Friday, December 30, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #109 - Sesame Oil 10 Reasons To Use It

Sesame Oil 10 Reasons To Use It

These days, it seems like we’re hearing a lot of conflicting information about fat. Is it good for us, or not? Does it lead to heart conditions, or is it actually beneficial for our health? The truth is, it depends on the type of fat. Healthy fats are essential to the proper functioning of a number of bodily systems. One dietary source of beneficial fat is sesame oil. It’s a great way to add flavor to a wide range of recipes, and it can support a healthy lifestyle in a number of ways.

1. Blood pressure

Research suggests that consuming sesame oil can help to lower your blood pressure. One study in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine tracked hypertensive patients who were instructed to replace whatever cooking oil they had been using with sesame oil, and to use it as the only edible oil for a period of time. At the end of the study, the patients experienced lowered blood pressure, on average. And what’s more, after they went off of sesame oil and started using the oil they had used previously, their blood pressure rose again.

2. Studies have demonstrated that sesame oil can have beneficial effects for those suffering from diabetes as well — and particularly those who are both hypertensive and diabetic. A study in the Journal of Food and Medicine found that when sesame oil is used as the only oil in the diet, it can lower plasma glucose as well as blood pressure for those with diabetes and hypertension.

3. Cancer

Sesame, a compound found in sesame seeds and sesame oil, has been shown to have positive effects on a number of cancers, including prostate, breast, lung, leukemia, pancreatic, multiple myeloma and colon. One study in Life Sciences, for example, found that high concentrations of sesame can actually fight colon cancer.

4. Oral health

You may have heard of the use of coconut oil in oil pulling — the practice of swishing a spoonful of oil in your mouth daily to remove toxins. Well, sesame seed can be used in this way, as well. Both oils can have beneficial oral detoxification effects.

5.Heart health

Because it is rich in polyunsaturated fat, sesame oil can be beneficial for the health of your heart. It can help to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and lower cholesterol levels if they are high. It is also believed that sesame oil may be beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

6. Depression and anxiety

While more research is needed in this area, many believe that sesame oil can function as a mood booster. Tyrosine is an amino acid found in sesame oil and it has been linked to serotonin activity in the brain. Serotonin is released when we are having pleasurable experiences. So the thinking goes that more tyrosine means more serotonin, which will lead to a positive mood boost.

7. Inflammation

Again, more research is needed, but it is thought that sesame oil can help to fight inflammation because it is rich in copper, which is anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is believed sesame oil can help to treat the symptoms of conditions like gout and arthritis, and that it can reduce swelling of the joints.

8. Skin health

Sesame oil makes an excellent skin moisturizer, as well. Many believe that the zinc found in sesame seed oil has beneficial effects on the skin. For example, sesame oil is often used to improve skin elasticity and smoothness. And some believe that sesame oil can actually detox the skin, as oil-soluble toxins may be attracted to it. Therefore, letting the oil sit on your skin for about 15 minutes may draw out toxins. However, these claims are mostly anecdotal.

9. Hair health

Sesame oil makes a great natural hair product, as well. Massaging a little into your scalp can help to keep your hair shiny. It can also treat dry scalp and dandruff. Of course, those with fine hair will want to apply the oil before shampooing, as too much oil may weigh the hair down.

10. Bone health

It is also believed that the minerals found in sesame oil, like copper, zinc and calcium, can contribute to the health of your bones. These are minerals that are important to bone growth, so having enough of them in your diet can help you to maintain strong bones. And as you age, it can help to prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

Clearly, there are a number of reasons to consider including sesame oil in your diet. A word of caution for those taking blood-thinning medications: Sesame oil, it’s thought, can have a blood-thinning effect, so be sure to consult your doctor before increasing your intake of sesame oil.

As with any dietary suggestion, what is important is how you feel. If including sesame oil as a regular part of your diet causes you to feel better in some way, the continue doing it. Being aware of the needs of our unique bodies is how we find the diets that work best for us — and how we know when we need to make adjustments to what we’re doing.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Tasty Thursday - Teddy Grahams - Gluten and Grain Free Style

Teddy Graham Circles

Where are my Teddy Graham lovers?!?! Yes I am pulling out my childhood memories when I could eat gluten. I use to LOVE teddy grahams! They were one of my childhood go to snacks. BUT I have not had them since 15 years.

