Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Transformation Tuesday - Hard Work and Dedication

#TransformationTuesday 😱

If you want it, you're going to have to work for it. 👊🏼
This picture is NOT photoshop. There was NO dieting and NO excuses!! 
Only Progression.
These are my results. Not from 1 program. Not from a 2nd program. These are results from 3 years of a life style change. 
When I started T25 and coaching, I wondered if I would really be able to do it...would I fail? 
But, I took it a day at a time, one minute at a time, and one week at a time. 
Just 25 minutes a day. Descent nutrition. Support. Annnd, consistency....That's the key! 
I've NEVER, EVER had abs....EVER in my life. But, they are slowly emerging, and i'm excited! 
Did it happen over night? NO
Did it happen in a month? NO
Did it happen in a year? NO
It had taken me 3 years of CONSISTENCY, DISCIPLINE, and working on my nutrition. 
AND NOW....(I'm not sharing this to brag) but to show how hard work pays off. 
I mean seriously, have you seen the pic of me from 3 years ago? I now, honestly, appreciate this pic. 
So here's the thing....

🌟 Results happen when you're ready.

🌟 Results happen when you're consistent 

🌟 Results happen when you let go of your insecurities and embrace your inner #beastmode! 
It doesn't matter where you start, you just have to start. It doesn't matter when you start, you just have to decide to do it! 
We all have a story.  We choose to wake up everyday, and we choose the life we want to live. We also have the choice to make a change. A change for the better. A change for ourselves! 
You did not wake up today to be mediocre. 
👊🏼 Are you ready to take your goals and crush them?
👊🏼 Are you ready to stop worrying about what others think of you, your journey, or your progress?
👊🏼 Are you ready to embrace your inner beast?
👊🏼 Are you ready to stop settling for less than what you were created for?
If so, comment below with "I'm ready" or private message me and let's get started. 
REMEMBER, it's not going to happen just wishing for it. You have to take your wishes and turn them into actions!

Monday, January 30, 2017

BOD Membership Comparison

Why BOD?!?!

💥Amazon Prime - $99yr

💥Gym Membership - $600yr

💥Costco Executive Membership - $110yr

💥Netflix Premium - $144yr

💥Personal Trainer 5 days a week - $18,000yr

💥AAA Premier Membership - $126yr

💥Dailyburn - $156yr

💥Sirius - $240yr

💥Weight Watchers Online Plus - $720yr (exercise support and food not included)

💥Jenny Craig - $305yr (with no access to a health consultant, exercise support or food)

💥Nutrisystem - $4,600yr (includes pre-packaged food but no exercise support)

💁🏾BOD - $199 Challenge Pack- Unlimited workouts (including yet to be released programs), 30 days of Shakeology, unlimited meal plans, cooking show, recipes, portion control containers, group support and personal 1 on 1 coaching from yours truly!!

Then just $99.00 a year renewal like Amazon!!

No Brainer!

I'll call it ... NetFLEX

Friday, January 27, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #113 - 13 Lemon Remedies That Work

13 Lemon Remedies That Work

Whether you’re sprinkling lemon zest or squeezing lemon juice, this citrus fruit offers potent health benefits, as well as some added uses around the house. We always have a hefty supply of lemons on hand and you should too — here’s why.

1. Effective acne treatment

Lemon juice can be applied topically for a wide range of ailments, including acne outbreaks. Offering a natural astringent agent, this antibacterial fruit will help remove dead skin cells and cleanse clogged pores. Not only will it disinfect and exfoliate, but lemon juice can also naturally lighten your skin, reducing the appearance of acne scars.

To apply lemon juice to your skin, start by washing your face with warm water and an all-natural soap. To open your pores, hold a warm towel on your face for one to two minutes. After squeezing a tablespoon of lemon juice into a bowl, apply to affected areas and leave on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing.

2. Targets acidosis

For anyone that suffers from arthritis or fibromyalgia, you know that the associated aches and pains can be a lot day in and day out. If you’re someone who suffers from acidosis, you’re experiencing increased acidity in the blood, as well as other body tissues. When this happens, you essentially suffer from a pH imbalance.

To remedy this issue, you’ll want to focus on making your body more alkaline. Luckily, lemon can assist you. Each morning, get into the habit of drinking warm water containing half of a squeezed lemon. Just remember, although this is a great start, in order to truly improve, you’ll need to change your entire diet. Consume more alkaline-forming foods, avoiding processed and fried options.

