Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Goals

Its a new month! And at the beginning of each moth I reflect on what I want to accomplish, I what I accomplished last month and what I didn't accomplish. These are my goals for the month of October. I know it is going to be a BIG BUSY month but I am excited for it!!!
I ask for all my coaches on my down line to do this every month! It is a great way for all of us to hold each other accountable. And to show each other where we want to go with our business and grow personally.
3 Non negotiable on my goals each month are: 1. Reading Personal Development. 2. Hitting Success Club and 3. Inviting others to join me in this amazing journey!  
October is all about Fall and changing!! What are your goals for this month? What do you want to accomplish? Change? Create? Do you have any non negotiable goals you like to hit / accomplish each month?

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