So of course I had to get my creative juices flowing and work on creating a yummy teddy graham. OF course though I couldn't find teddy bear cut outs so I made them in the shape of circles. And lets just say the SMELLED like teddy grahams while baking and they tasted like them when I tried them! 

They are seriously SOO good and I am additcted to them! haha 

These are a MUST try!! 

Teddy Graham Recipe

Homemade teddy grahams 24 calories per cookie (made 40)

3/4 cup - almond flour
1/4 cup - flaxmeal (1oz)
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tsp of Stevia Powder
2 tablespoon coconut oil, solid (1oz)
2 tablespoons coconut milk

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In a large bowl place all dry ingredients.
3. Stir.
4. Add in coconut oil and coconut milk.
5. Continue to stir.
6. Will have to mold with hands to form dough.
7. Roll out dough on non-stick surface.
8. Cut out using a small bear shape or any shape you have.
9. Place teddy grahams on cookie sheet and bake for 13 minutes.
10. Let cookies cool and enjoy.
11. Makes about 40 teddy graham circles

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Motivation Wednesday

There's only 4 more days left of 2016!! Whoop whoop! 

Are you ready for 2017? Have you set your resolutions for the year? Are you ready to take them on? 

2016 had been a year of changes for me and my hubby and we are both looking forward to 2017!! Make 2017 not about how bad you want it, BUT about how hard your willing to work for it!! Take 2017 by storm! 

Step up and make the change you have been wanting to make. Start eating clean, be happy, workout, be confident in who you are!! Work hard for what you want! 

Make 2017 your year! Make it the year you decided to do you. Make it the year you decided to quit making excuses and start making progress! 

There is no time like the present to commit to you! I always say a happy healthy wife makes a happy healthy hubby and if you have a family it will make them happy and healthy too! 

You CAN have it all!! You can workout, eat clean, and still be an amazing mother and wife! You can still enjoy treats! So quit making excuses and start making the lifestyle change you have been wanting! 

Make 2017 YOUR year.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Transformation Tuesday - Core De Force Round 2 - 1/2 Way Point


This program CONTINUES to AMAZE me! ðŸ˜®ðŸ˜±
Seriously MOUTH DROPPING!!  These are my 15 day (Round 2) or 45 Day total RESULTS from the program Core De Force!! I can't believe my own eyes!! 
I took my half way point pictures this morning and I am just so surprised at the results I am seeing!! In JUST 15 days of doing this program for the second time, these are the results I am seeing and they are shocking!
I honestly didn't know what to expect when I started a second round of this program. And let me tell you, I didn't expect to be CONTINUING to pop muscles like this! 
I am continuing to see my CORE shape up and get RIPPPED! 
THIS program is the REAL DEAL! CORE de Force is all about MMA style workouts using just your bodyweight! No equipment needed, and no weights have been touched since I have started!!

Monday, December 26, 2016

How to Rebot After the Holiday Sugar Binge

How to Rebot After the Holiday Sugar Binge

1. Understand Your Triggers

First, it’s important to understand what can trigger sugar cravings. Stress, sleep deprivation, adrenal fatigue, bacterial overgrowth and changes to hormone levels can all play a role, and holistic nutritionist and founder of Nutritional Wisdom Carly Pollack says avoiding sugar actually begins in our psychology.

Pollack suggests playing a long game when it comes to fighting holidays temptations. “Visualize how you want to feel leaving the party, restaurant or holiday feast,” she says. “This clarity will help attach more pleasure to abstaining and more pain to partaking.”

If you feel that your sugar cravings are beyond your control and are causing you to overindulge frequently, speak with a nutritionist or holistic practitioner.

