Friday, June 19, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #31 - How to rid the excuse - "I'm too Tired"

Exercise Excuse: 'I'm Too Tired.'

Working out actually gives you more energy. Your body makes feel-good hormones (endorphins), and you're getting the circulation going, through out your entire body.

Working out in the morning, tends to help those that work all day. Once you get that work out in, in the morning, I doesn't just give you energy, it makes your whole day better, and you don't have to waste energy or time thinking of an excuse to NOT workout. You are done for the day!

And if you aren't a morning person, that is okay!!! You need to work out when you FEEL the best. There is no perfect time to workout, only when you are ready and able to give your 100% time and dedication to that workout.
I am a morning workout person. I now work from home and can workout whenever I want, but I still choose to get up in the morning and get my workout in, because I will use the excuse, I'm too tired and did when I was working full time in the schools as a teacher.  Morning just suited me best and now it has become a part of my daily morning routine.

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