Thursday, October 23, 2014

More foods to eat that will boost your metabolism

MORE foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!
  1.    Green Tea: Green tea is one of the best metabolism-boosters you can drink!  In fact, green tea is one of the main ingredients in many expensive fat burning supplements on the market. Green tea also helps decrease your risk of cancer, reduces food cravings, helps maintain weight loss, and contains just enough caffeine to help get you going in the morning.


2.    Greek Yogurt: Greek-style natural yogurt is best; it contains much less sugar and much more protein than other varieties. But, any kind of low-fat yogurt (look for one with the lowest sugar content) also contains many pro-biotic cultures that are necessary for maintaining a healthy digestive system, and is high in protein and much-needed calcium (another great fat-burner)!


3.    Peanut Butter: Peanut butter is a diet secret. While it does contain a high amount of calories per spoonful (don’t eat it out of the jar), it also contains a ton of essential fatty acids, fiber, and even protein.  Try spreading it on a sliced banana, or on celery with raisins for an amazing study snack!

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