Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3 Day Refresh!! Starts today!!!

It's BAAACCCKKK!! Yes I am doing the 3 Day Refresh again for the second time. I did it back in July and lost 7 pounds with it!!! At that time I was traveling a lot and needed to get back on the right eating plan before my wedding. My goal was to loose weight. This time around my goal is different.

For the past 2 months my life has been stressful, to say the least. First off being a newly wed and living with your parents isn't fun! Also living with your parents who eat crap and lots of gluten when you have celiac's is killer. My parents have never lived with me since I was diagnosed with Celiac's and its hard for them to comprehend it all. However, with all the cooking and baking my mom does it has really caused me to be sick and struggle. Plus its battle with her because she doesn't get it and doesn't think its that serious!! Which equals stressful!

Also over a month ago my husband fell out of a truck at work and needed to have surgery because he ruptured his quad tendon. This has put a lot of strain on our relationship with him not being able to drive, needing assistance with everything he does, and not being able to workout like he use to. I know that would drive me crazy. However, once again this too has been very stressful on the 2 of us.

As you can see there is a theme here. Its stress. So this time around I am doing the Refresh to hid my body of all the stress it has endured over the past 2 months. Also rid it of all the toxic gluten I have in haled. Also because my name is Jaissa Yahner and I am addicted to Peanut Butter, like eat it by the spoonful, add chocolate chips to it, sneak it, find every excuse to put it in a shake or on something, ADDICTED!!! So yes, I am using the refresh to wean myself off of it.

I am excited and have all the meals planed out and ready to go. This time I am going to try to drink tea on it to help keep me full.

I will post the next 4 days to keep me accountable and to let you all know how I am feeling!

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