Monday, December 5, 2016

Entrepreneur What?!?!


If you would have told me 3 years ago that I would be an entrepreneur and running my OWN online health and fitness business I would have laughed in your face!
1. I would have told you I had NO time to add a business on to my full time teaching job.
2. I don't / didn't know the first thing about running a business or growing a team.
3. I would have told you I am NOT a salesperson and I think selling is icky and not for me.
BUT, I needed change! I lost my passion with my profession and I wanted and NEEDED that spark in my life again with my job.
That's when T25 and coaching came into my life. Don't get me wrong, it's not like it all fell into my lap and that I was successful from day 1.
It was work, like a part time job. I had to learn about coaching, about building a team, the different programs, running a business, Etc. BUT the best part about it was this was only a part time job, and I only needed to designate ONE HOUR a day, consistently, to the business to be successful!
And that's exactly what I did! I dedicated an hour a day on MY OWN TIME! Not anyone else's, mine!
And I did it while working as a full time teacher AND planning a wedding!
And now as a "Premiere Coach" in the organization, I want to PAY IT FORWARD!
I am looking for women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable.
I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business only dedicating an HOUR of your time.
All the things I did and MORE that made me successful!
I will give you every secret, tip, and trick, that I LEARNED to run a business all while at home, on the go, planning a wedding, and teaching full time!
And the best part is that you don't have to be an expert OR have the perfect body OR be a car salesman!!
You just have to like helping others reach their health and fitness goals AND learn how to be confident in their own bodies!
No perfection here! Hot messes are welcomed. Because let's be real, I am NOT perfect and I AM one hot mess!
If you are interested and serious about building a business, part time or full time, then comment below I'M IN or email me at

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