Monday, June 29, 2015

Recap on Week 9/10 of Body Beast

I can't believe that I only have 2 weeks left of Body Beast!!! Crazy! Time has seriously flown by!

I just finished week 9 and am in the middle of week 10. Normally I would just be starting week 10 but due to vacation and Summit, I will not be taking a rest day with Body Beast, unless I need to.

Why? Because my last week of the Beast is during Summit and I won't be able to complete it. I worked too hard not to finish this program so if I skip the rest days I will be able to finish the Beast the day we leave for summit. Yay!!

So Saturday stated the week 10 of Body Beast. And it is HARD!!! Not hard as in I am struggling with weights and am weak. But it is a total SHOCK to your system. Last weeks leg day KILLED me and it was the same workout I had done the past 5 weeks. My whole body was sore by the end of the week, which is a good thing. I honestly went into this phase thinking, nothing will change on my body because I have done all these workouts. WRONG!!! My body is sore and I am actually feeling lighter and leaner. CRAZY!!!

So what have I noticed these past 10 weeks?!?

Well first off I noticed that when you lift you burn ALOT more calories through out the day. I am eating anywhere from 1500-1800 calories a day and I have only gained 1 pound back from where I started. I started at 118 lost 2 pounds and went back to my starting weight and gained .8 pounds from building up my muscles. With the Bulk phase I gained 2 more pounds of muscle so I am up to 120.

When it comes to the food its a ALOT and I literally feel like I am eating every 2 hours but I am eating it because I want the results and I am seeing that I am not gaining weight like I would normally with eating all that food!! Also, I am not eating junk and I am not just eating whatever I want, I am sticking to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and making sure I eat a well balanced nutrition.

Second I have noticed my posture. I walk taller and I no longer slouch when I am sitting or even standing, which I do a lot. Lifting has helped me in that area.

Third, my confidence! I have gained a ton of confidence with lifting. Not only has it helped me with my posture to stand tall but I feel great about myself and don't want to hunch over and hide!! That is a super plus in my book.

Fourth, I have seen changes in my body! I have noticed my arms are toning up and my legs are looking leaner. These are all things I wanted to happen, so I am happy with them. Also I have noticed that I am STRONGER. When it comes to doing pushups I no longer have to stop and take a break. I can rack out 15 pushups no problem.

Like I said above when it comes to eating,  I am following the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. There is a meal plan in the Body Beast Program guide. It is different but some what similar to the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I did the equation in the Body Beast Book to see how many calories I needed to consume and then applied it to the 21 Day fix meal plan. I am not using the Body Beast meal plan, because to be honest with you, I couldn't wrap my head a round it and my life for the past year has been the 21 day fix. So I have been sticking to the Fix and I feel that I am eating ALOT and I am getting the proper nutrition in. I don't ever feel hungry or tired or that I need to be eating more.

Things, have been crazy this past week traveling on the weekend and trying to pack for a month, I have just stuck to the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. Last week I tried out the countdown to competition plan, however, eating 5 days straight of nothing but meats and greens, I gave up on Saturday because by Friday night the look and smell of meat made me want to puke. I wasn't in it either, I have been really stressed with packing, traveling, and some personally things going on, so I just couldn't get excited about it. So I am back to eating the normal 21 Day fix meal plan.

I will be honest, I know I am not getting the exact amount of calories the beast program calls for, BUT, I am trying my hardest and am not hungry through out the day.

However, I still stand to NOT allowing myself to starve, because when it comes to lifting weights, you burn more calories through out the day, which means you will be hungrier. AND if you don't eat, then you won't get the best results, because when you don't eat or lack in the eating part, your body goes into starvation mode and ends up storing fat instead of burning it. SO EAT! And I do if I feel hungry and am out of containers, I will still eat something small to help curb the hungry.
Body Beast is a 90 Day program, there are 3 phases to it. This program requires equipment, but I think this program should be done by EVERYONE!!! Why? Because it makes you feel amazing and lifting weights will get you the lean and toned body you want for summer.

I am so excited to post my transformation pics in 2 weeks!!!

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