Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 1 of insanity

Good Morning!! Happy Monday! Day 1 of insanity is complete! I did the Fit test this morning. It was 26 minutes long. There was about a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down. The fit test was 8 different moves done for a minute straight. The moves were different types of squat jumps, push ups, planks, kicks, power jacks, power knees, etc. All the moves were power moves that worked every inch of your body. I am not going to lie, I am actually sore after doing it. But it felt great and I am excited to see how my numbers increase over the next 60 days. The fit test is done again on day 15, so we will see then. Tomorrows work out is Plyo Cardio Circuit, can' wait to update you on how that goes. I am doing all these workouts in the morning. I am morning person and prefer to start my day with my workout. So 6 AM every morning is when I will be doing Insanity.

Here are my Fit Test results for Day 1.

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