Thursday, August 21, 2014

Good Ole Grange Fair!


The Grange Fair - A Family Tradition

Ever since I was born I have been going to the Grange Fair. You may be wondering what the grange fair is.  The Grange Fair is a Family Tradition and has been going on for 140 years now. The Grange Fair is a city within a town. People come in to Fair and live for more than a week, in tents and campers. This fair is one of the biggest Fairs in the world. People not only come to live for a week but they come to see concerts, ride rides, eat the amazing and yet unhealthy food, play games, and of course see the livestock shows and competitions. The Grange Fair is one of the most uniquely friendly "hometowns" in America!

Like I said earlier this fair has been going on now for 140 years. I have been going to the fair for 30 years. There was never a year that I missed, even when I was in elementary school, middle school, and high school. My mom, who grew up going to the grange fair, pulled us out of school every year to attend this amazing fair. I never had a first day of school with everyone until I became a teacher because of the Grange Fair.

You may be asking what is so special about this fair, and honestly it is undescribed. This fair is seriously like no other fair. The tents that you stay in our like homes. They have beds, electricity, stoves, kitchens, tables, beds, couches, etc. This is not like a camping trip you to take to the woods. Many famous country stars started out preforming at the grange fair. Garth Brooks performed at the fair before he was huge. My uncle always tells the story how he went and saw him and said to my aunt,  he is going to be famous one day. And well I guess you could say he was right. :) The grange fair is a good luck for any and every country singer that has ever come to it, to preform.

We have our own tent at the fair. The tent is in the perfect spot, right beside an intersection. So I love to go and sit and just see all the people and old friends and family. Its like a HUGE family reunion. I have always enjoyed going to the fair, however, if I went for the week nowadays I would end up gaining 10 plus pounds with all the fair food. The bad thing about the fair is there are not many places to get quality healthy food. So this year I am going for 2 days and allowing myself to have one treat each day.

If you have never heard of this fair and live in the Centre County area or outlining areas, this is a must go to. Just for a day to walk around and take it all in. :)

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