Friday, April 8, 2016

Health and Fitness Tip #71 - Lets Talk Digestion!!

 Nuts and Seeds and Digestion!

Nuts and seeds are common allergens and they can be very difficult to digest. Nuts and seeds contain phytic acid which is the storage form of phosphorus, and humans are unable to digest it. It binds to minerals like iron and zinc and prevents us from absorbing them. Phytic acid also binds to enzymes we need to digest our food. Since those with digestive issues already have impaired digestion, nuts and seeds can make the problem worse. If you do eat nuts and seeds, it’s important that you soak them overnight to remove the phytic acid.

Raw Fruits and Vegetables and Digestion

Raw fruits and vegetables with the skin are very fibrous and tough to break down and digest. Knowing that you can get more nutrients from raw fruits and vegetables vs. cooked, I always wanted to eat large salads with lots of veggies. However, I would feel miserable afterward. Peeling and cooking your vegetables helps break them down so they are easier to digest. Depending on the severity of your digestive problems, you may need to peel, cook, and puree your fruits and veggies for a period of time until your gut starts to heal. You can also see how you tolerate fresh-pressed vegetable juice. The juice extracts the hard-to-digest fiber, yet you are still left with the beneficial nutrients.

Coffee and Caffeine and Digestion

While high quality organic coffee can be a healthy beverage of choice, it is not always best for those with digestive problems. For some, coffee can cause cramping, diarrhea, and even constipation. If you’re suffering from these symptoms, coffee could just exacerbate them. Additionally, coffee contains caffeine which could be problematic for those with chronic digestive problems. Often time those with digestive issues like IBS, IBD, or leaky gut also have adrenal problems. Caffeine can stress the adrenals even more which just adds fuel to the fire. The key is to strengthen your adrenals, heal your gut, and then try adding coffee and other caffeinated beverages back in slowly.

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