds
Coconut Oil
Kosher salt and freshly cracked pepper
1/4 cup organic marinara sauce
1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella
1/4 cup mini turkey pepperoni pieces, optional
Italian seasoning, for sprinkling


Spray both sides of zucchini rounds lightly with nonstick cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Broil or grill the zucchini rounds (I used a grill pan set to medium-high) for 2 minutes on each side.

Place cooked zucchini rounds on a large lined baking sheet. Top with small amounts of sauce, cheese and pepperoni pieces, if desired. Broil for an additional 1-3 minutes, or until cheese is melted, careful not to burn. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning and serve warm.


To make larger rounds, slice zucchini diagonally.
A grill pan isn’t necessary; feel free to use a large nonstick skillet to cook the zucchini rounds.
Strands of pre-shredded mozzarella can be too long and unwieldy to sprinkle. Either finely shred your own or roughly chop bagged shredded mozzarella to make sprinkling easier.
Feel free to top these bites with any of your regular favorite pizza toppings, chopped into small pieces!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday Motivation - Self Doubt

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will...

 FAILURE SUCKS!! There is no two ways around it! It sucks! It's hurtful, time-consuming, embarrassing, and soul-crushing. Failing makes you want to crawl into a hole and die! HA I said it! We all are thinking it right?!?

 So no wonder why so many people THINK the best option is to play it safe. So many people say, "if I don't try, I can't fail."

 What?!? Playing it safe is the worst option! Yes failure sucks, BUT, what if you don't fail. Think about how it feels then! When you succeed it's worth the time, you feel amazing, your confidence is built up, and your soul is ignited!!

 Failure may suck and it may hurt but when you fail you need to remember the big picture. What are you working for? What do you want? And then pick yourself back up, learn from your failure, and continue to go after your dreams!

 Don't self doubt yourself, don't say I am not going to try. Do it! Your self doubt is killing your dreams. Your self doubt is crushing your soul before you even begin to set out and see if you can succeed or if you will fail!

 Don't self doubt! BELIEVE in yourself! Believe that you can and will succeed, Whether it be the first time or the fifth time! Never give up! Keep going!! You can do it!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Christina P. Ultimate Reset

This girl right here is AMAZING!!! She took on the challenge of the Ultimate Reset. The Reset is 21 Days of tuning up your body how I is suppose to be. The Reset eliminates more than just toxins in your body. It works over your whole boy and mind.
With the Reset you body learns to eliminate certain foods and when you do this your boy will react differently to the same foods once you go back to them. Your body becomes PURE in 21 days.
Christina didn't just lose weight! She gained confidence in herself, got glowing skin, and she learned that she does LOVE veggies. Don't get me wrong she looks FANTASTIC!!!
I know several Coaches and Customers that have done this program have lost any where from 9-20 pounds in just 21 days!! Doing it the healthy way.
With this program you CAN NOT workout, you learn to cook different meals, you can NOT have coffee, and its a lot of food prep. However, with this program you GAIN a sense of accomplishment, you get out of the fog and can work harder, more diligently and more clear! Your body needs a good cleanse 1 time per year and this is the perfect way to do it. You EAT, you aren't in the bathroom all day long, and you learn to drink more water (which your body needs!!!).
And guess what!!! I am going to take on this challenge in September. Why then? I am waiting till September because it will the end of summer, we will be done traveling, and I know my body will need a reset. Also one of my coaches really wants to do it, but needs someone to hold her accountable. So I told her I would do it too. My only worry is the workouts but its only 21 days.
If this is something you would be interested in learning more about or would like to join my September 8th Ultimate Reset group, send me email, and I will get you more information about my September 8th group!
Just think about what you could do to your body both from the inside out. And this group is perfect timing. Kids go back to school and summer and all the yummy food and cookouts are over.

Monday, June 8, 2015

What Beachbody and Coaching have done for me.

A lot of people ask how being a coach really helps my family? Or what do you make as a Beachbody coach?

 I might not be a mom yet, but my husband and I are family. So I want to share with you what Beachbody has done MY family.

 When I first became a coach, I was working full time, had no idea what I was getting into, or the amount of possibilities I could have. When I started, I just wanted a job that I could do at home after teaching all day, something part time. So that is how I treated my business.

 And for the first month, I was able to pay for 2 bags of shakeology and have an extra $40 left over. Remember, I was teaching still and getting a salary on top of that, so it was nice knowing I didn't have to dip into that salary to pay for my shakes.

