Thursday, January 19, 2017

2 Dozen Eggs Make what?!?!

What all can you make with 2 Dozen Eggs?

Well I took that challenge and I made...
🔷 2 loaves of Bread
🔷 1 dozen Bagels
🔷 6 Mini loaves of Chocolate Banana Bread
And 🔷 1/2 Dozen Donuts
We are stocked up for a while with yummy delicious baked goods! 
I love baking! Can you tell?!?! ðŸ˜œ
What would you make with 2 dozen eggs?
Wondering wht Chocolate Banna Bread is?

Check out this amazing recipe!! Its NEW and my favorite! The banana bread is so moist and delicious!!

Mini Chocolate Banana Bread
6 mini Loaves
295 calories per loaf

4 bananas
7 eggs
1/4 c coconut oil, melted
2 dropperfuls of vanilla stevia
3/4 c Almond Meal
2 T unsweetened cocoa powder
1 t pink salt
3/4 t baking soda

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Grease mini loaf pan (6 mini loaf slots in 1 pan)
Combine bananas, coconut oil, vanilla, and eggs in food processor
Mix in almond meal, cocoa powder, salt, and baking soda
Allow to sit for 3-4 minutes for batter to thicken
Pour batter into loaf pan
Bake for 45-55 minutes

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