Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Plyometric Cardio Circuit Day 2 of Insanity

Good Morning!!! Challenge Accepted!! Today was the true test of Insanity. It was 42 minutes long and I burned 400 Calories!!!  I told my husband that I probably could have burned more but I was learning the moves and trying to pace myself and not jeopardize my form. I did my best and am forgetting the rest. I  know that each time I do this workout I will get stronger. I am proud of myself for how well I did do the first time through.
So what was the work out like? Well it was 42 minutes long and the first 10 minutes was a fast pace warm out circuit. We went through the circuit 3 times each, starting at 30 seconds per move working up to a minute per move. It was good and got the heart rate up and the blood flowing for the morning. Then he moved into a 10 minute stretch where we stretched all our muscles, especially the legs. After that we moved into 2 different circuit's that were fast paced and up and down.  The circuits went through 3 times each getting longer each time through. There wasn't a lot of jumping in this workout. There were 3 different types of plank moves, where I had to slow down and go at my own pace and I had to stop and get into childs pose for a few seconds to stretch my arms.
This work reminded me of how he sets up Speed 2.0, Core Speed, and Speed 3.0 in T25 however, instead of it getting shorter by round 3 it gets longer. :)
Am I in love with this program? Not yet, but I see myself falling in love with it. It was definitely the switch up I needed. I can't wait to see my results in 60 days!

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