 After being a coach for 6 months, I was able to pay my 2 student loans, and our phone bill. Plus I had an extra $200 that I put towards my credit card bill, which I wanted paid off before we got married. Take note, this is what I was making a month not in total over 6 months.
After being a coach for a year, I was making enough per month to continue to pay my student loans, our phone bill, groceries and have an extra $100. At this point in coaching, I had quit teaching and was no longer getting a teachers salary.

 Within a year and half I was making enough per month for us to move out of my parents and rent a townhouse closer to Rich's job. With my monthly income with Beachbody I was able to continue to pay my student loans, our rent, our water, heat, and phone bill, and all our groceries for the month without touching Rich's monthly salary.

 Beachbody has allowed me to quit teaching, to help out with the bills, and to allow us to move closer to Rich's job without worrying if we are going to make it.

 Yes, we have days where we look at each other and think what are we doing? And yes, I have days that I think, I need to go back to teaching. BUT we are chasing our dreams. We are building a future so that when we have kids we can enjoy them, spend time with them, and give them everything we had as kids plus more.

 Yes, chasing your dreams is scary. But I can tell you this, it's WORTH the ride! And I wouldn't want to be taking this ride with anyone else but my husband! I wouldn't want to be working for any other company then Beachbody!!

 Have you been thinking about Beachbody and becoming a coach? Lets talk! Click HERE to fill this form out and schedule a time to talk to me more about this amazing company!!

Don’t wait anymore! Find out how you can start paying for your shake, bills, or family vacations today!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #29

Healthy eating tips

We were all brought up to finish the food on our plates, but sometimes it’s more than we really need. These days larger portion sizes are also more readily available, which does mean that it’s very easy to eat too much.

Here are some simple tips to get you and your family into great healthy eating habits.

Top tips for healthy eating

Love your labels
Food labels can seem a bit boring, but they are the best way of checking what you're eating as they can tell you what's hidden inside the food. Once you know what how to use them, you'll soon be able to make healthier choices when you're shopping.

Be calorie smart

Counting calories doesn't have to mean you're on a diet! They are a really handy way of helping you choose balanced meals each day, and not eating more than your body needs.

The 21 Day Fix

The 21 Day fix is a brilliant program that isn't just about working out, but about eating right! It helps you eat a balanced diet by showing you how much of what type of food to eat each day. Simple and Easy!

Share packaged foods

Many foods and drinks are packaged for two adults sharing, so if you’re eating by yourself avoid temptation and save some for later. Don’t give a whole one to a child - let them share a bag of crisps, or save some.

Eat a little slower

It takes time for our brains to register we’re full, so try to eat more slowly. If you’re eating with friends or family try pacing yourself to the slowest eater.

Focus on your food

Eating distractedly, such as in front of the TV, means we eat more without noticing or even enjoying it. Swap the TV for the table.

Aim to feel satisfied, not stuffed

Try eating just one plate of food and don’t go back for seconds.

Super start your day

Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast, even if you’re trying to lose weight. If you have a healthy breakfast in the morning you’re less likely to want to snack before lunch.

Mix and match

If you know you’ll be having a proper dinner later, keep an eye on the calories by having a lighter lunch.

Pack it in

Plan ahead and try to take a packed lunch to work or when you are out and about. It can work out cheaper.

Spot the difference

Swap a big dinner plate for a smaller one and you’ll have a smaller portion. It will also look as if you have more food on your plate too.

Max your pocket, not your drink!

Extra large whole milk lattes or cappuccinos may seem like value for money, but they also contain more calories. Try swapping for a regular size coffee made with lower fat milk – less calories (and it’ll save you money).

Thursday, June 4, 2015

NEW RECIPE!!!! - PB Sweet Potato Protein Cookies


I love desserts and so does my husband. So this weekend I made something new for us!! I made us peanut butter sweet potato protein cookies, and I think the big smile on his face and the empty container means he liked them. Husband tested, Fix approved!

What You Need:

  • 3 medium sized sweet potatoes (Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until soft)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 6 Tablespoons of natural peanut butter
  • 3/4 cup Vanilla Protein Powder (I use Vega One Protein powder. I do not use shakeology because you can not cook with it.)
  • 3 teaspoon pumpkin pie seasoning.
  1. Mix all ingredients together in in a large mixing bowl with a hand mixer or in a food processor.
  2. Scoop out a tsp and mold into a small ball. Flatten slightly with a fork.  Place the cookies on a cookie sheet that has a light spray of coconut or olive oil.
  3. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
  4. Makes approximately 24 cookies.
3 cookies equal 1 RED, 1/2 YELLOW and 1 TSP.

