Thursday, October 2, 2014

Foods that Set your Metabolism on Fire and BOOST your energy ALL day!

3 foods that set your Metabolism on Fire and Boost your Energy All Day!

1.    Almonds: Although all nuts are generally very good for you, almonds are the winner!  They are loaded with healthy fat, fiber, and protein, and contain just the right proportions of essential fatty acids that you need to raise your metabolism. Nuts are high in calories though, so don’t go overboard!  10 – 15 almonds equals one serving…. Not 50. Pine nuts, cashews and walnuts are also very good choices… but again, make sure you don’t eat too many.

2.    Apples: An apple a day is good for more than just “keeping the doctor away”; Apples are also great for keeping fat away! Each apple is loaded with 15% of your daily recommended fiber, which impedes absorption of glucose in the bloodstream to help regulate blood glucose levels by slowing the absorption of dietary sugar intake. Apples will also make you feel full longer, help keep your digestive system healthy and strong, and contain a plethora of phytonutrients that function as antioxidants. Apples are also the only fruit that contains the flavinoid “phlorizdon”, which has been found to play a key role in improving lung function, especially in women with asthma.

3.    Beans: Beans are loaded with fiber and protein that helps you feel full longer, and helps keep your digestive system healthy and active! Again, not TOO many though… or your roommate/boyfriend/husband might stop liking you.

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