3. Full body detox

With all the chemicals and toxins we’re exposed to these days, it’s important to regularly flush your body. The “lemon cleanse” was a bit of a fad, as eating nothing and drinking only lemon water isn’t the best idea. With that being said, when you drink lemon water each and every day, you’re going to benefit your gastrointestinal tract.

Based on the structure of lemon juice, it is similar to digestive juices. When ingested, it encourages the liver to produce more bile and, in turn, digestion improves. Lemon water supports the stimulation of key enzyme functions and helps flush out nasty toxins.

Of course, lemon water will just be one component of a full body detox, as you need to focus on other aspects of your diet. A few other key tips are: drink more green tea, purchase organic whenever possible, exercise more often, consume more natural fiber and make a detoxifying smoothie each day.

 4. Improves respiratory issues

Whether you have an infection or suffer from asthma, lemons will support respiratory health. In fact, when suffering from a chest cold or allergies, many individuals will cut fresh lemons and leave them beside their bed, helping them breathe overnight. I have never tried it myself, but many swear by it. You could also use lemon essential oil.

When the lungs become inflamed, air pathways become constricted, making breathing more difficult. Limonene, a molecule found in lemons, has been shown to help inflamed lungs. Within one study, published in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, inhaling lemons was shown to reduce symptoms of asthma and overall inflammation.

5. Double wash produce

You may be thinking, wash fruits and vegetables with lemon juice? Well, that doesn’t sound quite right. Although produce may look clean and shiny after you purchase it from the store, more than likely there are some hidden pesticides coating the outside of your fruit and vegetables.

To make your own DIY produce wash, all you’ll need is lemon juice, water and baking soda. The easiest way to make this wash is to combine ingredients in a spray bottle, spritz your produce, allow to sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse. This is especially important if you’re not purchasing organic fruit and vegetables.

6. Fight infections

Lemon juice is a powerful antibacterial agent. In terms of urinary tract infections, a condition that affects one in five women during their lifetime, lemons can help prevent UTIs by flushing the bladder, expelling potentially infectious bacteria.

As stated in a study, published in the International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, the combination of green tea and lemon are highly effective when aiming to treat UTIs. While focusing on lemons, researchers reported that this fruit enables more of green tea’s unique antioxidant properties as well.

7. Promote positive oral health

Many do not know that their oral health plays a role in their overall well-being. When you suffer from gum disease, for instance, you will experience inflammation of the gums. As plaque builds, if left untreated, the bacteria can influence other areas of your body, such as your heart and lungs.

In order to combat gingivitis, create a natural mouthwash by mixing water with lemon juice. The lemon will help kill bacteria while the acid encourages the breakdown of plaque. Experts recommend that you implement this remedy after you brush your teeth, as your natural toothpaste will help protect tooth enamel, allowing the lemon to strengthen your gums.

8. Benefit from a natural insecticide

If you find that ants are infesting your home, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice in problematic areas — works like a charm! The same is true for insects like mosquitos and fleas. You can either create a flea spray or soak your pet in a lemon-infused solution.

Simply boil a couple of cut lemons for a few minutes, then allow them to steep overnight. Sponge bath your furry friend and voila — it’s an all-natural flea repellent. Apple cider vinegar is also a highly effective solution. To enhance its insecticide properties, combine vinegar with lemon, eucalyptus and citronella essential oil.

9. Lighten your hair

Considering 75 percent of American women color their hair, it’s critical to note that conventional hair dyes contain toxic compounds, including carcinogenic substances. Don’t allow the natural color of your hair to affect your confidence — you’re beautiful as you are. But if you’d like to naturally lighten your hair, lemon will do the trick.

Lemon acts as a bleaching agent. As the sun’s UV rays interact with the acid in lemon juice, your hair goes through acid oxidation, resulting in a lighter shade. As an added benefit, when lemon juice is applied directly to the scalp, it has been shown to treat dandruff and other issues related to the hair and scalp.

 10. Brighten your nails

We use our hands all day, every day, resulting in slightly stained nails. This is especially true if you often use dark nail polishes. If you’re looking to brighten up your nails, lemons will do most of the heavy lifting. Full of alpha-hydroxy acid, lemons have the ability to lighten and brighten your nail fibers.

To try this at home, all you’ll need is a lemon and some warm water. Combine the juice from half of a lemon with one cup of warm water. Dip your fingertips into the solution for five to 10 minutes. If you’d like to strengthen your nails, you can also make a lemon juice and olive oil treatment. Once again, soak for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing.

