Friday, June 26, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #32 - Excuse 3 - I don't get a break from my kids

Exercise Excuse No. 3: 'I Don't Get a Break From the Kids.'

Have your kids workout with you. Take them with you if you are going to the gym or to a park! Be a role model to your kids. When they see you working out they want to workout too!  If you go to the park, have them playing and as you watch them you can walk around the playground, or jump rope nearby. During their games or sports practices, walk briskly around the field. If you are working out at home, set up a play area for them or give them something fun to do.

Some other great ideas are to go biking riding, put up a badminton net in your yard, sign up as a family for "fun runs," or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. When the weather's bad, try active video games like "Dance Dance Revolution," "Wii Sport," and "Wii Fit." Or through in your video and have your kids join you! They will thank you!
Remember when you are fit, you have more energy, you are healthier, happier, and your WHOLE family benefits from it!!! Do not feel selfish that you are taking "ME" time. Me time benefits you all and your me time is showing your kids that its okay to take it too when they grow up and have kids!

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