Friday, October 10, 2014

Marriage is not EASY!!! It isn't roses and romance all the time. It isn't sweet talks and fun 24/7! Marriage is tough! It's hard. It's stressful. And sometimes it can be no fun! BUT guess's worth it!
If you find that right guy, the one that treats you like a princess, knows when to apologize, knows when to compliment you, knows when to just give you a hug, then the good days, and good times, out weight the bad ones.
Tuesday was when Rich and I had been married for 3 MONTHS! Yes only 3 months and this past month has been the hardest and true test to our relationship. With his injury and his surgery, things have been tough, and there are days I just want to scream and cry, but never are there days that I just want to run away. I married my prince charming, my forever love and I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING in the world. I LOVE HIM to the moon and back.
We aren't perfect! We are two adults that have lived on their own for so many years that we are learning to live with one another, to think about the other one, to remember its not ALL about ME. However, we communicate, we talk, we listen, and we work things out. Maybe not right away, but we know when other one needs time to cool down and be alone for a while.
These past 3 months have been a trial but I wouldn't take them back, I wouldn't change anything, and I certainly wouldn't be where I am today. I am Mrs. Yahner. I am married to an amazing, caring, loving, spoiled, stubborn Irish man. And I love him for everything that he is and all his weird quirks. He is my number one fan. He supports me in my dreams, and he helps me be a better more open person each day. I am thankful everyday that God brought him into my life, because I don't know where I would be without him today!
Rich I love you more than you will ever know. These past 3 months have been amazing, stressful, and an adventure and I wouldn't want anyone else by side going through all of it, other than you!!!

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