 11. Clean your cutting boards

Moving away from your health for a quick moment, let’s focus on how you can freshen up your cutting board. After regular use, cutting boards can get kind of yucky, especially if they’re wood. In order to maintain the look of your board while protecting yourself against a buildup of bacteria, test out the ol’ salt and lemon trick.

Not only will this remedy clean your cutting board, but it will also deodorize it. All you’ll need is one lemon peel (I often use one that’s already been juiced after making a vinaigrette) and some coarse sea salt. After you apply salt, scrub with the lemon peel, then use a clean cloth to wipe clean. 

 12. Revive your paintbrushes

Being a painter myself, nothing is more annoying than a brush you forgot to clean, especially if it’s a good one. Although you can wash them, in many cases, they’re just not the same after that. Instead of rubbing the bristles to aggressively, give them a little lemon bath.

Cut up a couple of lemons and place them in a pot of water. Bring the solution to a boil and set your paintbrush into the pot, simmering for around 15 minutes. The lemon juice will help break down the buildup of paint, ensuring that your brushes do not go to waste.

13. Set boundaries for your kitty

Unlike humans, scents such as citrus and aloe are aversive smells. If possible, cats will avoid them. This makes sense, as cats have approximately 200 million odor-sensitive cells in their nostrils, unlike humans, who have five million. Although your family cat is probably more than welcome throughout your home, there may be select areas that you’d like to set as off-limits. A classic example is the Christmas tree — any cat owners know how that can turn out.

Simply combine lemon juice with water, filling up a spray bottle. Now, spray surfaces and areas that you’d like your cat to avoid, including table tops, the kitchen counter, furniture or any other area within your home.

This list is just the beginning. Lemons truly are an incredible fruit that can help you improve all aspects of your life. When you focus on living a more natural, non-toxic life, lemons will be your right-hand man.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tasty Thursday - Simple Banana Muffins

Simple Banana Muffins

I don't know about you, but there are days I need simple, fast, and easy to grab snacks! Especially on the days I work at the Chiropractors office. And these muffins do the trick! They are super easy to make ahead and then I freeze them and pull them on the days I know I am going to need an extra snack or an easy snack that is HEALTHY and SATISFING!! 

And these Banana Muffins do the trick! They fill me up without tacking on the weight or the sugar high and crash! 

They are grain free, sugar free, gluten free, dairy free and TASTE better than banana bread muffin that has all the works and perservatives! 

Oh and when they defrost, they are just as moist and delicious as they would have been being pulled out of the oven. I don't use a microwave to defrost them, I either set them out over night or keep it in the fridge and they defrost by the next morning. 

So whats the recipe?!?!

Here is it. Like I said its SUPER SIMPLE and easy and they make 12 muffins that last me ususally 2-4 weeks depending if the hubby finds them. haha

Banana Muffins 
Makes 12
148 calories per Muffin

4 bananas
7 eggs
1/4 c coconut oil, melted
2 dropperfuls of vanilla stevia
3/4 c Almond Meal
2 T Cinnamon
1 t pink salt
3/4 t baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Grease 9x5 inch loaf pan
Combine bananas, coconut oil, vanilla, and eggs in food processor
Mix in almond flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda
Allow to sit for 3-4 minutes for batter to thicken
Pour batter into loaf pan
Bake for 45-55 minutes

I hope you enjoy these muffins as much as I do. Comment below and let me know when you make them and what you think of them. Oh and if you added anything else to them or changed anything. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Way Back Wednesday - Big Accomplisment in 2016


Proud moment right here!
I finally, actually for the first time, accomplished a NEW YEARS resolution!
For the past 9 years I have had this One Year Bible. It's literally the Bible broken up daily so that you can read it in a year.
I have set a New Years Resolution for the past 9 years to read it and every year I have started out strong and by February or March I would come with excuses and stop finding the time to read it.
BUT NOT 2016!
Last year I did it! EVERY day I made it a part of my daily schedule. I woke up 30 minutes earlier every day, did it before I worked out, and took it on EVERY vacation with me.
So what changed?
For the past 3 years i have worked on my discipline with coaching and on my health and Fitness. Beachbody stresses personal development and I have surrounded myself with ladies in Christ!
I put my faith aside for a while, but this past year I have found it, I have grown my relationship with God, and have seen myself, my discipline and my faith grow!
And I have accomplished a 9 year old New Years Resolution!
So if you are someone that sets the same one every year, don't give up on it! This could be your year! This could be the one year you accomplish it! And let me tell you, it's an amazing accomplishment!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Workout Shoes....How Often Should You Replace them?!?!


