Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wednesday Motivation - Self Doubt

Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will...

 FAILURE SUCKS!! There is no two ways around it! It sucks! It's hurtful, time-consuming, embarrassing, and soul-crushing. Failing makes you want to crawl into a hole and die! HA I said it! We all are thinking it right?!?

 So no wonder why so many people THINK the best option is to play it safe. So many people say, "if I don't try, I can't fail."

 What?!? Playing it safe is the worst option! Yes failure sucks, BUT, what if you don't fail. Think about how it feels then! When you succeed it's worth the time, you feel amazing, your confidence is built up, and your soul is ignited!!

 Failure may suck and it may hurt but when you fail you need to remember the big picture. What are you working for? What do you want? And then pick yourself back up, learn from your failure, and continue to go after your dreams!

 Don't self doubt yourself, don't say I am not going to try. Do it! Your self doubt is killing your dreams. Your self doubt is crushing your soul before you even begin to set out and see if you can succeed or if you will fail!

 Don't self doubt! BELIEVE in yourself! Believe that you can and will succeed, Whether it be the first time or the fifth time! Never give up! Keep going!! You can do it!!!

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