Monday, April 25, 2016



Hi My name is Jaissa Gerity Yahner and I am a HOT MESS!! 😁

Are you a hot mess? Are you looking for other hot messes to lean on?

I can help you! 😉

A lot of people keep telling me that they couldn't be a coach or even do a program because their life is a hot mess.

Guess what?!?!

You don't have to be perfect!  We are all a HOT MESS, one way or the other!!

Trust me! Life in the Yahner house is not perfect. It is a HUGE HOT MESS!! 😱

We don't live a perfect life, we are not happy 24/7, we don't have a STRESS FREE life either, and we don't eat clean 100% of the time.

I hate cleaning and avoid it most days, I throw tantrums, I fight with my husband, I stress eat, I allow the scale to bring me down some days.

But that is what I love about COACHING! They don't want you to be perfect! Perfect is SO over rated! Beachbody wants HOT MESS'S. 😉

We all have our own definition of a hot mess. And with coaching it helps you learn to tame your hot mess, to share about it , to have a family of others that can relate. It   also helps you stay accountable, it helps you learn to lean on others and not try to take on everything yourself. And most of all,it helps you realize that perfect doesn't exist!

Coaching had taught me that the perfect life is the IMPERFECT LIFE! 💕💕

So if you are a hot mess and you are looking to add more to your hot mess of a life, or to try and change it, I am here for you! 😍

#TeamFearlessDreamers are made of amazing hot mess ladies that have become my family and the ones I turn to when life gets messy!

Wanna know what coaching can do for you? Email me at or fill out this application! Don't let your thoughts stop you from what could be the best decision of your life! It was mine!!

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