Asics, the brand of workout shoes I wear, was having a HUGE sale on the workout shoes I typically buy. So of course I had to buy a new pair, but I couldn't just buy 1. I had to buy multiple! I mean I literally got 2 pairs for the price of 1!!! Or 4 for the price of 2. 🙈🙈
So why have new shoes on hand? And multiple ones? 
How often should you replace your shoes? 
I get these questions a lot when it comes to working out. 
Honestly, I get new shoes every 2/3 months. 
Yes you read that! 3 months being the MAX and that all depends on the workout I have been doing in those shoes.
Your shoes wear down, especially when you workout every single day. When you wear shoes that are old and worn down, your joints start to suffer and you are more prone to injury that way. 
I last replaced my shoes in November. I used them to do 2 rounds of Core De Force, which was a 60 days total PLUS I have been wearing them for 3 weeks with INSANITY MAX 30.

So by now they are falling apart and my joints, aka knees mostly are starting to hurt. 
I like you try to make them last longer, because let's me real, workout shoes are EXPENSIVE!! 
But when I wait too long I suffer!  My knees ache, my back hurts, and my shins bother me. 
Today after switching my old shoes out and wearing my new shoes, my knees feel brand new and my back hasn't ached once! 
And yes they are exactly the same color as my old pair! 😂
So if you feel your legs and lower back are hurting, stop and think about the last time you got new shoes. And if it's been a while go out and get a new pair. 
Yes, they can be costly but it's a lot cheaper then the hospital you could end up dealing with if you injury yourself from old shoes.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Superfoods Drink of Choice in the Morning!

Loaded up on my superfoods for my breakfast this morning to give me that extra boost to my immune system! 

While some people hit up starbucks or dunkin donuts, I am rocking out my daily dose of awesome nutrition because I like how I feel when I am feedin myself fuel to keep me functioning as best as possible. 

Do you know how good your body is designed to feel?

I thought I knew and then I found Shakeology and that was truley a game changer for me!!

This busy CEO needs good fuel, fast fuel, and tasty fuel to keep up with the demands of running a business, building a team, working part time in a Chiro office, and all the germs that come with it! 

Make your lifestyel and your choices work in your FAVOR and not against you!

Raise your glass to your health this year! What its worth to you? Can you put a price tag on the quality of life you deserve?

Friday, January 20, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #112 - Benefits of Pomegranates

Benefits of Pomegranates

Aside from its delicious flavor and versatility of use, pomegranate is quickly becoming popular as a superfood. Pomegranates are positively overflowing with nutrients, including vitamin C, pantothenic acid (otherwise known as vitamin B5) and ellagic acid.

Pantothenic acid is said to increase the production of cortisone, which supports the adrenal glands. It also assists metabolism, alleviates depression, and supports healthy muscle and nerve function. Ellagic acid improves nutrient absorption in the body, particularly in the hair, skin and nails. Pomegranates also contain punicalagins, tannic acids which reduce oxidation and cell stress within the body.

Truly, the pomegranate is worthy of its superfood status. Not surprisingly, studies are showing that pomegranate can be used for a range of health treatments, including:

Improved sex drive
Breast cancer treatment
Blood pressure regulation
Arthritis and joint pain treatment
Cardiovascular support

Despite the growing recognition of pomegranate as a powerful health food, however, few are aware of the fact that pomegranate can also be used for beauty applications. Those same internal benefits from the juice and oil of the pomegranate can also be applied to your hair, skin and nails, helping you to supplement your beauty routine naturally. Here are five ways you can use pomegranate to do just that.

5 Ways to Use Pomegranates In Your Beauty Routine

The pomegranate is one seriously weird, seriously delicious fruit. Pomegranates begin their lives on a small deciduous tree belonging to the Lythraceae family. This curious fruit originated in the region of modern-day Iran and was historically cultivated in Mediterranean countries and northern India.

Today, pomegranates are grown in the Middle East, northern and equatorial Africa, India, Central Asia, the Mediterranean and the southwestern United States. Mirroring this expansion in geographic cultivation, so too has the popularity of pomegranate grown throughout the world. You can now find pomegranates in most supermarkets or market stalls in every corner of the globe.

Pomegranates are valued for their deliciously sweet, slightly tart flavor and rich ruby color. They’re used for a variety of applications, including cooking, baking, salad garnishes, juices, smoothies and cocktails. If you’re like me, however, you’ll like nothing better than to simply cut one in half and scoop out the fleshy arils with a spoon. The taste when you pop them in your mouth is simply out of this world!

