Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Motivation Wednesday

Get out of your head and get into your greatness!

You are amazing! You are beautiful! You are talented!! And you are worth it!! Quit telling yourself your ugly, you are worthless, you aren't talented, you aren't worth it!!
Our minds are a horrible thing sometimes! Our minds make us think things that aren't true and see ourselves in a negative way when others don't see that at all!! Our minds play tricks on us and it is a terrible thing!
Today, shut your negative mind off and turn on your positive mind! Tell yourself positive things about yourself daily, hourly. Don't stop till you truly believe them!
Same goes with your body! Your body, especially when it comes to workout and eating clean don't say you can't, it needs to stop, it hurts, it burns, it's tired, it can't eat that, it's craving this or that.....its your MIND!! Take control of your mind this week and start making it work for you!!
Start telling yourself you can, you are beautiful!! Just start today!! And see how much more you love yourself, have more confidence, and how much easier your workouts and clean eating get from now on!

Are you going to work more on talking to yourself positively in all aspects of your life this week?

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