Monday, June 8, 2015

What Beachbody and Coaching have done for me.

A lot of people ask how being a coach really helps my family? Or what do you make as a Beachbody coach?

 I might not be a mom yet, but my husband and I are family. So I want to share with you what Beachbody has done MY family.

 When I first became a coach, I was working full time, had no idea what I was getting into, or the amount of possibilities I could have. When I started, I just wanted a job that I could do at home after teaching all day, something part time. So that is how I treated my business.

 And for the first month, I was able to pay for 2 bags of shakeology and have an extra $40 left over. Remember, I was teaching still and getting a salary on top of that, so it was nice knowing I didn't have to dip into that salary to pay for my shakes.

 After being a coach for 6 months, I was able to pay my 2 student loans, and our phone bill. Plus I had an extra $200 that I put towards my credit card bill, which I wanted paid off before we got married. Take note, this is what I was making a month not in total over 6 months.
After being a coach for a year, I was making enough per month to continue to pay my student loans, our phone bill, groceries and have an extra $100. At this point in coaching, I had quit teaching and was no longer getting a teachers salary.

 Within a year and half I was making enough per month for us to move out of my parents and rent a townhouse closer to Rich's job. With my monthly income with Beachbody I was able to continue to pay my student loans, our rent, our water, heat, and phone bill, and all our groceries for the month without touching Rich's monthly salary.

 Beachbody has allowed me to quit teaching, to help out with the bills, and to allow us to move closer to Rich's job without worrying if we are going to make it.

 Yes, we have days where we look at each other and think what are we doing? And yes, I have days that I think, I need to go back to teaching. BUT we are chasing our dreams. We are building a future so that when we have kids we can enjoy them, spend time with them, and give them everything we had as kids plus more.

 Yes, chasing your dreams is scary. But I can tell you this, it's WORTH the ride! And I wouldn't want to be taking this ride with anyone else but my husband! I wouldn't want to be working for any other company then Beachbody!!

 Have you been thinking about Beachbody and becoming a coach? Lets talk! Click HERE to fill this form out and schedule a time to talk to me more about this amazing company!!

Don’t wait anymore! Find out how you can start paying for your shake, bills, or family vacations today!!

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