Tuesday, April 5, 2016

When Sundays Feel Like Fridays

When your Sunday's feel like Friday's, it must mean you love your job!

2 1/2 years ago, I dreaded my Sunday's! I would mope around all day knowing that tomorrow was Monday and I had to got back to a job that I no longer loved or had passion for.

Now 2 1/2 years later, Sunday's are no big deal! They feel like Friday's! Actually everyday feels like Friday!

I have a job that I truly LOVE and am passionate about! A job that rewards me monthly and yearly with products, prizes, programs, personal development books, and trips!

A job that has introduced me to like minded ladies that have become more than accquennetces. They have become my friends, my family! I can't imagine my life without these ladies and the crazy thing is, I NEVER would have met them if I didn't say yes!

I had no clue what Beachbody and coaching was. All I knew was that I liked helping others and I liked to workout. So I jumped! I took a leap of faith that has been the best leap I have ever taken!

The coaching opportunity has blessed me, the experiences I have had these past 2 1/2 years, and the friendships I have gained, would not have happened if I wouldn't of taken a chance, a leap of faith, and walked blindly into something I knew nothing about!

But I did! And I have gained so much more than just a job!

So let me ask you.....

Are you willing to jump? Are you willing to say yes?

You could be in this picture next year!  Are you ready for your leap of faith?

Email me at Jgerity83@gmail.com with the words "I'm in".

Don't let the unknown stop you! Just think what if....

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