2. Raise a Glass – of Water

Drinking water is one of the fastest ways to stop a sugar spree. Not only does it fill you up, sending signals to your brain that your stomach is full, it can actually help flush out some of the sugar you’ve eaten, according to the Diabetes Action Research & Education Foundation. Bored with water? Try jazzing it up or brewing a hot cup of apple cider vinegar-cinnamon tea instead, which can aid digestion

3. Get Moving

It’s tempting to curl up on the couch after one too many cream puffs, but taking a stroll around the block will help you feel much better, and quickly: Mayo Clinic research suggests that walking can start lowering blood sugar levels within 10 minutes, and even 15 minutes of physical activity can lower blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours, according to the American Diabetes Association. Can’t get motivated to move? Try some gentle stretching, which can promote digestion and kick-start your liver’s detoxification process.

4. Get Your Game On

Playing Tetris for as little as three minutes can reduce food cravings by distracting the brain, according to new research published in the international journal Addictive Behaviors. Working on a puzzle or re-organizing a closet also can have the same effect.

5. Breathe Deep

Finding a quiet space to take in a few deep belly breaths can actually slow down the effects of your sugar high by instantly lowering stress levels. This relaxation response can calm you in a moment of high anxiety or settle you before heading into a stressful situation (i.e., your boss’s holiday party). And because our sense of smell is closely tied to our appetite, try breathing in essential oils such as peppermint and grapefruit, which can help aid digestion and suppress the appetite.

6. Keep Eating

It might sound counterintuitive to eat even more after indulging, but skipping meals can throw your blood sugar even further off-balance. Make your next meal a light one packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fat (like this salmon with avocado salsa), which will keep you full without raising blood sugar levels.

7. Get Some Shut-Eye

Lack of sleep can decrease levels of leptin (your appetite-inhibiting hormone) and increase levels of ghrelin (your appetite-stimulating hormone). Both of these hormones play an important role in maintaining a healthy metabolism and telling your brain when your body needs more or less fuel, so getting a regular 7-8 hours of sleep per night can help ease cravings in the long run.

8. Go Easy on Yourself

It’s easy to beat yourself up during a sugar binge, but remember that you’re dealing with some powerful chemicals! Your brain reacts to simple carbohydrates and sugar by releasing the “feel-good” chemicals dopamine and serotonin and can become dependent on them over time. Instead of bashing your behavior, write down a list of everything you like about yourself. Expressing gratitude, even toward yourself, has been shown to release another hormone, oxytocin, which creates feelings of comfort and can reduce anxiety. The effects of oxytocin are so strong, in fact, that researchers are developing synthetic oxytocin supplements to help curb stress-eating.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #108 - 21 Strange And Awesome Uses For Honey

21 Strange And Awesome Uses For Honey

Honey has been around for about as long as humans. The first recorded drawing of a human harvesting honey is approximately 8,000 years old. Archaeologists have found honeycombs buried with pharaohs in Egypt. In Rome, soldiers used it to heal their wounds. In the Old Testament, Israel was described as the land of flowing milk and honey. Throughout history, honey has been a form of payment or trade.

Liquid gold, as some call it, is no longer considered to be as valuable as in ancient times. Nowadays, we walk into a grocery store and grab a plastic bear filled with honey and feed it to our families. 

Of course, there are differences in the quality of honey out there. Pasteurized honey has been heated and valuable nutrients have been removed in the process. This is why many are now looking to purchase raw honey to enjoy its full benefits.
But what can you do with honey besides eating it? 

1. Use honey to cure a sore throat

Simply mix two tablespoons of honey with a full cup of hot water and the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. The whole family can enjoy this healthy remedy.

2. Use it on your chapped lips

Honey has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Plus, it is a great moisturizer. Apply some on your lips and try not to lick it off. A great time to do this is at night after you brush your teeth and you’re on your way to bed. You won’t be as likely to lick your lips then as you be would during the day.

3. Treat herpes blisters

Herpes simplex (also called cold sores) is painful and unsightly. It also seems to take forever to heal. Honey, with its antiviral properties, can help speed up the process. Remember: only the raw stuff will provide full benefits.

4. Stock it for emergencies

When archaeologists found honeycombs in Egypt, they were surprised to discover that the honey was still edible. Raw honey may crystallize, but it will last forever. If you have no access to other sweeteners or healers, you’ll be so glad to have your stash when you need it.