These cookies are delicious and you can't even tell they are made from Sweet Potatoes!!! This is a must try and great kid friendly / healthy snack!!! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dream Big!

Dream big! Fail early, fail often and most of all fail forward!

If you really want to achieve your dreams, not just think and wish on a star for your dreams to come true, than you need to get out there!!! You need to fail!

Not one person has ever been successful on their first try! Everyone fails at least once in their life. So if you want big things to happen and your dreams to come true than you need to start doing.

A lot of us never dream big or accomplish our big dreams because we are afraid to fail. Failing isn't a sign that you should give up, quit , change your dreams completely, or stop ever dreaming big again. Failure is meant to teach you lessons. Failure is to help you grow and learn from your mistakes so you can succeed on your next try or at a different dream.

Remember what ever you don't be afraid to dream big and try! And most of all do not be afraid of failing!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - 21 Day Fix Transformations

Today I will be blowing up my Blog with 21 Day Fix Transformations!!! Why? Because this program is amazing and because its this months special!!!!! Yep that's right...the 21 DAY FIX and the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME are back on sale this month! And just in time for Summer Vacations!!!



 If I could provide you with a 21 Day workout that was just 30 minutes a day with a meal plan that is simple to follow and uses a fool proof portion control system, telling you exactly what to eat, without starvation, and you could lose anywhere from 5-15 pounds in just 3 weeks / 21 days, how serious would you be about trying it?

 Group Starting June 8 and I only have a few spots left. Message me, like this post, or fill this out https://jgerity.wufoo.com/forms/z1hyeatf1cogsgx/ and I will get in touch with you!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Recap of Body Beast weeks 4 and 5

WOW! I can't believe that I finished week 5 of Body Beast and am starting Week 6! After this week I will officially be half way done with Body Beast!!! CRAZY!!!! This program is absolutely amazing!!

I just finished week 5, which was the second week of the second phase on the Lean Calendar, called Bulk Phase. This phase was the Build phase is where I will be Bulking up my muscles and getting ready for the final phase. The Bulk phase has special days that are designated for each workout, Monday is always Chest, Tuesday is always legs, etc. The Bulk Phase is 5 weeks long. I am loving this Phase so far and am not worried about the BULK word because I know I won't BULK up like men do.  I know this PHASE does sound scary and makes you think you are going to bulk up, but Don't worry you and I won't because we are not guys and we don't have the testosterone to Bulk up like they do.

So what have I noticed these past 5 weeks?!?

Well first off I noticed that when you lift you burn ALOT more calories through out the day. I am eating anywhere from 1500-1800 calories a day and I have only gained 1 pound back from where I started. I started at 118 lost 2 pounds and went back to my starting weight and gained .8 pounds from building up my muscles.

When it comes to the food its a ALOT and I literally feel like I am eating every 2 hours but I am eating it because I want the results and I am seeing that I am not gaining weight like I would normally with eating all that food!! Also, I am not eating junk and I am not just eating whatever I want, I am sticking to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and making sure I eat a well balanced nutrition.

Second I have noticed my posture. I walk taller and I no longer slouch when I am sitting or even standing, which I do a lot. Lifting has helped me in that area.

Third, my confidence! I have gained a ton of confidence with lifting. Not only has it helped me with my posture to stand tall but I feel great about myself and don't want to hunch over and hide!! That is a super plus in my book.

Fourth, I have seen changes in my body! I have noticed my arms are toning up and my legs are looking leaner. These are all things I wanted to happen, so I am happy with them. Also I have noticed that I am STRONGER. When it comes to doing pushups I no longer have to stop and take a break. I can rack out 15 pushups no problem.

Like I said above when it comes to eating,  I am following the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. There is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.

I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.

However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.

Body Beast is a 90 Day program, there are 3 phases to it. This program requires equipment, but I think this program should be done by EVERYONE!!! Why? Because it makes you feel amazing and lifting weights will get you the lean and toned body you want for summer.

Interested in Body Beast? Email me and lets talk! Lets find out if Body Beast is right for you and lets get you on the road to success!