1. Pomegranate and green tea facial treatment

Pomegranate is great for your skin, containing a wide range of antioxidants which soak into the pores and replace any lost nutrients. Green tea is a legendary superfood, containing bioactive compounds like flavonoids and catechins which fight free radical damage to both the body and skin.

Combine these two ingredients and you have yourself an amazingly refreshing, sweet smelling facial treatment. Here’s a quick recipe to make a powerful DIY facial mask using only simple, natural ingredients.


1 tbsp fresh brewed green tea
1/2 cup fresh pomegranate arils (fleshy seeds)
1 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tbsp raw honey

1. Place the pomegranate seeds in a blender and blend on low until a paste has formed. Move the paste into a small bowl.
2. Brew a cup of green tea by steeping a green tea bag in boiling water for ten minutes. Once the tea has cooled, add a tablespoon of green tea to the pomegranate paste and mix in.
3. Add the tablespoon of plain yogurt and raw honey and mix everything together until a uniform paste has formed.
4. Rinse your face with cool water and ensure any makeup is removed. Using your hands, gently rub the paste into the skin of your face and leave it on for 30 minutes. Afterward, rinse off with cold water.
5. Repeat once a day for best results.

2. Pomegranate acne treatment

Acne is commonly caused by digestive problems or hormonal imbalance. To address the problem, your need to clean up your diet, by removing food allergens, sugars, gluten and processed foods. It will take a while to remove all the toxins from your system, however, so in the meantime why not make a healthy, natural acne treatment at home?

Pomegranate is a rich source of vitamin C, which can regulate the production of sebum. Sebum is an oily compound produced by your skin, and when in excess can contribute to pimples and acne breakouts. Simply pop down to the store and buy some pure pomegranate juice. Then, using a cotton ball or just your fingers, dab a healthy dose of pomegranate juice onto areas of bad acne or large pimples. This will help to discourage future breakouts and prevent scar tissue from developing in particularly pimple-prone areas.

3. Pomegranate and coconut anti-aging cream

Pomegranates are ultra-high in antioxidants, which are the sworn enemies of free radicals. Free radical activity in both your body and under your skin results in cell oxidation, a process which damages those cells and either kills them or mutates them. The more free radicals are left to run rampant through your body, the faster you and your skin will age.

Due to the antioxidant-rich properties of pomegranates, they can make a great at-home anti-aging treatment. You can simply eat fresh pomegranate every day to experience it’s beautifying benefits from the inside-out, or you can take direct action by applying it to your skin. It helps to combat the pro-aging effects of too much sun exposure on the skin, along with strengthening the epidermis and supporting the production of collagen and elastin. Both collagen and elastin are critical aspects of maintaining skin elasticity, so more of these means smoother, more supple skin.

One of the best ways to enjoy the anti-aging benefits of pomegranate is to make a cream by mixing it with coconut oil. Coconut oil is already well-respected for its skin-promoting abilities, and contains compounds which provide a mild SPF function, hydrate the skin, and prevent bacterial or fungal infection.


1 tbsp pomegranate juice or fresh-ground pomegranate seeds
5 tbsp coconut oil

1. If you have a whole pomegranate in the house but no juice, simply scoop out the seeds from the pomegranate and place them in a blender. Blend on low until a paste forms.

2. Mix either a tablespoon of pomegranate juice or pomegranate seed paste into the coconut oil. Ensure the coconut oil is above room temperature when you do this, so it is easier to mix.

3. Combine the pomegranate and coconut oil until they’re thoroughly mixed together, then leave in a glass jar and use as needed. For best results, apply the anti-aging cream to your skin after showering in the morning and again before bed.

4. Pomegranate and lemon facial treatment

By now, almost everyone knows about the amazing health properties of lemon. They rejuvenate, energize, cleanse and support the body, and can do the same for your skin. Combining these benefits with the power of pomegranate gives you a seriously powerful facial treatment, and one which can be quickly concocted any time.

Simply throw the arils of a whole pomegranate into a blender and combine into a paste. Then squeeze in half a lemon, mix together and apply generously to your face. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes then rinse off with cool water.

Because lemon can increase your sensitivity to sunlight, it’s best to do this at night.

5. Pomegranate anti-inflammatory skin treatment

Pomegranate juice and paste really hold their own against top-rated conventional anti-inflammatory ointments. Pomegranates contain polyphenols and a range of other compounds which actively lower the inflammation occurring both on and under your skin. You can enjoy these anti-inflammatory benefits simply by getting plenty of pomegranate in your diet, or by rubbing the juice of this fruit directly onto inflamed areas.