Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Way Back Wednesday - Where it all began!


Today's transformation is brought to you by T25. But I am not here to talk to you about the program. I want to talk to you about the girl before T25.

The girl on the left was an avid weight lifter. She worked out hard 7 days a week. She lifted weights for 30-60 minutes and then ran on the treadmill or would run outside for 3 miles. Over all she was going 60-90 minutes a day of working out. 
The girl on the left had the mindset of "I worked out hard so I can eat whatever I want."

The girl on he left lacked confidence in herself. She had low self esteem and self worth. 

The girl on the left also did not believe in at home workout programs nor did she believe that 25 minutes was long enough to get a good workout.

However, due to a wedding coming up and the lack of time to get the run in, and since she moved 45 minutes away from work, she thought what the heck, let's try something new. 

This girl hid her purchase from her fiancĂ© and when she watched the video before doing it, she thought, this is a joke. No way is 25 minutes going to have me sweating let alone losing weight. 

HA!! Was she wrong! 

Enter the girl on the right. 60 days later and she is in better shape than she has ever been before! She lost 14 pounds, gained a six pack, and learned all about healthy eating! 

But besides the weight loss and the healthy eating, the girl on the right, gained TREMENDOUS confidence in who she was, her self esteem grew along with your belief of self worth! 

AND wait for it......

It all came from an at home workout program that was only 25 minutes long!! 

So if you are skeptic, if you don't think working out from home can do anything for you, if you don't think a half hour workout can work for you, think again.  What do you have to lose? Weight? Lack of self confidence? 

Don't be like the girl on the left. Decide to become the girl on right. The girl who didn't just lose weight but GAINED confidence and belief in herself!

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