Monday, June 15, 2015

We Are Family - Join our Family

Who can succeed as a coach?

Anyone that is motivated, driven, and loves helping others.

Do you have to be a fitness expert? Do you have to be skinny? Do you have to be 100% perfect with your eating? Do you have to LOVE working out?

 HECK NO!!!! No one is perfect! I don't eat 100% perfect, I didn't start out with the body I wanted, I didn't love working out like I do now, and I sure don't consider myself a fitness expert. I was a teacher before I started this. I have an undergrad in Elementary Teaching and a Masters in Special Ed. I have no degree in physical education or fitness.

 It doesn't matter your background, your current job, if you were a collage drop out or have your PHD in physics. Beachbody loves everyone because we all are unique and we each bring something different to the table.

My team / Fitness Family is made up of full time moms, teachers, behavior specialist, nurses, realtors, photographers, military wives, and many more. We are all on this journey together and we work together as a team to help each other reach those goals.

And now I am looking to expand my team / family by 5.I am looking for 5 men or women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable. 

I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business from home, whether it be part time or full time. And help you make $250+ your first month as long as do everything that is taught to you! And all you are required to do is help people reach their health and fitness goals!

I have an all EXCLUSIVE, one on one Coach Training Academy opening up on July 2nd. APPLY by June 30, 2015 to reserve your spot! 

 Fill out this form and we will schedule a time to talk this week--->

Don’t miss out on this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!! Join #TeamFearlessDreamers today!!

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