Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday!!

Checkout these amazing results from my good friend and fellow coach Amy Fabriziani!! This girl is amazing and I just ADORE her!!!
These are her phenomenal results of doing the program Core De Force! No they aren't her full 30 day results they are just her 10 days into the program results!! And let's just say they are AMAZING!!
This girl is KICKING BUTT with this program!
In JUST 10 DAYS she lost 6.6 pounds and 7.25 inches!
And look where she lost her inches....
Her "tire". In 10 days...3.5 inches there. Her neck (oh yes she did!) She lost 1/2 of an inch! And her calves...another 1/2 inch in each!
10 days! Could you ever have imagined?
And she is just getting started!!!! She still has 20 days left!!
And guess what It's not too late for you to do this too! It's a great program to do over the holidays! It's only 30 days and a GREAT stress reliever!

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