5. Use it on wounds

Honey’s acidity has the ability to increase the release of oxygen from hemoglobin, which creates a good environment for healing a wound. When you apply it, lymph flow increases and the wound can heal faster. Honey also draws liquid from the wound.

6. Wash your hair with it

Shampoos have a tendency to rob hair of its natural oils. As a result, the follicles go into overproduction. With its relative acidity, honey preserves the natural oils and has been found to help with treatment of dandruff, too. Mix one tablespoon with three tablespoons of water and massage into hair when taking a shower. You may have to warm the mixture a little to get it to dissolve in the water.

 7. Use it as a hair mask

Rub honey onto the tips of your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, then wash. It will make those tips look healthier and more vibrant.

8. Use it as a face wash

Got any leftovers from that honey shampoo? Use it to wash your face. So many products include honey because of its healing powers and gentle cleansing ability. Why not use honey without all the added chemicals?

9. Cure that hangover

Use honey instead of ibuprofen after a night with a few too many. We couldn’t believe it either, but the fructose in honey speeds up the metabolism, hence the shorter hangover time.

10. Get rid of parasites

Of course, you just may have to see a doctor when there is a real concern for parasites. But you may also try to drink a daily solution of honey, apple cider vinegar and hot water. The acidity of the vinegar combined with honey’s antibacterial properties may do the trick. Sometimes, it simply takes a little extra work and possibly a change in your diet to get rid of parasites.

11. Soothe dry elbows

Apply some honey to your elbows, leave it on for 30 minutes, then wipe it off. Make sure not touch anything with your elbows while you wait! You may have to repeat this a few times to see lasting success.

12. Eat it raw from the honeycomb

Honey will not be any more raw than when it comes directly from the comb. Also, the honeycomb is said to aid with healthy cholesterol levels, thanks to its long-chain fatty acids. The alcohols contained in the honeycomb are full of antioxidants that help protect the liver as well.

13. Use it on burns

When you apply honey to your burns, the hydrogen peroxide that will be released will clean the wound and ease the inflammation. Plus, you’ll avoid chemicals from other topical creams.

14. Preserve your fruit with it

It’s not too late for preserving fruit. Mix one part honey with ten parts water and pour over your berries to preserve them. The honey actually intensifies the flavor of the berries. You can experiment with different amounts until you reach your own desired sweetness.

15. Pour it in your bath water

Adding just a few tablespoons of honey to your bath water will make it smell sweeter and make the water appear softer. You’ll carry the mild scent of honey around with you all day. Yum!

16. Increase your energy before a workout

Consume some honey before you exercise and the slow, consistent release of glucose will keep you from burning out too quickly. You can also mix honey with some coconut water, which is full of electrolytes to replenish your body during and after a workout. 

17. Make your own body scrub

Use it for yourself or gift it to someone else. Mix 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup raw cane sugar and 1/4 cup olive oil to make an excellent scrub. Careful when you use this in the shower — the oil will make the shower floor slippery.

18. Use it to build up immunity to pollen

Though not widely researched, one study suggests that consuming birch pollen honey can be helpful in people with birch pollen allergies. It is not likely that a lot of research will be put into honey as a cure for allergies, so you may end up being your own guinea pig for this one.

19. Use it as a sweetener in your green tea

Green tea is believed to increase metabolism, and so is honey. Plus, honey is known to have a positive effect on blood sugar. The combination of the two may be a great addition to your weight loss program.

20. Cure halitosis (bad breath)

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm water. Gargle and swallow, or spit out if you wish. The antibacterial properties of honey can kill the germs that give you bad breath. Plus, cinnamon happens to be an appetite suppressant.

21. Make your own shaving cream with it

Honey mixed with warm water can be used as a shaving cream. It’s soothing and prevents razor burn while moisturizing your skin.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Tasty Thursday - Homemade Gluten Free / Grain Free Tortilla Chips!

Like I said on Monday, I love to bake and make things on the weekend. Especially when you live in PA and they call for nothing but BITTER cold, snow and ice all weekend long! 

This weekend I got my creative juices flowing and thought of all the CRUNCHY foods that I love and miss since HAVING to go gluten free. 

