Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Way Back Wednesday - Big Accomplisment in 2016


Proud moment right here!
I finally, actually for the first time, accomplished a NEW YEARS resolution!
For the past 9 years I have had this One Year Bible. It's literally the Bible broken up daily so that you can read it in a year.
I have set a New Years Resolution for the past 9 years to read it and every year I have started out strong and by February or March I would come with excuses and stop finding the time to read it.
BUT NOT 2016!
Last year I did it! EVERY day I made it a part of my daily schedule. I woke up 30 minutes earlier every day, did it before I worked out, and took it on EVERY vacation with me.
So what changed?
For the past 3 years i have worked on my discipline with coaching and on my health and Fitness. Beachbody stresses personal development and I have surrounded myself with ladies in Christ!
I put my faith aside for a while, but this past year I have found it, I have grown my relationship with God, and have seen myself, my discipline and my faith grow!
And I have accomplished a 9 year old New Years Resolution!
So if you are someone that sets the same one every year, don't give up on it! This could be your year! This could be the one year you accomplish it! And let me tell you, it's an amazing accomplishment!

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