Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Be willing to pay the price


Good Morning! Happy Wednesday!!! BE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE If you don't choose to do something to become successful, you will become unsuccessful for the rest of your life. Yes, making the choice to be successful will mean that you have to pay a price. BUT....anything worth having is worth paying the price for. Price doesn't mean a huge, painful sacrifice no matter how huge your goals are. It's small baby steps, east to do! However whatever you goal or dream is, you will have to give something up. Giving up something may be small, like the junk food, or sleeping in, or always needing to be right. Remember whatever price you pay, there's a bigger price to pay for not doing it than the price for doing it! The price of neglect is much worse than the price of the discipline. It may take 6 years and 15,000 hours to put your success on track, but it takes a lifetime to fail. What will you choose? Will you give up something to become successful or will you opt out and continue to be unsuccessful?

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