I know I can find some of these things at the groccery store in the gluten free section and not even in the gluten free section BUT they still aren't the BEST for you and honestly some of the ingredients I refuse to eat because they are not good for you. So I wanted to make something that I knew was delicious and HEATHY for you. 

So this weekend I made crackers, chips, and cookies. And I wanted to share with you my Gluten Free / Grain Free Tortilla Chips with out the corn! 

I honestly didn't know that you could make a homemade tortilla chip that didn't use CORN at all! And one that would actully taste like the normal chip and be a great alternative when eating Guac and Chips! 

Check them out....

Paleo Tortilla Chips

Makes 35 chips – each chip is 39 calories

1½ cups almond meal
½ cup golden flax meal
6 T. Liquid Egg Whites or 2 Egg Whites
½ teaspoon salt


1. Place almond flour, flaxmeal, egg whites, and salt in a food processor
2. Pulse until a ball of dough forms
3. Separate dough into 2 halves
4. Place each piece of dough between 2 pieces of parchment paper
5. Roll out dough to ⅛ inch thick, or even thinner
6. Remove top piece of parchment paper
7. Transfer bottom piece of parchment paper with rolled out dough onto a baking sheet
8. Repeat process with remaining piece of dough
9. Cut into triangular wedges 2 ½ inches on each side
10. Bake at 350° for 10-12 minutes
11. Serve

You can cut these chips any way you want. I used a circluar cookie cutter to cut them in to circles which i feel is eaiser to dip into salsa or guac. However, you can use a pizza cutter to cut them into triangles. 

These are definitely a MUST to make! They are so good and like I said above they pair GREAT with guac! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

5 Holiday Travel Tips

5 Holiday Travel Tips


You'll need them for standard snacking, of course, but also for unforeseen circumstances that could lengthen your travel time: flight delays, a long time taxiing on the runway, traffic on the way to your destination, etc. And during the flight, you probably don't want to get stuck eating the calorie-heavy options that airlines offer. (Don't be fooled by those cheese-and-cracker snack boxes -- they often have 800+ calories each!) Pack your carry-on with several shelf-stable snacks that are high in protein and/or fiber, don't take up too much space, and won't get crushed in transit: apples, jerky, snack bars, etc. Avoid anything messy or smelly, like pomegranates and tuna. Forgot to pack 'em? No worries. You can usually find decent options in the terminal, like those picks I mentioned. Just read labels and watch out for multi-serving snacks that look like single servings.

2. Plan ahead in terms of meals.

You might be tempted to skip a meal in your rush to get to the airport, but try to leave time for a filling breakfast, lunch, or dinner at home before you go. That's where you'll have the most control, and you're about to be out of that comfort zone for a while. If you know you're going to need a meal at some point during your travels, plan on grabbing it at the airport, not in flight. There are loads more healthy options at the airport. If you don't have time to eat the meal before boarding, you can always bring it on the plane with you. Need some motivation for hunting down low-calorie meals? You're probably going to enjoy a few indulgent dishes when you get to your destination -- don't blow your decadent-food budget on airport food!

3. Put your fast-food skills and chain-restaurant know-how to the test.

Here's a one-sentence refresher on surviving a fast-food meal: Always look at nutritional stats before you order, choose grilled not crispy, and hold the mayo. You can almost always find a basic salad with grilled chicken, whether it's at a fast-food counter or on a chain-restaurant menu.

4. When the drink cart comes around, water is your best bet.

(If you need sparkles, get club soda.) Even better, grab a bottle or two of H2O at the airport. Not only will it help you avoid the sugary calories in soda and juice, but it's also the best for hydration. (Plus, you'll be covered if turbulence prevents the drink cart from coming through the cabin.) And staying hydrated can keep you from thinking you're hungry. Besides water, tomato juice is really satisfying!

5. When you get off that plane and on to your destination, hit the grocery store sooner rather than later.

Stock up on smart snacks and even some meal staples, so you're not at the mercy of the hotel mini bar or your host's half-empty fridge. And don't forget to plan and pack for the trip back!

Overall, do the best you can, and don't beat yourself up if you make a few bad choices. Just get right back on track whenever you can. Happy travels!