Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Year of Continued Health and Growth

#Transformation of a Lifestyle

Usually I share with you pictures of bodies changing and people losing weight. But Beachbody isn't just about getting skinny, It's about getting healthy too! 

So today's transformation is about being healthy! 

5 years ago I hated eating veggies. I would eat a salad when we would go out to eat, and I would make one occasionally for school or my part time job. However,it would be DRENCHED in dressing and cheese. I never steamed or roasted veggies for dinner! 

3 years ago I started Shakeology and started craving veggies a little more. I began to change my eating habits and even started roasting veggies for dinner. HOWEVER, those veggies I roasted would be DOUSED in cheese! Haha I mean who really wants to eat veggies plain?!?

Today, because of Shakeology, clean eating, and most importantly the 21 day fix, I eat more veggies and not only LOVE them, but I CRAVE them!! 

Trust me, it's weird!! And to be honest with you, I have WAY MORE than my allotted 3 greens / veggie servings a day!  

It might have taken me 31 years to fall in love with veggies, but I honestly couldn't have done it without the help from Beachbody and the support of all of you! 

I committed 3 years ago to not only live a healthier life( not a Skinny life),but a healthy, strong, long lasting life and I am well on my way. 

I mean don't get me wrong, I still have my cheats and treats and will go a day without veggies if I am off track and eating bad. But my body knows it and craves it even more the next day!

This year, I am continuing to commit to a healthy strong year! Are you committing to a healthier 2016 too?

Don't hold yourself back from getting healthy too! Make this year your year of health, wealth, and strength!

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