Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - My Parents - 21 Day Fix

Its Transformation Tuesday and Today I am super excited to share this transformation with you! These are my parents!! And it has taken them almost 2 years of watching me with my business, to ask for help. My mom has been him hahing around with the 21 Day Fix and wanting to do it since Christmas but she never took the plunge. So on Mothers Day my Dad told my Mom that he would do it with her before they went to the beach. I had them start on a Tuesday (after Memorial Day) and they did it! They went 21 Days straight!!! Actually they went longer than that, they did about 25 days, right up until they left for the beach!! I am so proud of my parents. So let me tell you a little about them......
My parents are 62 and 65 years old so getting out of their comfort zone is something they don't normally do any more, and especially with food! But they did!!! They go out of their comfort zone and revamp their lifestyle! And they did all by following the 21 Day Fix for 21 straight days and actually following it to a T, which to me, knowing my parents and their eating habits is just awesome!! 

My mom lost 7 pounds and 8.25 inches total. My dad looks slevt and spry. He, of course, didn't listen to me when I told him to weight and measure himself, but the physiological changes are SOOO evident.
And the best part of all this, is that they are really enjoying implementing this lifestyle change into their daily lives!! They feel increased energy, increased mental clarity, and are much more satiated by the end of the day. 
Most importantly they want to continue the maintenance phase of the 21 day fix, this week while they are at the beach and they even took their containers to measure out their food!!
Seeing my parents do this, truly follow it and not give up, means the world to me. I have been wanting to help them for so long, but I didn't force, instead I continued to lead by example and show them how Rich and I do it daily and how we communicate. And though it took them 2 years to decide to do it, they did it, and that is all that matters.
To me its not about being skinny or having a six pack. Those are nice BUT  to me its about being healthy, about living longer, about staying active so you can enjoy life with friends, family, spouse, kids, etc. And seeing my parents look younger, be more active, and just FEEL better makes all the difference in the world!!
I get the most satisfaction from seeing the people I help, experience these changes, is not ultimately the quantitative results, but the fact that they feel so good about themselves and intrinsically want to continue this in lifestyle! 
21 Day Fix, in my opinion, is the best meal plan / program out there. And it consistently shows me that people of all ages, sizes, and health goals can benefit from this program. And it's never too late!! If my parents who are in their 60's can do it. So you can you!!!
If you are ready to get your Fix on, email me at jgerity83@gmail.com, I would love to help you get healthy and start living life!!!

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